The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Lil old me said:
No i realise...but ive been told getting into 0.0 does require a bs due to the gate camps. Once you're there its cool though.
In many ways, a BS is the worst thing you can use to get through a gate camp. Very slow to align and warp and therefore you're very vulnerable to being warp scrambled. Unless you use the well known technicque called 'Edening it' which is filling every single low slot you own with Warp Core Stabs. Named ones preferably ;)

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Feek said:
In many ways, a BS is the worst thing you can use to get through a gate camp. Very slow to align and warp and therefore you're very vulnerable to being warp scrambled. Unless you use the well known technicque called 'Edening it' which is filling every single low slot you own with Warp Core Stabs. Named ones preferably.


Quoted for truth
Feek said:
In many ways, a BS is the worst thing you can use to get through a gate camp. Very slow to align and warp and therefore you're very vulnerable to being warp scrambled. Unless you use the well known technicque called 'Edening it' which is filling every single low slot you own with Warp Core Stabs. Named ones preferably.


they are know as W. C. S. Q. F. T. N.

Warp Core Stabbing Queens from the North.
Feek said:
In many ways, a BS is the worst thing you can use to get through a gate camp. Very slow to align and warp and therefore you're very vulnerable to being warp scrambled. Unless you use the well known technicque called 'Edening it' which is filling every single low slot you own with Warp Core Stabs. Named ones preferably ;)



gonna show the men from the boys when they get nerfed.
Phoen1x said:
Cheers - what are the things I really shouldn't remove, if any?

Depends on where you are, what you're doing really, personally I leave it all up most of the time, unless you're doing something specific like fighting wars in high sec systems with a lot of gate npcs, then maybe remove them. I'ts all down to personal taste really
Feek said:
In many ways, a BS is the worst thing you can use to get through a gate camp. Very slow to align and warp and therefore you're very vulnerable to being warp scrambled. Unless you use the well known technicque called 'Edening it' which is filling every single low slot you own with Warp Core Stabs. Named ones preferably ;)


Agree with that, To be honest if I'm gonna move a BS from/to 0.0 on my own I'll try and get up a bit earlier in the morning, and do it when the server is less busy, so you get less chance or running into gate camps.

If you're gonna move anything valuable I'd go for an Interceptor with a MWD and warp core stabs. Those + a deccent set of BM's make inties just about uncatchable unless the campers are using a bubble, then your MWD will get you out of the way sharpish :)
Inquisitor said:
What corp are you in? I'm also in the F-E (in the British Space Corporation), and moving a few of my ships back up to IMK over the weekend :cool:

Im in a corp called ShadowHand mate, so no doubt i'll see you around soon, my ingame name is 'K41 51N'. I also have to start moving some ships upto IMK soon, oh and R.I.S.K are gits, they keep running circles around us in their uber quick ceptors lol :rolleyes: :D
MeAnBoY said:
Im in a corp called ShadowHand mate, so no doubt i'll see you around soon, my ingame name is 'K41 51N'. I also have to start moving some ships upto IMK soon, oh and R.I.S.K are gits, they keep running circles around us in their uber quick ceptors lol :rolleyes: :D

WELL GET in Assualt Frigates and Pwn their asses
Feek said:
In many ways, a BS is the worst thing you can use to get through a gate camp. Very slow to align and warp and therefore you're very vulnerable to being warp scrambled. Unless you use the well known technicque called 'Edening it' which is filling every single low slot you own with Warp Core Stabs. Named ones preferably ;)


Very good point. I am following the advice of my corp here as obviously I have no experience of this. One of the members did say he has instas and the suggestion would be I need a full complement of stabs! The advantage i can see is not being insta ganked...well i dont think ill be trying for a while yet anyway!
Windle said:
Anybody? Good incursus pvp setup?


3 Ion Blasters
Web, Mwd, Scram
Nano, Cap relay


3x 125mm rail
ab, scram, damp/tracking disruptor
nano, cap relay

DO NOT PUT WCS ON A TECH I FRIG, seriously by the time you realise your going to need to warp out..your dead.


Hi, my name is Aakron and im an alc.. lol I'm currently a CEO of a small corp simply because hanging around in a noob corp sucks, not interested in actually running a long term corp. I dabble in missions and pvp (pirating friends of iron and g mostly :p).

I fly Thorax, Dominix and Ishkur and Enyo..i've just got techII drones and my aim is to take out lots of ships bigger than my AF. (Drone spec skills cost 15M per race and you need all 4 really :p :o)
Anway I'm just around to have some fun at the moment whilst training some more useful skills before I'd like to head back to 0.0.
In a techI frig you'd probably be instapopped if you met more than a few ships, and it really gimps your setup to give away your two lows to WCS.
wordy said:
Fought against your corp last year while ASCI (my old corp) was a member of the old Stain Allaince

You guys worked with ROME a lot if I remember correctly

Yeah we made some good friends in ROME. Some of our greatest battles were against the old stain alliance. I remember at the fall of SA mark1, we faught a fleet of 60 with just 6 of us an won. That was a crazy fight.
AlienWhere said:
In a techI frig you'd probably be instapopped if you met more than a few ships, and it really gimps your setup to give away your two lows to WCS.

Just got nerfed in 5seconds by a Thorax :-o
Nope, logged on in IMK in a Crusader to see waht was going on, but I couldn't be bothered to join it so logged off :o

Ingame name is Inquisitus by the way.
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