The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Had a recent run of crappy packs, but got a rather tasty one today :)

Some info (Quote from another site):

Expert Pack Rarity Drop Rates on 11.3k Card Packs

A statistical investigation of the rarity drop rates on Hearthstone packs has been published by E. R. Kjellgren. Data was compiled from several different Hearthstone fansites to gather the card drops from 11359 Expert card packs. Although there is no way to validate that this data wasn't faked, there is a large enough card pool that we can assume the data should be fairly accurate for commons, rares, and epics.

Below are the findings of the research and if you'd like to read the full paper, you can find it here. Comments on the findings can be made over on our forums.
Common Rare Epic Legendary
Normal 70% 21.4% 4.28% 1.08%
Golden 1.47% 1.37% 0.308% 0.111%
my son just called me to tell me he just got a golden legend in a pack. i'll update with which one and pick later

unless he dusts it before I get home lol
my son just called me to tell me he just got a golden legend in a pack. i'll update with which one and pick later

unless he dusts it before I get home lol

He really called you especially for that?

My dad would be really confused if I called him specially to tell him I'd achieved something in a vidya.
Hunter is so strong early in the ladder but the last few ranks its just warriors and druids galore, need to invest in some more packs me thinks
6 months play and nothing exciting then I started another account for the americas and get alexstrasza and and a gold gorehowl in the first few weeks.
gotta love the random.
Hunter is so strong early in the ladder but the last few ranks its just warriors and druids galore, need to invest in some more packs me thinks

Surely you do OK vs druids don't you? Token might be tough if you get a bad draw but mark/bite/traps allow you to punish ramp pretty well don't they? Every time I see my AoW get done with hunters mark I cry on the inside, 9 dmg for 0 mana. NINE. FOR FREE. WHAT.

I found a handlock yesterday, now that is the definition of bravery considering every 2nd game is vs the same hunter deck. He even ran Jaraxxus, gotta respect the classic builds. Anyway, new month and this will be the first with all naxx cards from the start so I expect to see a lot of fun stuff in the early days like resurrect shaman etc... Or you could just crack out your anti zoo's for a few days and take life easy.
Unlocked the Plague quarter over the weekend and finished it off... Good fun...

I particularly enjoyed the Mage class battle - with Baron Rivendare + duplicate + Cairne and those Nerubian eggs it was very amusing indeed :D
There are some brilliant things that can be done with the dupe card. 4 pint sized sorcs for free fireball casting and ArchMage Antonidas = Insta win. Obviously its at least turn 6/7 to do it but I did laugh in the video I watched.

Incredibly situational and hard to pull off but still amusing
There are some brilliant things that can be done with the dupe card. 4 pint sized sorcs for free fireball casting and ArchMage Antonidas = Insta win. Obviously its at least turn 6/7 to do it but I did laugh in the video I watched.

Incredibly situational and hard to pull off but still amusing

I like to use my duplicates on Feugen and Stalagg. Much fun when it comes off.
what's the all the murloc decks on the go already faced 4 in the last couple of days :(

Always when I'm not playing my mage....

Been playing around with Shaman if I can get the spiders out turn 4 the guy usually attacks them leaving the 4 mini spiders on the board then crack open the Bloodlust giving 3 attack on turn 5 if I've controlled properly he would have max one taunt up but usually doesn't giving 16 damage for a 5 mana on turn 5 it's such and awesome play.

Even if I don't manage this Doomhammer and rockbiter is another great play.

However my deck isn't balanced and a murloc zoo is killing my deck :(

Have to play mage until the meta changes.
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