Time for a quick rage after coming away from several irritating defeats...
The game feels far too pay2win sometimes, I've been trying to keep a track of my games and in particular thinking afterwards "why did I lose?" - was I too greedy? Did I fail to play around board clear, etc etc. in the hope of trying to improve my game... But here's a few recent loss summaries:
* Against Handlock, tried to put on plenty of pressure and get him down before it got too late into the game. Had him at 5 health with a Mountain giant out, me still at about 25 health with Eaglehorn bow and freezing trap already in play, plus a few cards including kill command, quick shot and owl... In the bag (I thought)... but no, he had one last "skillful" play up his sleeve, the double molten + protector combo. Fine, I thought, I have enough direct damage anyway... but no he also has Jarraxus, buying him just enough time to win... That is pay2win...
I could go on... plenty of times I've had Warriors at ~5 or less health and they've pulled the Alextrasa, Sylvanas, Hellscream pay2win wall as well
Anyway, rage over... I'm sure we can all relate - it's just frustrating, you can't learn to be a better player for these situations as far as I can see... the only real counter to these is to basically pay for tons of packs to get legendaries of your own (I guess that's the business model, but it still sucks!!)