What confuses me is people have been declaring the V30 one of the phones of the year, but I understand it has the same screen as the 2 XL? I understand it's cheaper, but if the screen is that big an issue, why are people so hot on it (how good the V30 is I mean)?
Because it's a massive step up for LG, they've finally done away with gimmicks like the pointless 2nd screen and hardware add-ons like the G5 had. There needs to be better competition for Samsung and LG are one of the best placed to be that due to the fact they manufacture some components too.
What I believe people are frustrated by with the Pixel 2s is that they're falling short of being great, but in the most frustrating way. The Pixel 2 is a great device but is a underwhelming design, the XL has the great design but it's inexcusable in my opinion to have screen quality issues on a device this price.
Why can't a manufacturer make a phone with top quality hardware (like Samsung level quality), but with a near stock stock Android experience that gets fast updates? Manufacturers have come close but always seem to fall short somewhere.