Anyone else tried using another phone after spending time with the Nexus?
They feel like toy phones, I tried to use my girlfriend's HTC Desire and it felt horrible, such a tiny device.
Yes it's a nice price works out cheaper than buying outright when you factor in the minutes.
I bought this toy 2 days ago. But I am a complete n00b to Android phones, smartphone actually.
There are only a few stock apps, and also whenever I want to do something more like downloading the Opera Mobile, it always prompts me to Sign up for Google.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Also any online user guide/tricks that are useful?
im getting lag with mine of late, in-between screen changes and going to the app draw there seems to be stutter
I'm seeing the same stutter using stock OTA getting lag with mine of late, in-between screen changes and going to the app draw there seems to be stutter
anyone ?
Also any online user guide/tricks that are useful?
I haven't noticed any lag on mine.
I don't think I have, although maybe a little before I put Immosyen's kernel on.
I asked others and they could see it. We see a noticeable delay during the animations but it can be intermittent. It's as if something is bottlenecking the rendering resulting in a very low frame rate.There isn't any 'lag' per se, but there is micro stutter in places. All devices have it though and I imagine most people don't notice it.