Ugh ? They sent me two of them ?
Would be nice if I could keep both of them, better ring them up, or I'll be charged for both of them.
Who was it, have they charged you twice?
Ugh ? They sent me two of them ?
Would be nice if I could keep both of them, better ring them up, or I'll be charged for both of them.
Yes, I originally did download Handcent, but for some reason, not all of my contacts were displaying when I scrolled through the list. If I began to type the name of somebody missing in the list, it would appear - very odd.
I believe all 3rd party messaging apps for ICS are currently suffering from the "name fault" where you receive a message from X and the app sometimes displays Y's name instead, so I'll stick to the stock messaging app until I know that the issues with the 3rd party apps have been sorted.
I had that problem too using Handcent. I've been talking directly to Handcent and I'm currently running a beta version for them to overcome this and a couple more issues I reported. So hopefully very soon it will be fine with ICS![]()
Also, the text prediction browser bug is fixed in 4.0.3!![]()
The big question now is whether we will see 4.0.3 or 4.0.4 and when.
I still haven't seen 4.0.2!!!
Does superuser work with stock 4.0.2?
How are people getting Album Art to show up on the Music player?
I have my MP3s embeded with art but all i see is a dull looking standard image on the phone, any help is appreciated![]()
I use syncR to sync with Itunes and the album artwork comes through, not sure this will be of any help to you though.
How are people getting Album Art to show up on the Music player?
I have my MP3s embeded with art but all i see is a dull looking standard image on the phone, any help is appreciated![]()
i use media monkey to correct the tags and embed the album covers.