Getting a lot of these...
Stupid question but so far i havent been prompted to do any drifting or drag races ... Will these follow ?
Just hit level 30 via Season play & I am yet to get any.
Getting a lot of these...
Funny now but at the time it gets me raging.
Yeah it's a problem in nearly ever racing game i've played. I tend to play with people i know now. When i play if i accidentally clip someone i tend to let them recover instead of blasting past them.
You won't in the main season play.
Yeh, I do this online, just let them catch up if I accidentally knock them off.
How do i go about plugging my 360 into my pc so it shows the screen windowed as in the tutorial earlier in the thread for using transparancies, if it helps i have a ATI HD4850 with 2xDVI / HDMI and an Svideo socket?
Excuse the noob questions, i'm really new to the 360 (as of last night to be precise).
Is it normal to lose your credits when making a bid in auction on the game?
I made 2 bids on ridiculously cheap cars and was outbid - but i still lost the credits / XP points that i had bid?
Does anyone here play with the control pad?
I don't have a wheel and my TV setup means I literally can't have one (TV mounted on wall at the end of the bed). I'll still enjoy this right?