First time I have to recharge the batter after using it for 2 days. Normal use and in between I shut it down at night. I want to know how many hours should I charge the battery? Do I charge it for 2 or 3 hours after full?
How do I check out outstanding apps which ar not closed? Is there an app which I can use to kill opened apps?
Thanks in advance!
Charge it until it is full, just like any other phoneI charge mine over night and just unplug it when I get up.
You can see running apps in Settings > Apps > Running, but there is no need to kill open apps as Android is designed to manage memory very efficiently. Using a task killer can actually make performance and battery life worse.
If I am browsing for a few minutes and then leave the home screen is empty for up to 4 seconds and the app drawer also.
Now I know I could trawl through the pages on here...believe me I'll be doing that soon...but can I have a quick recommendation for a case for this phone guys and gals?
Will there be orphaned apps which consumes battery and also slows down the system?
I wasn't sure if this question was best asked in this thread or the Samsung Galaxy S II one, so I apologies if it's not an appropriate question for this particular thread.
I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S II which is running CyanogenMod 9. Would it be correct to say that the Samsung Galaxy S II running CyanogenMod 9 is the closest I am going to experience Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich as Google intended it to be without actually buying a Galaxy Nexus? I have tried the Galaxy Nexus and as far as I could see, it seemed fairly similar to the Samsung Galaxy S II running CyanogenMod 9. Though, I didn't try it for an awful long time so I am wondering those who may have both devices could comment on their experience.
If the Samsung Galaxy S II running CyanogenMod 9 is fairly similar to the experience you get using a Galaxy Nexus, I am tempted to purchase the iPhone 4 S and see how Apple's iOS 5 compares to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. I can then start venturing into the world of Windows Phone and see how it compares to the other two.
Thank you.
CM9 will be similar enough, yes.
Folks, what is your experience with the battery?
I power it up at 12:00pm noon today. It's now 14 hours past, and battery meters say 49% discharging. ...
So I suppose by the same time tomorrow, it should be depleted...what you reckon?
thats odd, my wifi sometimes goes grey, but all msg's and emails get through fine. you checked power options (if there are any)