The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Archangelus said:
it doesn't matter if you win or loose, it's how you fight the fight and the fact that you're prepared to fight that's important, an attitude that cost me a Megat a couple of weeks ago against a pair of belt roaming assault cruisers in 0.0.

ok, it cost me..... 60m in modules and loot, but was great fun, even if I did get my backside handed to me in comprehensive style :) I, unlike Cryptkeeper, am not a multibillionaire, so 60m hurt at the time, but I've lost a t'rax since in 2v1 PvP against a t'rax and an interceptor, but took the intie with me. I'm getting a taste for blood, and I actually look forward to someone in a comparable ship engaging me!

Ok, the BS's that sit 60k off a gate and decide I'll be a good target when I'm in my 'rax aren't much fun, but that's part of the game, I suppose.

Current score
Losses 4, wins 1, draws (warp out by other party) 1
Cost to me 150m ish, modules looted erm.... about 100k!

Good attitudes to have guys!

Personally I don't do much pvp at the mo because I'm living in empire for a couple of weeks but have taken part in it quite extensivelly over the past 2 years 8 months

What does irk me about it tho is for a lot of people it is a killmail competition and they use it as an excuse to have a dick wagging contest and go around bragging how much they pwn.

I find it much more enjoyable when it is being done for a reason as opposed to mindless ganking
ribbo said:
used to be the same when i was in PA mate

"what do we do about bob?"

"hide, they'll get bored eventually and leave"

rock on!

reason why those figures are good looking is that we dont see you guys in space much but you've always got at least 1 person in the dek fleets that score kills against us.

and your right if everyone undocked in t1 cruisers then you'll put up an ace fight and prolly kill a few of us, i believe thats what wilik done when he lost his thorax, he just wanted to take 1 of his agressors down (2 ints and 1 demios) it would deffo make my gamelife a lot more fun if everyone put up a fight :D


yeah seems like hiding from BoB is a common eve occurance :P

It jsut winds me up when DFC have to pay for the privelage of being in dek space, and at the same time we are pretty much the most active in its defense ;/

i see what you mean about the figures, but if you gonna play it that way most of your kills have come about via gank squads of various BoB corporations :P So i recon its all about evens :) :P. Obviously your players are bound to be more effective in that role, as that is exactly what your there to do, but at the end of the day, for a mostly cobbled together fleet at a moments notice, i dont think were doing too bad :)

Now i just gotta convince the carebear muppets (non -dfc) that stay docked 24/7 to actually put up a fight, instead of being a bunch of pussys.
DanSolo said:
yeah seems like hiding from BoB is a common eve occurance :P

It jsut winds me up when DFC have to pay for the privelage of being in dek space, and at the same time we are pretty much the most active in its defense ;/

i see what you mean about the figures, but if you gonna play it that way most of your kills have come about via gank squads of various BoB corporations :P So i recon its all about evens :) :P. Obviously your players are bound to be more effective in that role, as that is exactly what your there to do, but at the end of the day, for a mostly cobbled together fleet at a moments notice, i dont think were doing too bad :)

Now i just gotta convince the carebear muppets (non -dfc) that stay docked 24/7 to actually put up a fight, instead of being a bunch of pussys.

viva-le reveloution mate, kick iron out of dek :D
Windle said:
I can answer number 3 for you, i mine in 0.6 and 0.7 quite frequently and 3 Medium Drones are easily enough to handle the rats. Normally with another 2 in the drone bay of my retriever and your laughing.

If your looking for a industrial corp i could probably hook you up, in a middling sized industrial mining corp, we do large scale belt strippings, smaller ops. Research and Manufacture and corp will supply equipment/ships and sell you them at a cheap rate if you wish. We are currently at war with a griefing corp so some pvp action going on and located in a good section of space.

Regarding the Medium drones, which are best to use? I was scouting around the Market last night and could only see one type of combat drone, which would be best for me to use to help defend myself while mining solo.

ribbo said:
viva-le reveloution mate, kick iron out of dek :D

lol ;)

WTS: Deklein Region, plenty of stations full of people docked, amongst other excellent hiding spots, lots of miner 2 on market, previous owner moved at short notice, 50isk for a quick sale. :) ;) :p
I don't mind being hunted down if I'm in low-sec ratting, but when people just sit at a gate and try to take you down as you come through..... it's just not cricket! I know Gates are chokepoints, and I know tactically it's a valid method of engagement, but it's like shooting fish in a barrel, where's the skill in that? Same with players in BS's that take out smaller ships in lowsec just for the fun of it. If it's a corp war thing, then fair enough, but just fly-by shootings BS against a cruiser or a frigate? Please....
Archangelus said:
I don't mind being hunted down if I'm in low-sec ratting, but when people just sit at a gate and try to take you down as you come through..... it's just not cricket! I know Gates are chokepoints, and I know tactically it's a valid method of engagement, but it's like shooting fish in a barrel, where's the skill in that? Same with players in BS's that take out smaller ships in lowsec just for the fun of it. If it's a corp war thing, then fair enough, but just fly-by shootings BS against a cruiser or a frigate? Please....

Hehe gank squads suck!
Banik said:
Regarding the Medium drones, which are best to use? I was scouting around the Market last night and could only see one type of combat drone, which would be best for me to use to help defend myself while mining solo.


Depends on how far you are willing to travel to get a certain drone, the main difference is that the drones do different types of dmg. (Kinetic Explosive etc) but they do also have a small difference in hp/speed aswell I think, but apart from dmg type there isn't much difference(as far as i can remeber anyway :p )
Banik said:
Regarding the Medium drones, which are best to use? I was scouting around the Market last night and could only see one type of combat drone, which would be best for me to use to help defend myself while mining solo.


