I bet you'll be sat by the window waiting for the delivery man.![]()
I found the smoothness in the UI to be smooth enough, it's not as silky smooth as the iPhone 4s though when scrolling menus or loading the app tray, IMO the GSII is smoother but that does have a superior GPU so that's to be expected.
I found small text to be easier to read on the GN compared to the S2, again thatw as expected because of the higher PPI and resolution of the GN screen but the iPhone 4s screen is a bit better on smaller text but that's down to the lower resolution + high PPI of the retina.
Overall, the SII running ICS is a slicker experience than the GN on ICS, and the SII ICS ROM is still in Alpha! Just a shame that the SII resolution isn't a bit higherThe S3 will be "the" ICS phone to own if the current running rumours of it hold correct.
With the stock messaging app, is there a way to send an SMS to multiple recipients by scrolling through contacts and selecting them rather than typing their names in the address bar?
I have been using Go SMS, but decided to go back to stock until the "name fault" is fixed in Go SMS.
I found the smoothness in the UI to be smooth enough, it's not as silky smooth as the iPhone 4s though when scrolling menus or loading the app tray, IMO the GSII is smoother but that does have a superior GPU so that's to be expected.
Did you go to developer options and then enable "Force GPU rendering" ?
This seems to make quite a large difference, especially in the facebook app. It basically stops this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCavTQON-GI - mine is now nothing like that video.
Things should just work out the box dammit!
Have you tried Handcent to do this?
I bet you'll be sat by the window waiting for the delivery man.![]()