***The Official Forza Motorsport 3 Thread***

Hi guys, thought id post up some pics of my cars







^ Nice cars :D

Just got this game the other day , finding it great and a break from COD MW2 :p

Bit of a nooby though , playing with AT & braking line only with all other assists off and I'm not doing too bad. Anyone fancy showing a noob some online gameplay ? I promise not to smash your shiny cars up too much :eek:

XBL : Tr Insanity

Well just started playing this today and WTF at the AI!?

Only done a few races so far in the standard shopping trolleys but every race seems to be a demolition derby. You have to bash and smash to get through from the back and, if you're on the racing line, the AI cars will often decide they want to be where you are and just turn into you, often spinning you round.

What on earth am I doing wrong - it's annoying the hell out of me so far!
Hey all, a quick question, but the Audi R8 v10 unlock code with the limited edition is just a skin right? so if I buy the regular FM3 or the Limited Edition without the code, the game still includes an Audi R8 v10 or? thank you for the help ;D
Just getting into this and finding it a lot more enjoyable then forza 2.

Also is there any kind souls out there who could gift me some decent cars? :D
Also just bought this, got the LE pack at £29.99 with free delivery. Had a quick race, gfx look stunning for the 360.

Tim eto start playing with the designer thingy....
Can anyone say where the Limited Edition is on sale for £30 please? it was/is £30 on the Game site but unfortunately they're out of stock at the moment :(
Anyone else been apparently gifted a free car from the Turn 10 Community Team? It says "Free car", and that I've been "Gifted a missing content". But when I go to download it there's nothing there :confused:
Anyone else been apparently gifted a free car from the Turn 10 Community Team? It says "Free car", and that I've been "Gifted a missing content". But when I go to download it there's nothing there :confused:
That car might be the GTR spec-V i just got gifted too. If so it could mean you need to download the free DLC pack which gives you one free car with the models for the other payed for cars.
That car might be the GTR spec-V i just got gifted too. If so it could mean you need to download the free DLC pack which gives you one free car with the models for the other payed for cars.

From what I can see though, the GTR comes with the hot holidays pack, which is still 400 points, so what do I need to download to get it? I've got the hyundai pack and hot holidays car sample, which contained an Audi S4.
Just getting into this and finding it a lot more enjoyable then forza 2.

Also is there any kind souls out there who could gift me some decent cars? :D

Buy 'em you lazy sod! :p Seriously I had 200k after about 5 races and bought a few cars on the way. Get it wacked on hard, much more entertaining.
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