***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

Im currently using a Blackberry but i'm getting fed up with it so looking to change to something else.

I had a Samsung Galaxy SII and didn't particularly like Android that much back then and the TouchWhiz was awful. Unfortunately no shop near me has a working model on display and I always take reviews with a pinch of salt.

So could those who have it please give opinions on:

The screen quality and resolution
Performance of the phone, slow downs, hanging etc...
Improvements in ICS, is it much better than previous
Phone build quality (i know it's plastic)
Size, is it incovenient, too big etc...

I know a whole host of quad cores etc... will be hitting the shelves very soon but I just don't feel it's needed and for me pure Android has a massive advantage over manufacturer skins.

Basically are you happy with it or would you in hindsight have waited a month or two to see what the other have to offer. I've seen things like HTC One X and it doesn't do much for me, also Galaxy SIII I expect to have another awful TouchWhiz interface.

I have a Nexus and Galaxy S 2.

The screen quality and resolution:

Excellent, currently the best of its kind. It won't leave you wanting.

Performance of the phone, slow downs, hanging etc...:

Slow downs are very rare and general performance is very quick.

Improvements in ICS, is it much better than previous:

Yes, massively better. ICS TouchWiz is just horrible in comparison, and you can't achieve the same kind of experience that the Nexus provides. Believe me, I've tried.

Phone build quality (i know it's plastic):

It feels far better than the Galaxy S 2. The design is better and it generally feels a more quality device in the hand.

Size, is it incovenient, too big etc...:

I doubt you will find the size to be an issue, it's big, but it isn't difficult to handle at all.

I put my thoughts together here, mainly comparing the phone to the Galaxy S 2 and iPhone 4S if you fancy a read - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=20936916&postcount=4646
Thanks for the quick responses and will definitely have a read.

I've just switched from a Galaxy S2 to a Nexus, I actually quite like some of the features in Touchwiz but I also really like the stock/vanilla feel. Overall ICS is a definite upgrade, and it does feel fast like it should. Honeycomb (albeit on a tablet) didn't feel this snappy or smooth.

The stock apps that have been updated are generally for the better, the messaging app is probably the weakest. The new phone app I find very nice to use, as is the updated Gmail app.

Size was a worry for me, I found the S2 a little cumbersome so naturally feel the GN is too - but not more so it's about the same.

Edit: The screen is defiantly much better with the bump in resolution.
I'm getting more and more disappointed with Samsung as a manufacturer of Nexus...
first screen is easily scratched and now Ive noticed that on case, on the corners above screen grey colour starts to be 'worn out' and black from underneath starts to come out ...
that means soon phone will have every single corner without original paint on it as it will worn off...
something like this never has happened to me with any mobile..scratches? ok it happens depends where you keep your mobile etc, but paint being worn off ???
it will affect the price of the phone now if I want to sell it ...and its nothing that would be covered by warranty as well
I noticed the grey colour wearing out on mine in one corner, not overly impressed as it as after 3 weeks!!

My phone only ever goes in and out of my pocket and on my sofa at night.
I checked mine. Had it a few weeks and no marks on the screen and no discolouring.

I did notice the top left corner has a noticable line in the plastic like a crack similar to the crack that occurs on the HP Touchpad plastic casing but the other corners have it too just not as visible so I'm thinking they aren't cracks, it's just the design?

Anyone else see the lines?
not checked mine, i have loads of scuffs and marks, dropped it so many times, but i like the beat up effect, will do an insurance claim when it gets to beat up!
I wouldn't complain if I would not care about the phone but I do. OK I don't use protective case and screen protector but discoloration?? C'mon!! Not on phone for over £500!!!!
The Nexus has been a great phone as far as performance is concerned, however I too noticed after only a few weeks there were light scratches on the screen.

I though I read somewhere the screen was supposed to be a gorilla glasss type of screen - it's nothing like the quality of the screen that is on my htc Sensation.

Just as well I've got a htc One X on order :D
Maybe...never had one and never had any issue with the phone that would require a claim...
Don't think my bank account includes phone insurance...

yeah i get it for £7 a month for my wife and i, as well as travel insurance and break down cover for both cars. it works out a good deal, and i have claimed twice in 2 years, one for a lost phone and one that was so battered they replaced as it was past repair :D

The Nexus has been a great phone as far as performance is concerned, however I too noticed after only a few weeks there were light scratches on the screen.

I though I read somewhere the screen was supposed to be a gorilla glasss type of screen - it's nothing like the quality of the screen that is on my htc Sensation.

Just as well I've got a htc One X on order :D

yes i would say my nexus has quite a few marks that have simply appeared, more so than other phones.
IIRC the GN doesn't have gorilla glass but an Oleophobic coating, which is supposed to be more for oil/greasy marks i.e. finger prints.

That may explain it then, I've got a screen protector on now but I'm forever wiping to to get the greasy marks off it.

I'm now torn between selling my nexus or sensation. One has to go to recoup some funds towards the One X.
I'm leaning towards keeping the sensation and maybe rooting it and putting ICS on it.... if I can.
What the maximum you can fill the phone to?
I ask because I'm running under a gig left, and last time it was below 500mb it complained about being almost full, and some apps complained about lack of space.

And on the screen durability note, noticed my first scratch yesterday.:( luckily its hard to see and very small. Surprising though, considering how careful I am. But I suppose for a device that's almost 3 and a half months old, that's not too bad. I'd put a screen protector on, but after the 'performance' problems I had with one on my desire, decided against for this nexus.
so problems with loosing connection with network are back again..not long after full reset of the phone...I'm fuming today as there was an important email sent to me at night that I havent received until I woke up and switched WiFi off :/

Think I need to have a chat with O2...or shall I speak to Samsung directly?
Tbh, I think it's a Google ICS issue. Would love to hear what Google have to say about it. Have they officially recognized the issue? It's a pretty huge flaw tbh.
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