In 0.7 even 3 Medium Scout drones will look after you.
Also use the drones that do the most damage to the rat type, i.e. kinetic (hammerheads, M) against guristas, etc.... Besterkers (H) against angels, etc.....
Most of the time though its better to tank the damage while you mine....
DanSolo said:
It jsut winds me up when DFC have to pay for the privelage of being in dek space, and at the same time we are pretty much the most active in its defense ;/

To be honest, if thats how you feel, Kick 'em out, or move on.
Eve in 0.0 space is very much about the strenth and the willingness to fight and give it your all.
If you're in 0.0 space and not prepared to defend it, you deserve to lose it. If you're in 0.0 space and you're the only one fighting for it, and yet not calling the shots, why aren't you calling the shots? Why should some fool not prepared to work for and earn the priviledge of 0.0 space tell you who is what to do?
ASCN came to be because CLS/DDC et al got ****** off with being about the only people in the whole of XF actually prepared to defend the space, all the whilst everyone else was ranting at them for, for example, strategically withdrawing from a region so the defence forces weren't spread so thin; or arguing in council passing motions back and forth about how we should do this or do that instead of actually doing what was necessary to hold the space.
I made the mistake of taking on the final mission of an Angel Strike storyline mission this morning, the apoc is going to be in drydock for a long time! :(
wordy said:
How long has everyone been palying EVE? What corps/alliances are you a member of?

I've been playing since July '04 so 17 months there and abouts. I am a member of Freelancer Union, executor corp of Freelancer Alliance, also I'm a senior member on the FLA Council.

Oddly enough I never wanted to be in an alliance, they actually annoy the hell out of me more offten than not, funny how things turn out :)

And Fox, I had no idea you even played Eve, Mondeo man becomes a blasterthron driving RKK pilot with a penchant for death and destruction ... hehe I dunno why that just makes me smile :p
Moeks said:
I've been playing since July '04 so 17 months there and abouts. I am a member of Freelancer Union, executor corp of Freelancer Alliance, also I'm a senior member on the FLA Council.

Oddly enough I never wanted to be in an alliance, they actually annoy the hell out of me more offten than not, funny how things turn out :)

And Fox, I had no idea you even played Eve, Mondeo man becomes a blasterthron driving RKK pilot with a penchant for death and destruction ... hehe I dunno why that just makes me smile :p

Driving a mondeo gives you an RL agression lobotamy. It comes out in game. Especially if its an estate MK1 mondeo with a heated windscreen.
227m yay.

117.5m to being killed while lagged out at a hostile POS i was shooting at. BOO

'am i ok?'
'because i have no control of my ship, and havent for the past 2 mins'
'your ok...oh wait, guns are on you'
'support on kinsy'
'when i lagged i had guns hardeners and rep on, ill have run out of cap and be unhardened btw'

'no read me cos your dead'

/throws pc out of window, stabs people etc etc.
~~ [G] Forces secure Weapons of MASS Destruction in Stain ~~

Major Victory for [G] Alliance, SA about to disband

"I still cant fully believe it," [G] Spokesperson Gyro DuAquin was overheared saying. "We came prepared for a long campaign against an enemy that outnumbers us and is deeply entrenched, and now we have achieved total victory after such a short time." Later that night, the news spread like a wildfire: the biggest corporate entity in the universe of EvE, know as "Stain- Allaince", has succumbed to the assault by [G] and allied forces and is about to disband. The end of SA marks the end of a danger to all civilized space. "According to our sources, thebold of SA was trying to start a 'total war', and we in [G] are glad we have ended this inhuman scheme just in time," said Gyro.

This major victory for [G] comes as no surprise. Its only a mere two weeks since [G] ended a successful campaign and managed to achieve a favorable peace agreement after their empire war with ASCN. Rumor has it the peace contract included docking rights and free travel through ASCN space to help with the upcoming invasion against SA, but the details have not been revealed to the public.

"If you go against the enemies of freedom whereever they are, you cant go without strong friends you can trust," added Fleetcommander Bratzo. "Those IRON guys and gals aim in the same general direction as we do, and we both know a thing or two bout aiming. If you catch my meaning." Reports from the former warzone indicate IRON did a great deal in helping to keep the supply lines clear for [G] convoys and troops. [G] Alliance has also extended their thanks to the newly formed RAZOR Alliance. It is not clear what role this still young new faction has filled in this epic conflict.

Senior Fleetcommander Wildcard, CEO of Steelvipers Corporation, explained the problems [G] had to overcome in this remarkable military operation: "We moved several freighter loads of equipment some 20 jumps through potentially hostile space. A logistical nightmare if you ask me, but we have done it right on schedule." The hard work has payed off in full: [G] Alliance managed to be the first to claim a player built outpost from an opposing faction. [G] Lead has denied all rumours claiming a large sum of money has been payed by a third party for the aquisition of the outpost. Gyro DeAquin stated: "We are no mercenaries. We fight whereever we see the future of EvE in danger, not only for economic gain."

"Our priorities now are clear: We need to establish a political solution for the former SA territory. If we can achieve stabilty in that old warzone, we could transform this victory for [G] in a victory for all of EvE." No concrete plans were announced at this time, but a stewardship over the region by a neighbouring alliance was discussed as well as reinstating the old souvereign, Stain-Empire. [G] is expected to relocate its main fleet to an undisclosed solar system in the Fade region in the space of two weeks.


ribbo said:
i had a fun night last night, must have sent wilik and sn8kez back to they're cloning stations a few times :D

hehe, good stuff. Although in all fairness it looks like we were fielding T1 frigs and ended taking a fair few juicy targets down. Thats what i like to see. :)
Personally i cant beleive i missed this weekend, had to do couple stuff with the woman all weekend, in the mean time the carp is hitting the fan, dammit. :)
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