The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

What deck are people having success with atm? My druid token deck is getting smashed by most atm.

Any anti hunter deck is good at the moment. Ramp is stronger than Token for now.

I went from Rank 7 to 3 with Control Warrior in a day with barely any losses because all I faced was Hunters, Mages and Zoo.
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I have a control warrior deck built up and I'm sure I have all the cards for Ramp, so I'll give them both a play sometime this week. Priest I just can't cope with though, no matter what deck I've played as a priest, I'm absolutely awful. Cheers
I stopped playing this weeks ago cause I got peeved for only getting 1 crappy Legendary when I forked over for 40 packs.

Plus I built a zoo deck which seems to be getting beat all the time.

(You can tell Im just throwing my toys out of my pram :D)

But I know I will be coming back to this when it comes to the iPhone.

Which brings me to this!

Im sure some of you may have seen it already...

EDIT: Probably not allowed to post this here actually. Its just a clip of HS running on an iPhone.
All challenges and heroics done, got my shiny card back

Played about 7 ranked games afterwards and didn't see anyone else using it yet, felt nice :P
I haven't been playing that long, I've managed to build a miracle rogue deck and most of ramp druid, I must say I find miracle to be so much fun
Meta is changing so fast at the moment. Druids countering the Warriors that were countering the Hunters. Was doing OK but I'm just running into a wall of Infinite Taunt Druids at Rank 4/5. Might have to go back to playing Ramp again :p
I've just had 3 games in a row getting destroyed by Rogues when I was in a very strong position on account of the Leeroy Jenkins 20+ combo.
Not pleased.

I feel your pain brother- I'm fond of shammy at the moment. Nothing like a nice flame tongue / bloodlust combo to wipe the smile off those rogues faces
I've just had 3 games in a row getting destroyed by Rogues when I was in a very strong position on account of the Leeroy Jenkins 20+ combo.
Not pleased.

hehe you don't even need that to get a 20+ combo.
2X Blessing of Might 1 X Blessing of Kings

Even on a Windfury Harpy or any 4mana 4/4 4/5 card that you opponent leaves on the board is win.....

Nice control until 7 mana then BAM!!!!!

4+3+3*2 + windfury harpy means damage of 20*2 :D
If course it's not that easy to achieve but it's great coupled with a good control deck :D of course you may even have some low +1 attack to add since the combo only costs 7 mana.

Even on a 1/1 card with charge (stonetusk boar) you are doing 14 damage for 8 mana.
Thought I'd give Alarm-o-bot a spin today in my Arena draft - didn't know whatever card it swaps with doesn't come with it's battlecry. Useless!

How is it useless? The summoned card can have a negative battlecry too in which case getting it onto the field via the alarm-o-bot adds value

The classic example is Deathwing - normally his battlecry would destroy all minions and discard your hand (if I recall correctly), if you luck out with the alarm-o-bot that's just a 12-12 for 0 mana that turn and no negative effects

There are plenty of other examples too - the various warlock cards which deal damage to you or discard cards from your hand when you play them, Mukla without giving your opponent the buff cards, and that's just off the top of my head
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