***The Official Gran Turismo 5 Thread***

11 Nov 2002

How can they only realise the game is not ready to print/press 3 weeks before the retail release? More likely they have known for a while and been putting off the bad news till the last minute until after a lot of people have pre-ordered various (over-priced) editions and console bundles as most people will just keep their orders intact now.

Anyone want to take bets on what we see first? F1 2010 patch or GT5 retail release :)

24 Dec 2002
Barton upon Humber
Damn it i just extended my week off to cover the release of this (not just for GT5 its mainly as i have a week off and i have 5 days to use before year end and im nights over christmas so i dont want to book that off)

but still ive just got home from work after talking to my workmate about it and him being adament it will be delayed (forums name is somthing like Reaver and he lives in SETI) so i blame it soley on him, feel free to hunt him down and send him abuse.
22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
During the drive to work this morning I was seriously considering cancelling my Signature edition pre-order I was thinking what I could do with the £110 I'd be saving.... I just cant bring myself to do it though :o
10 Mar 2005
Now that Duke Nukem Forever is finally getting finished it may actually be out before GT5! As for the delay, I get a whiff of over-ambition. Wouldn't be surprised if GT5 ships with a whole load of features missing, disabled or 'converted' to DLC.
8 Aug 2003
Having read some of the big theory or speculatuion posts made here.

Just to be sensible for a moment, a simple question I have for some with their voiced speculative comments:

Has it been confirmed what the delay is?

Im not aware a specific cause has been mentioned, so it could be several things to just one thing? It could be something that has no effect on how the game will be or it could be the opposite with something as major as a big feature being dropped?

Take your pick of the following:
  • For instance is it a major problem with part of the game?
  • Something thats just not quite finished?
  • Is it in the regional aspects in preparing the game for various countries/languages?
  • Technical issues with 3DTV, facetracking or something else?
  • Legal or licenscing issues?
  • Logistics or manufacturing?
  • Sony HQ sales decision to have a different launch strategy closer to Christmas?

What some fail to remember is this is the largest game on Sonys books, their No.1 franchise and Playstation system selling game. Sony are under BIG pressure to deliver with this title and they will only get one shot at releasing it. If any game for Sony has to live up to the "Only On Playstation" marketing BS then its Gran Turismo 5. Also from what little we know or have been shown of the game its one of the most ambitious, if perhaps too ambitious console games I care to remember.

Still no matter when this releases its going to sell like crazy and people will be gagging for it as they have been for the last couple of years anyways.

The concern is not so much when its releasing, the concern I have more is will it deliver whats been promised?

Some have called me a fanboy in the past and all the rest of it and yes I do admire what Polphony have achieved and that GT is the most iconic racing game in the last decade not by fluke but by popularity, however if anything I will be amongst the most critical of this game on these forums just as I have been with FM. This game better not release with major bugs or unfinished half assed parts. If so I think I will decide to give up on gaming as Ive put up with enough of the marketing BS many games studios come off with these days and fail to deliver on. Codemasters and F1 is a fine recent example.

Looking on the bright side if GT5 has an issue and the delay is to correct it at least they had the balls to postpone it not like Codies failing to ensure a quality finished product ended up in store shelves. Id rather have a developer screw up and delay something than release it screwed up.
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21 Jul 2005
that delay is epic fail, how they can delay it after giving it a date at e3 and so close is just a joke, probably for marketing reasons because if the game wasnt finished they would have announced the delay sooner than this, my guess is they want to avoid the cod window all together
8 Aug 2003
that delay is epic fail, how they can delay it after giving it a date at e3 and so close is just a joke, probably for marketing reasons because if the game wasnt finished they would have announced the delay sooner than this, my guess is they want to avoid the cod window all together

The delay is annoying for fans, nothing else really...

Its "epic fail" posts like yours above that seem to read like little johnny is angry and is going to huff and puff if he doesnt get his game when mummy said he would.
I dont think COD has anything to do with it, not even in the slightest. Do apples start to sell more if bananas are in short supply. Come onn, their both completely different and people have different tastes in both fruits and indeed games.

GT5 will not have problems selling, if anything with its Standard, CE and Signature Editions it will be one of the highest grossing games for Sony.

For instance Id easily assume GT5 to sell more in a single month than FM3 has to date with its underperforming 3 Million+ sales but slowly growing however almost to a year. GT5 may not reach multiplatform sales of COD games but its bound to sell between 8-12 million within a year. Of course it will bring onboard lots of people buying the console because of the games/franchises popularity. PDs sales show every first GT game on a new PS console always sells better than the 2nd.
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18 Jan 2007
that delay is epic fail, how they can delay it after giving it a date at e3 and so close is just a joke, probably for marketing reasons because if the game wasnt finished they would have announced the delay sooner than this, my guess is they want to avoid the cod window all together

Yeah, I bet CoD would really affect their sales... Hardly competing genres are they, and anyone who liked both would buy both anyway.

Does make me laugh, all this anger about a release slip. Hardly life and death is it.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I guess you like apples but not eveyone does though, eh. ;)
An apple wont taste like a bananna, a COD game wont play like a GT game.

Yes, but apples and bananas are both fruits and CoD and GT are both games. Some people only ever buy one kind of fruit, or one kind of game, but many more will pick alternatives if their first choice isn't available.
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