The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

you don't need any more packs in fact trumps classic f2p should get you up the ladder.

Most times I lose it's close or I know where i made my mistake.

Didn't you get to 13 last month?

I did get to 13. Wow you have a good memory :)

It must've been a fluke tbh.
If anyone is having success with their decks please share :)

I felt like going for Golden Druid next so initially built a very Mech centric deck that got me to about 9. While good it was lacking late midrange and Boom was just getting taken out every time (some decks run 2x BGH now) so I modified the deck with 2x Azure (card draw), 2x DotC (flexibility) and Piloted Sky Golem in place of Boom.

Has a lovely curve and there's always something to play. Mechwarpers are great late game for repopulating the board cheaply after you get sweeped and there are plenty of sticky minions to endure for the combo which you will draw into as you're running 2x.

If you're facing a lot of aggro and feel you can't do without Wrath then you can +2 Wrath -1 Tinkertown -1 Anno Cub.

Currently mincing around Rank 5. I encourage experienced Druid players to give it a try or those after a cheap deck (only 1 legendary! :eek:;))

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If anyone is having success with their decks please share :)

I felt like going for Golden Druid next so initially built a very Mech centric deck that got me to about 9. While good it was lacking late midrange and Boom was just getting taken out every time (some decks run 2x BGH now) so I modified the deck with 2x Azure (card draw), 2x DoC (flexibility) and Piloted Sky Golem in place of Boom.

Has a lovely curve and there's always something to play. Mechwarpers are great late game for repopulating the board cheaply after you get sweeped and there are plenty of sticky minions to endure for the combo which you will draw into as you're running 2x.

If you're facing a lot of aggro and feel you can't do without Wrath then you can +2 Wrath -1 Tinkertown -1 Anno Cub.

Currently mincing around Rank 5. I encourage experienced Druid players to give it a try or those after a cheap deck (only 1 legendary! :eek:;))

how would you go about playing it? like what do you mulligan for?
how would you go about playing it? like what do you mulligan for?

Depends on the match up. If I knew it was Handlock I would mulligan for BGH but generally Innervate, Spider Tank, Mech Warper, Keeper. Playing a Innervate plus Spider Tank on turn 1 or Innervate plus Shredder on turn 2 is what you want to be trying for. You can pull off some crazy starts like this.
Depends on the match up. If I knew it was Handlock I would mulligan for BGH but generally Innervate, Spider Tank, Mech Warper, Keeper. Playing a Innervate plus Spider Tank on turn 1 or Innervate plus Shredder on turn 2 is what you want to be trying for. You can pull off some crazy starts like this.

Holy crap. And people say you dont need much luck in this game!
Since everyone is adding each other here feel free to add me guys.
Battletag = Amauri#2999

I'm just doing ladder to try finish golden rogue now, on 310 wins atm with it. Stopped playing it after Naxx release to play hunter.
Bouncing between 4-6. Competition is fierce at this time of month. What would you like to know?

Oh nothing specific bud, just curious to know if your bouncing between those levels just because you are winning/losing games 50/50 and if there was any one dominant reason behind it?
Cavallino said:
Oh nothing specific bud, just curious to know if your bouncing between those levels just because you are winning/losing games 50/50 and if there was any one dominant reason behind it?

Oh mostly just misplays by myself :) Win streaks stop at 5 which makes it more of a grind and losses hit you harder.
Wow was on 21 hp and druid took done 22 dmg with nothing on the board, double savage roar and force of nature. Not going to lie that loss hurt :(

Not often they have all the pieces but past turn 10 if you've only seen one innervate its always a possiblity.

I've played handlock on ladder, only at 16 3 stars atm but had very few losses. Seen very little agro tbh, DIY has got in the way but I hope to try and get some meaningful hours in the next few nights.
Wow was on 21 hp and druid done 22 dmg with nothing on the board, double savage roar and force of nature. Not going to lie that loss hurt :(

Ha :p

Believe it or not I've been running into those Mill Druid at Rank 5 - I think a lot of people don't know how to beat them - and this is how I beat them. Just keep those 4 cards and wait for 10 mana to come and take them for 22+ dmg.

Post your Rogue deck once you've settled on it. Would like to see it when it's ready :)
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Not often they have all the pieces but past turn 10 if you've only seen one innervate its always a possiblity.

I've played handlock on ladder, only at 16 3 stars atm but had very few losses. Seen very little agro tbh, DIY has got in the way but I hope to try and get some meaningful hours in the next few nights.

I'm seeing lots of handlock so far at rank 10, really slowing me down as it's a tough match up for my rogue.

Ha :p

Believe it or not I've been running into those Mill Druid at Rank 5 - I think a lot of people don't know how to beat them - and this is how I beat them. Just keep those 4 cards and wait for 10 mana to come and take them for 22+ dmg.

Post your Rogue deck once you've settled on it. Would like to see it when it's ready :)

Ye i was watching Athene play and he ran into that Mill druid and was so salty about the defeat it was so funny.
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