***The Official Gran Turismo 5 Thread***



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
The delays are not a good sign at all.

If this game doesn't set the bar and end up the bench mark for multiple years to come then I'm afraid it's going to be a huge disappointment.. and that's what they're scared of. In some interviews GT6 has already been hinted at and would be sooner rather than later, which tells me they're not all that happy with it at all.

I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of their marketing department. I'd be a marked man if I dragged something out like this at work!

They seem to have forgotten the patching and DLC aspect of gaming, they're really testing their fans to the limit. I also believe that if they don't go GOLD within the next couple of weeks, Q1 2011 will probably be when we get the game in Europe.
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22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
It doesn't surprise me, nor am I particularly bothered.

When I see a million demo builds that initially show one new feature of the game, then the next build has it removed etc, with absolutely no cohesion at any time, I got the impression this was on some wild development cycle. When at TGS they still couldn't show a demo with all the features (Skidmarks/Damage/Not so jaggy shadows/>8 cars) I was wondering how close to actual completion the game was.. People will buy it whenever it arrives, even if it was after christmas, it's just very disappointing that they clearly are struggling to deliver on this project.
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12 May 2005
The delays are not a good sign at all.

If this game doesn't set the bar and end up the bench mark for multiple years to come then I'm afraid it's going to be a huge disappointment.. and that's what they're scared of. In some interviews GT6 has already been hinted at and would be sooner rather than later, which tells me they're not all that happy with it at all.

I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of their marketing department. I'd be a marked man if I dragged something out like this at work!

They seem to have forgotten the patching and DLC aspect of gaming, they're really testing their fans to the limit. I also believe that if they don't go GOLD within the next couple of weeks, Q1 2011 will probably be when we get the game in Europe.


Something tells me this title isn't up to the standard they've been pushing and are worried its going to be getting a lot of backlash. All the delays etc have got the tell tale signs of something is wrong.!!

The GT brand name is so important to Sony, if the game bombs it will have a very negative affect on sony and their campaign to push more PS3's into the home. Sony know, and we all know, some of us have actually purchased a PS3 in anticipation of this title, but also know the PS3 has other titles we can play whilst waiting for GT5.

Otherwise, we’d have maybe purchased an Xbox360, or even not bothered as we already own an Xbox360.

Something is looking a bit iffy. For such a flagship title, the delays are sounding more and more likely that the game has problems, to which I don’t know. But something is wrong. But on the upside, saved me £35 next month and gives me more time with F1 2010.

Codemasters aren’t afraid to release a game with massive bugs on time and patch later… lol
15 Mar 2010

Something tells me this title isn't up to the standard they've been pushing and are worried its going to be getting a lot of backlash. All the delays etc have got the tell tale signs of something is wrong.!!

Something is looking a bit iffy. For such a flagship title, the delays are sounding more and more likely that the game has problems, to which I don’t know. l
iv said it all along, the delays, the amount of time its taken to produce, the addition of mega pointless features, the demo that was a demo and then wasnt in the space of a day....bc people complained it looked like cack, paper damage, silly ai, bland track detail, crazy day/night cycle....all are leading up to this game being rather average i feel.

now theyv delayed a fixed released date and that's defiantly not good news, this isn't marketing bs this is an 'oh **** there's a serious issue in the game and we cant release it on time' situation.

people might be right you know, forza 4 might be out before this. lmao.

Unbelivable!! They may as well change the name to gt5 Haley's comet edition.

more like GT forever 5
the special edition should be renamed to: GT Forever 5- if your lucky.
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12 Mar 2009
Good job I'd not booked annual leave to play it on release day otherwise I'd be fuming!

I had booked leave but will now be cancelling it:mad:

I kind of had an inkling something may have been wrong as I would have expected the advertising & hype to be in full force by now if it really was coming on 05-11-2010.


According to EU blog should still be out before xmas, though they probably mean xmas 2011 lol.
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21 Aug 2010
How long has this game been in development now? :p

Don't particularly mind the delay myself, just means I have more time to finish off my backlog of games.
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