The *Official* Eve Online Thread

250mm scouts could be from 350,000 to 600,000 ISK each depending on where you are and whether you want to pick up a set or trawl several systems picking up one at a time. :)
daz said:
250mm scouts could be from 350,000 to 600,000 ISK each depending on where you are and whether you want to pick up a set or trawl several systems picking up one at a time. :)

hehe, thanks! I know how that goes.... sometimes I just bite the bullet and pay a bit more, saves me 20 mins of jumping from gate to gate.. :D
I use 250 rails on my Megathron when I'm doing level 3 missions, or for level 4's where they get up close and personal, and I mostly use thorium, because it's a nice compromise. If I'm getting in close, I'll use antimatter, and Tungsten for range. I don;t bother with any of the others, don;t see the point in lugging about 800 of each type, just on the offchance I 'might' need to change my optimim range.
Archangelus said:
I don;t bother with any of the others, don;t see the point in lugging about 800 of each type, just on the offchance I 'might' need to change my optimim range.

I've needed to use plutonium before to ease the drain on my cap to keep my tank running. :)
Lost my first ship 2day :(..

Was hunting some pirates in a .8 system. Went and watched a bit of tv and fell asleep.. LOL.. needless to say when I woke up.. My merlin was not :(..

Live and learn.. always park up before doing anything else.
ribbo said:
blimey mr solo, i goto the pub and you boys loose a load of bs + your harpy to us, what did i miss?

Hehe, well rather an unfortunate evening for me that is. Was flying around dek to try and meet up with a friendly gang, came across a hostile faction mega, needed to warp away because i was only in my lil harpy, click warp, nothing, clicked it again, nothing, by this time i was webbed, jammed, scrambled and being pounded by heavy t2 neutorns, happy days :)

As for the other battleships, well thats just bleh. I wasnt involved in those engagements but from what i hear our pilots were engaged by a comprable fleet, then another 3-4 bob jump into system. Bit cheap really, typical of eve, no one wants to fight a force of comprable or superior firepower, so they call their buddies in for a gank fest. The other battleships we lost were to "cheap" tactics, i.e. like a cov ops waiting for one of your pilots to engage a npc spawn then having the other bob jump on top of him. So ships several ships + an npc bs spawn vs one of our battleships.

Its all good fun tho, i just wish that the hostiles would get some balls and actually engage when 1) they dont have an npc spawn helping them, 2) they dont have atleast 3 more wingmates. But hey you cant have it all ehh.
DanSolo said:
Hehe, well rather an unfortunate evening for me that is. Was flying around dek to try and meet up with a friendly gang, came across a hostile faction mega, needed to warp away because i was only in my lil harpy, click warp, nothing, clicked it again, nothing, by this time i was webbed, jammed, scrambled and being pounded by heavy t2 neutorns, happy days :)

As for the other battleships, well thats just bleh. I wasnt involved in those engagements but from what i hear our pilots were engaged by a comprable fleet, then another 3-4 bob jump into system. Bit cheap really, typical of eve, no one wants to fight a force of comprable or superior firepower, so they call their buddies in for a gank fest. The other battleships we lost were to "cheap" tactics, i.e. like a cov ops waiting for one of your pilots to engage a npc spawn then having the other bob jump on top of him. So ships several ships + an npc bs spawn vs one of our battleships.

Its all good fun tho, i just wish that the hostiles would get some balls and actually engage when 1) they dont have an npc spawn helping them, 2) they dont have atleast 3 more wingmates. But hey you cant have it all ehh.

killboard mentality, we all sit in the same teamspeak room and try to kill people as soon as we can, mostly because if they get away we get angry, but if someone in xx system goes "im engaging a hostile" sorry, but your not going to get any pilots nearby to stay away unless it's a arranged 1vs1.

we're hungry, we kill, we enjoy killing and if we can mock people by killing them in funny ways then why not :D
ribbo said:
killboard mentality, we all sit in the same teamspeak room and try to kill people as soon as we can, mostly because if they get away we get angry, but if someone in xx system goes "im engaging a hostile" sorry, but your not going to get any pilots nearby to stay away unless it's a arranged 1vs1.

we're hungry, we kill, we enjoy killing and if we can mock people by killing them in funny ways then why not :D

yeah thats understandable, just frustrating. Still its not the end of the world, we nailed a few hostiles over the last couple of days :)

My favorite story of this weekend, was the bob cov ops in the region, was smacktalking us, 15 mins later he was flying home in his pod. :)
hehe, they certainly are crazy :P

one thing ive noticed that if you disregard pod, noobie ship and shuttle kills from both sides that puts us about (dfc) 14kills to 15kills (bob). Not too shabby :) :p

We loose ships because were one of the few corps up there that are willing to fight, it really is hardwork sometimes, you try and get a gang together and no one is interested. Heres an unquoted example

DFC member : Are we forming a gang to go after these hostiles?
Dek resident : Just dock up and wait for them to go away.
DFC member: So your willing to let them roam across the region as they please?
Dek resident : If you dont like it go back to empire.
DFC member: if everyone in x station undocked in a t1 cruiser we could nail a couple of them easy.
Dek resident: (No Reply)

Cool huh.
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Well it finally happened. Over 10 months of PVPing in my Raven. My 4th insurance contract. 2 patches had changed my setups. And my trusted Dark Blood Warp Disruptor. Today went pop. The official reason: I overestimated my structure tanking ability. :D

Myself and 2 corp mates were roaming around Red Alliance Space. We gank a scorp. Then, they set up a gatecamp for us.

