Played this game since closed Beta, got a level 60 and 5 other level 40+ characters so far. Never been that bothered to try for Legend, I play decks more for kicks these days. RNG ones can be very fun
I feel I have a bit of experience and I have found that there is a certain amount of player skill, cards and thought process involved with every play you make. This being said there is RNG in every game due to the nature of card draw, bad starting hands and being second can reduce your chance of winning. But you can play smart and make you way back into the game, this being said your opponent can have just as bad a hand as you.
This can trip up every player, Kripp, Knox and all the rest of the top streamers all have their own RNG fails. What you see on YouTube and Highlights from Twitch are the best bits for the most part with some of the amazing fails. A thing to remember is that the difference between a good and great deck can be an 5% extra win rate. It only take that much.
Also I think at some point soon they will have introduce a starters playing option to help migrate new players into the expanded decks queues, it would help retain people. Maybe a classic like queue, that then allows them to migrate to the option play queues after they get enough new cards to compete with a decent bit of knowledge to cope with the rest of the meta out there.