The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Here it is

Thanks to Lodjik.

It's quite good for control decks as sometimes you will hold off playing a card as there's good odds a better one might come along in the next couple of rounds.

So to load decks, the only way to do it is to enter them manually? (they don't pick them up from the deck building screen in HS?)
Yeah I couldn't get the automatic deck builder thing to work either but I did get it to create a deck in HS from a deck in the addon it was very fast.

Also you can import a lot of decks form sites as well like topdeck then modify them and load them into the game.
I had a similar issue, But thought it was better to just build it in the app anyway then re-import them into HS again.

I am coming across loads of people who just quit the game straight away, I guess they are forcing their rank lower to farm the lower end of the ladder for easy wins, Very annoying.

I tried the deck Lodjik posted and got smashed 4 games in a row, I just drew so badly each time and could not answer anything that was played :(
I tried the deck Lodjik posted and got smashed 4 games in a row, I just drew so badly each time and could not answer anything that was played :(

The deck works on playing minions for board control rather than reactive plays from the hand. It has a fairly low curve so getting out early board control shouldn't be a problem. You could try 2x Wrath and maybe lower the curve a bit by adding Harvest Golems if you're finding it too clunky. Mulligan aggressively for 3 drops or less if going 1st, 4 drops or less with coin. Always keep swipe against Paladin/Zoo. If you have the coin keep swipe/keeper against hunters.

Tried the deck. Went from Rank 19 to 14 with multiple wins in a row.

So at least I know Im playing cards correctly!

Nice. That's really good going at this point in the season. Glad it's working for you :)
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The deck works on playing minions for board control rather than reactive plays from the hand. It has a fairly low curve so getting out early board control shouldn't be a problem. You could try 2x Wrath and maybe lower the curve a bit by adding Harvest Golems if you're finding it too clunky. Mulligan aggressively for 3 drops or less if going 1st, 4 drops or less with coin. Always keep swipe against Paladin/Zoo. If you have the coin keep swipe/keeper against hunters.

I think the problem lay in just poor draws, I got the high end of the curve every game I played with very few of the low end cards I needed to start. In 1 instance I dropped by whole hand at the start in a Mulligan and got the exact same 3 cards back. Was a bit gob smacked.

The deck is good, I am not slating it, It is just simply poor draws.
Ok figured this game.

All comes down to your start hand.

No matter how good you are. If you have a semi crappy start hand. You ain't gonn win. No matter how good your draws are later on.

/rage 2
No I dont think so. I've won countless games that seemed all but lost, just like i've lost games where i've smashed him to single digit HP in a few turns. You never know when your opponent is going to have a terrible draw run, he may not have a deck suitable to counter yours, etc etc.
Indeed its amazing how rapidly a game can turn around even when it seems you are lost. I find quite a lot of times I have people quit a game on me even though the cards I have in hand suck and I could not get lethal but they quit anyway, I would guess there's three possibilities:

A) Their hand sucks and can't be bothered to play the game out even though their draws might be able to turn a game around and possibly win.

B) They assume I have "them lethal" cards in hand and quit anyway.

C) They had to leave the game for IRL issues

Personally I never quit a game unless I can see lethal on the field and I have no way to avoid it. If I have a way to mitigate the damage to live one more turn then I will do that and play on. Some of the times yes they have a way to perform lethal but then least you know. If they don’t you could draw into cards that help turn the tide or at stall the game long enough for you to recover.
This is what I hate about the game, your skill requires a certain condition:

I.e. as DampCat mentioned: "You never know when your opponent is going to have a terrible draw run".
It is the same as any card game, there is of course an element of luck to it but there is also a large amount of skill on your own part. Plenty of games have been won by clever plays. Understanding the underlying mechanics can really help as well.
It is the same as any card game, there is of course an element of luck to it but there is also a large amount of skill on your own part. Plenty of games have been won by clever plays. Understanding the underlying mechanics can really help as well.

I think the game has reached a peak with most players where the element of skill is an infinitesimal smaller as a factor in winning compared to in the past, as more and more players start to accumulate cards and mimic decks constructed by leading players. Thus the difference between your Kripps and your Lodgiks, using the same type of decks will be minimal at best.

Furthermore, I feel that a starting hand of 3-4 cards makes it even more of a "luckier" game compared to others (although this will be mitigated by the smaller 30 card deck size).

No doubt all card games have luck in them... but, this just game sometimes really takes the biscuit for me.
It just sounds like you are making excuses for the poor time you have had playing the game and want to talk yourself into not liking it. I have no doubt that If I played some of these pro's with the same decks they would trounce me 9/10 simply because they do better plays, think better and can see a better advantage than I am capable of doing.

I do not discount the luck factor or anything else but it seems to be you are reluctant to see there is a large amount of skill still involved.

As said previously by others I have won games where I have had nothing to play for the first 2 to 3 turns simply because I played my cards better when I could and traded smarter than my opponent did, Equally it has been the other way around. Trading smartly and playing around potential cards your opponent may play is where the skill overtakes the luck factor.
I have no doubt that If I played some of these pro's with the same decks they would trounce me 9/10 simply because they do better plays, think better and can see a better advantage than I am capable of doing.

Thats why I said Lodgiks and Kripps not you and Kripp.

I would like to think Lodgik is a seasoned player and has dedicated a significant amount of time on this game compared to most of us, and I would bet that if he played headsup for 10 gamesaganst Kripp, it would end up perhaps 5-5, perhaps 6-4 in Kripps favour (only because I think he has probably played the game more than Lodgik).

They can see those advantages because they have had more experience.

Perhaps I am making excuses, but the fundamentals of what I am trying to say is not without substance.
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Thats why I said Lodgiks and Kripps not you and Kripp.

I would like to think Lodgik is a seasoned player and has dedicated a significant amount of time on this game compared to most of us, and I would bet that if he played headsup for 10 gamesaganst Kripp, it would end up perhaps 5-5, perhaps 6-4 in Kripps favour (only because I think he has probably played the game more than Lodgik).

They can see those advantages because they have had more experience.

Perhaps I am making excuses, but the fundamentals of what I am trying to say is not without substance.

Your putting way too much weight behind luck. You're right, only if you look at about 2 or 3 games. Anything more than that and luck doesn't really come into it any more. If luck was as much of a factor as you're saying, how do people consistently succeed at the highest level? Consistency and luck don't mix.
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