BE: Stabber, 2 ravens
RA: Mega, tempest, arma, nemesis

After killing the nemsis, arma and mega we go nextdoor to log for 30 mins. When we come back there are 8 hostiles in local. Our stabber finds one and goes for him. He warps to another gate. Fortunatly, our stabber pilot catches him and we warp in to kill him. As we arrive 4 more enemy bs arrive quite close to us. We could have warped out, but we decided to stay and kill the tempest. He goes down. I'm currently at 15% armour, but all the BS are jammed and nobody is shooting me. We start shooting a rupture thats trying to tackle me, Unfortunatly as this is going on, About 20 drones land on me and kill me before I can click warp. Our other raven gets out. Later, the stabber and the other raven kill another 2 bs.

I have to say, I felt a bit stupid, but this had been a long time coming. I have survived hundreds of hugely outnumbered fights, and in the process gotten over 200 killmails and been on thousands.

Still, as may of you know, I am a multi-billionaire so loosing a raven (even t2 fitted one) is a drop in the ocean. The damage to my ego on the otherhand, a lot greater.

My 28km warp disruptor had gotten at least 50 extra bs kills that we otherwise would not have got. The loot from these has paid for the mod (which I purchased for 60 mil) 10 times over. I highly reccomend using them, although nobody seems to be selling them right now. Looks like I'll have to make do with 20km :(.

I am Shin Ra, ceo of BURN EDEN.
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Played mate :) I'm just starting off my foray into PvP, been playing for over a year, and have decided I want to try the 0.0 side of things :D I consider this to be EVE's greatest strength over any other MMO game, after a year of playing and a year of having my attention held in empire space and half of the game, I'm now able to move onto a totally new experience in the same game :D how many other games can say that :D
DanSolo said:
We loose ships because were one of the few corps up there that are willing to fight, it really is hardwork sometimes, you try and get a gang together and no one is interested. Heres an unquoted example

As much as the [G] war is annoying, this is one good benefit for ASCN that we've seen as a direct consequence. Everyone but everyone is pulling their weight, participating in PvP and the like. We have about equal numbers on during their European TZ Peak, which often turns things into a game of blobbing, and then we outnumber them during american TZ peak. Its great to see everyone pulling their weight and giving their best to stand firm in the face of G aggression.

I must confess to a certain amount of curiosity as to how long G can remain down south and attacking us without their being reprisals from the North. How many of these mining / industrial corps that pay a tithe to G are going to be happy with the lack of protection they're currently getting from G? If they lose that income that can't be good for them.
DanSolo said:
hehe, they certainly are crazy :P

one thing ive noticed that if you disregard pod, noobie ship and shuttle kills from both sides that puts us about (dfc) 14kills to 15kills (bob). Not too shabby :) :p

We loose ships because were one of the few corps up there that are willing to fight, it really is hardwork sometimes, you try and get a gang together and no one is interested. Heres an unquoted example

DFC member : Are we forming a gang to go after these hostiles?
Dek resident : Just dock up and wait for them to go away.
DFC member: So your willing to let them roam across the region as they please?
Dek resident : If you dont like it go back to empire.
DFC member: if everyone in x station undocked in a t1 cruiser we could nail a couple of them easy.
Dek resident: (No Reply)

Cool huh.

used to be the same when i was in PA mate

"what do we do about bob?"

"hide, they'll get bored eventually and leave"

rock on!

reason why those figures are good looking is that we dont see you guys in space much but you've always got at least 1 person in the dek fleets that score kills against us.

and your right if everyone undocked in t1 cruisers then you'll put up an ace fight and prolly kill a few of us, i believe thats what wilik done when he lost his thorax, he just wanted to take 1 of his agressors down (2 ints and 1 demios) it would deffo make my gamelife a lot more fun if everyone put up a fight :D

Dj_Jestar said:
Fighting, whether losing or winning is fun.

Mind you, I probably only say that because I lose far, far more often than I win :p

it doesn't matter if you win or loose, it's how you fight the fight and the fact that you're prepared to fight that's important, an attitude that cost me a Megat a couple of weeks ago against a pair of belt roaming assault cruisers in 0.0.

ok, it cost me..... 60m in modules and loot, but was great fun, even if I did get my backside handed to me in comprehensive style :) I, unlike Cryptkeeper, am not a multibillionaire, so 60m hurt at the time, but I've lost a t'rax since in 2v1 PvP against a t'rax and an interceptor, but took the intie with me. I'm getting a taste for blood, and I actually look forward to someone in a comparable ship engaging me!

Ok, the BS's that sit 60k off a gate and decide I'll be a good target when I'm in my 'rax aren't much fun, but that's part of the game, I suppose.

Current score
Losses 4, wins 1, draws (warp out by other party) 1
Cost to me 150m ish, modules looted erm.... about 100k!
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