***The Official Fifa 10 Thread***

Thinking about it, if I'm honest, this is what I think FIFA is currently missing.

  • Quick throws/corners
  • Extra commentary with more variation
  • Officials getting offsides wrong
  • Officials getting fouls wrong (although this sometimes seem to happen now... though not intended).
  • Keepers still need tweaking slightly, it's too easy to lob them now... but they're MUCH better this year
  • Possibly add in dives, I'm not a fan of this in games... but it happens so often in real life it's hard to ignore it.

We'll see what the full game offers in terms of manager mode, this is where I live in FIFA...

Can't think of much more in terms of gameplay I'd like to see added, not off the top of my head anyway.

im finding when ai are one on one with my keeper they always try the lob with good effect , i think it needs toneing down slightly?
I hope that too, the CPU does always seem to use lobs now 1v1. Fingers crossed it's toned down in the final game.

Two weeks on Friday woohoo, although I do have a week of the mother in-law to endure first. :eek:
tevez is only 82 ? isnt he 85 in 09? how does his player rating go down? Adebayour only 84 as well. You reckon these will change for the release?
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The ratings before you go into the games seem glitched... especially keepers.

Cech is rated 66 over all and Buffon is 68 (or so) before you enter the game. I think their positioning is set to 1 overall... but when you enter a game they shoot up to 88+

So I'm not sure the ratings are nailed yet to be honest.
Can anyone tell me something, when using the Alternate controls, how do you keep the free kick accuracy down? I swear in 09 it was hold LB + X but when I do it on 10 it seems to always aim the free kicks lower. I remember scoring loads of them on 09 but 10 seems harder.
Can anyone tell me something, when using the Alternate controls, how do you keep the free kick accuracy down? I swear in 09 it was hold LB + X but when I do it on 10 it seems to always aim the free kicks lower. I remember scoring loads of them on 09 but 10 seems harder.

Even on classic controls it doesn't seem to work.

It used to be hold LB/L1 and shoot, this year it does a powerful low shot.

The more power you get behind it, the higher it gets though... try banging them in from the practice arena (just hit a direction on the D-Pad to practice free kicks).

I don't think there is a quick way to do the "Ronaldo Freekick" this year, you need to do the LB+Shoot and get the power exactly right to get it up and over the wall... I've not scored from a single freekick yet this year, and could bang them in for fun on 09 :o
Even on classic controls it doesn't seem to work.

It used to be hold LB/L1 and shoot, this year it does a powerful low shot.

The more power you get behind it, the higher it gets though... try banging them in from the practice arena (just hit a direction on the D-Pad to practice free kicks).

I don't think there is a quick way to do the "Ronaldo Freekick" this year, you need to do the LB+Shoot and get the power exactly right to get it up and over the wall... I've not scored from a single freekick yet this year, and could bang them in for fun on 09 :o

Thanks mate, glad it's not just me. Bro scored a stunner against me earlier. I did hit the bar from miles out from a FK with Dani Alves!
Thinking about it, if I'm honest, this is what I think FIFA is currently missing.

  • Quick throws/corners
  • Extra commentary with more variation
  • Officials getting offsides wrong
  • Officials getting fouls wrong (although this sometimes seem to happen now... though not intended).
  • Keepers still need tweaking slightly, it's too easy to lob them now... but they're MUCH better this year
  • Possibly add in dives, I'm not a fan of this in games... but it happens so often in real life it's hard to ignore it.

We'll see what the full game offers in terms of manager mode, this is where I live in FIFA...

Can't think of much more in terms of gameplay I'd like to see added, not off the top of my head anyway.

  • Double footed tackles - bring back the 'professional foul' like in the old school FIFA's
  • Be able to slide the ref and trip him up
Finding I'm scoring a lot of goals after attempted lobs which the keeper touches, dash past and tap/volly in.
The biggest thing FIFA is missing and still is this year is the ability to save replays from online games. This is my biggest gripe, as about 90% of my time is spent playing games on Live.
After playing around 5 games on FIFA 10 demo this evening, I then played my PS3 cup match on 09. It was weird going back to 09, game feels a lot slower to 10. However this was online with the usual lag so will have to see how 10 holds up online.
However this was online with the usual lag...
I played a lot of games online with 09 and very very rarely had lag, if you are experiencing it a lot Id say the problem is probably with your connection rather than the game or your opponents.
I played a lot of games online with 09 and very very rarely had lag, if you are experiencing it a lot Id say the problem is probably with your connection rather than the game or your opponents.
I get lag late at night when playing 09, due to being hooked up with American opponents. Early in the morning and throughout the afternoon is fine though. I know they are American opponents by the way because I check the bio if the game lags. I got matched with an Australian the other day... Worst lag I've ever experienced! But I still didn't leave. :)
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