***The Official Guitar Thread***

How much?

It's up for an ominous £108. Likely meant to be £180 but you'd expect a little more effort going in for that amount. Will have to see if they respond, the closer to the £100 mark the better for me. Seems £150 is the going rate for a Standard though.
love the look of the strat :)

Yeah man me too :) had always wanted to get a green strat but they just seemed to keep putting out the same colours year after year... It was coming up to my 30th and I decided to finally buy a proper American Strat and they just happened to put out one in Olive Green - meant to be!
Well I've finally got myself an electric. Lots of people not coming back to me on ads and lots out there in various states. Decided I was set on a used Squier Standard for the full sized body and neck and better quality.

Found this on Cash Converters website sort-of locally. Managed to get it for £110 due to it looking quite a bit worse than their photos which for a Standard I think is a decent price. Luckily it's only the body that's got chips on it. The neck aside from some fret wear feels really nice. I've no means to plug it in at home yet but looking forward to getting to grips with it. Gonna give it a good clean, setup and new strings when they arrive, already adjusted the claw to level the trem. Shoreline is an interesting colour, I like it. If I get the modding bug I might refinish it but for now I'm just going to get it straight and enjoy it as-is.

I've never been too precious about chips/dings/scratches, I think it all just adds to the character of the instrument (though I wouldn't ever buy a relic'd / roadworn guitar)

My 2 cents but I reckon that would look sick with a red tortoise-shell guard on it
Well I've finally got myself an electric. Lots of people not coming back to me on ads and lots out there in various states. Decided I was set on a used Squier Standard for the full sized body and neck and better quality.

Found this on Cash Converters website sort-of locally. Managed to get it for £110 due to it looking quite a bit worse than their photos which for a Standard I think is a decent price. Luckily it's only the body that's got chips on it. The neck aside from some fret wear feels really nice. I've no means to plug it in at home yet but looking forward to getting to grips with it. Gonna give it a good clean, setup and new strings when they arrive, already adjusted the claw to level the trem. Shoreline is an interesting colour, I like it. If I get the modding bug I might refinish it but for now I'm just going to get it straight and enjoy it as-is.


cool , now get a black pickguard on it ! :p
cool , now get a black pickguard on it ! :p

Haha, I actually think it would look great with a black guard, knobs, tuners, trem with body coloured headstock... slippery slope! I'll end up fiddling with it more than playing it. Think I will end up messing with it at some point, colour looks silver in some light and bright gold the next I quite like it. Makes me want to pick it up which is mission accomplished.

I've never been too precious about chips/dings/scratches, I think it all just adds to the character of the instrument (though I wouldn't ever buy a relic'd / roadworn guitar)

My 2 cents but I reckon that would look sick with a red tortoise-shell guard on it

Hmm, not sure on the red idea, I might get Photoshop out at some point actually.

Yeah I like a bit of character. It helps that I'm not shy of picking up and playing it, it's not an expensive instrument but if it's too nice I'll not wanna play it. But I think I will eventually give it some love simply because I love the colour and think it could look stunning with a few tweaks.

Aim.is to play it, probably get a few more marks on it, end up buying another and modding this because I love the idea of fiddling as much as playing. Been down so.amny Google rabbit holes lately!

Got an interface being delivered tomorrow so i can play it properly. New strings, clean and set up tonight, Monday night therapy.
I don't know why but the Yamaha Pacifica 612V FM in blue has really caught my eye https://www.andertons.co.uk/yamaha-...r-in-indigo-blue-finish-with-flamed-maple-top

I'm still a beginner so can't really justify such a purchase quite yet - I'm currently using it as motivation.

I've got a cheap steel string acoustic and an Epiphone SG Special VE so I think a super strat would be a good addition, does anyone have any other suggestions?
I don't know why but the Yamaha Pacifica 612V FM in blue has really caught my eye https://www.andertons.co.uk/yamaha-...r-in-indigo-blue-finish-with-flamed-maple-top

I'm still a beginner so can't really justify such a purchase quite yet - I'm currently using it as motivation.

I've got a cheap steel string acoustic and an Epiphone SG Special VE so I think a super strat would be a good addition, does anyone have any other suggestions?

That yammy is a nice guitar mate :)

this is kinda cool

A Strat is the Swiss Army knife of guitars so keep with your first thoughts.

Thanks, that's partly what led me to start looking at strats. I wanted to get one to start with really but I convinced myself that a hard tail would be better so that I didn't have to worry about constantly retuning something with a cheap tremolo.

That does look good, I didn't realise that the coils split on that model. I might have to take a trip to my local(ish) shop to try one out!
TBF if you enjoy the sound(s) and feel of a Strat, you can always crank the springs down and keep the trem flat on the body. You can even put blocks in the cavity to anchor the trem block for a little more sustain.

Pacificas seem to have been consistently good for... decades! Never had a dull or shoddy one pass across my workbench.
I wanted to get one to start with really but I convinced myself that a hard tail would be better so that I didn't have to worry about constantly retuning something with a cheap tremolo.

Both mine are locked down so basically I can go down but not up and if I break a string on stage I'm still in tune.
While I was chatting with you lot and pondering about buying that American Performer Bass for £999 this beauty popped up in my eBay search, was only just listed when I spotted it.

A Brand new American Professional Bass list £1469 on at Andertons for £1399 in January Sale

Put in a best offer of £850 and boom! It was accepted..Arrived today




So, at present I still can't play for the life of me, but I'm having fun and for me that's what matters. I've decided though that I have more guitar than I need, so, with one being built for me currently (in memory of my grandparents is my excuse) I've actually decided to trim my flock a little and its time I said goodbye to the gibson, and probably the prs too.. back to basics... yeah that..
Love that Pacifica, Yamaha seem really well regarded yet all the YouTube regulars seem to stick to the big two or the more niche brands. My boss was showing me a composite bodied Yahama he has got every day playing. Forget the name but sounded interesting.

I picked up the strat for the Swiss army reasons. It came with a decked trem but I've set it back to standard. They had simply tightened the springs more or less all the way. As a relative beginner I want the full experience, but it's all preference really. Seems to be holding tune nicely even with new strings I've hardly played yet.

Love the Bass @easyrider, nice saving. Do you publish any of your playing anywhere?

@Ceryndrion - Isn't the rule for number of guitars to own the same as clients have for bikes? Always n+1

Interested in the sentimental custom build, any info?
I prefer the trem decked on strats for the same reason I dislike floating trems... I just hate having to fight against the springs on every bend! And although I know how to make use of a trem where I can pull up I don't find it's something I integrate into my playing enough to be worth the cost on bends, which are used constantly
Yamaha seem really well regarded yet all the YouTube regulars seem to stick to the big two or the more niche brands.

Check out the Yamaha SG2000, one of the best guitars ever made.
I sold one I had from the 70s for £400 around 2012 only to be told I could have got well over £1000

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