They probably left because of all this bickering lol but then its coming from both clubs now, I just get on with it lol. I have thought about leaving and probably would have if I didn't know you guys but I wouldn't of left to join they other club as that wouldn't be any different looking at it.
Hehe, you probably would not be welcome there anyway mate. Lol. We will have discussion soon anyway fix things for good this time
On another note. After chatting on origin, it has become clear that the issue was basically people did not liking to be bossed around. Well let me apologise if that is how I came off. That sure was not my intention. To be frank the only 2 people I can look back and think, yeah, you may have a point is matty and pickle. With matty as I explained it was due to people complaining constantly to me about him. But even when talking to him I tried my best to explain its not me trying to be an ****, and I think he somewhat got that, I think, or hope... Lol. With pickle, he just told me and we sorted it out there and then. Simples, not had a problem with him since, and I do hope he enjoyed our games recently. But he is the only one who came to me and communicated instead of leaving.
I think it really does come back to what doomer said before, too many chiefs not enough indians. By that I mean everyone had their own vission for what the club should be and how it should be run etc. I tried my best to run the club as democratically as possible, but it just was not working. We did have some rules set by jon, which wre pretty basic stuff, but even those were not followed by some. People joined and wanted to do what they wanted, what do you expect was gona happen if no one follows rules? Everyone cannot have their way. What my vission for the club was, when someone had an idea for it to be discussed amongst us all and incorporated or rejected depending on majority. But that was simply made impossible by the people. There are just so many variables, and if people are not understanding and are quick to anger and take offence, then there is no chance.
I mean I am sorry to say this, but what chance do we have when someone makes up noise about getting rid of someone, then that person leaves, then the person who made all their noise shortly after goes and joins the person they just in effect helped get rid of? Or when people do not communicate what the real problem is? Hind sight I don't think I did such a bad job, I felt and still feel if I did nothing the club would have imploded long ago. Not looking for any credit either by saying that, all i wanted was a club for us all to play and improve together with.
I don't blame anyone for anything really, as i understand human behaviour, well i think i do. Not everyone can get along with everyone. Does not make them bad people. I chat to most of the guys normally outside of clubs, only one who I don't/won't is gimbal. I would like to think these people don't secretly hate my guts behind my back or something. Lol.
I tried my best guys. I am just sorry it was not good enough.