The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Will these new cards be OP do u reckon?

No as that would imbalance the game. There will be some slight power creep but this is expected with new expansions. If anything they are pretty crap so far thanks to the new inherently anti-tempo mechanic: Inspire.

There will be one OP card to help sales and generate buzz - See Loatheb, Dr Boom, Emperor Thaurissan, etc

Eydis Darkbane looks sick. A 3 mana neutral legendary Flamewaker!

I don't know, I think the Hero power side of things might be better than people are originally saying or at least I hope it does. Repeated face or rush decks are boring and the game is starting to get a tad tiresome because of it.

Both Lightbane and Darkbane fit perfectly into any Buff deck.

There are a few cards that I can see being auto includes in already existing decks like Silver hand Regant into a recruit paladin Deck and Effigy in a lot of Mage decks. Holy Champ will be powerful in Priest decks in some instances.

I like the direction Shamans are heading in with having more minions that are totems and more totem orientated spells.

I guess we wont know until the cards are actually released fully though.
I guess we wont know until the cards are actually released fully though.

Hopefully they will introduce some viable anti aggro cards. There's no point slowing down the game with a fancy hero power mechanic if there are still decks that consistently win on or before turn 7.
Guess that is the problem when you have 1 particular class that is just pure agro, Even the hero power is designed about flatout face damage.
there are still decks that consistently win on or before turn 7.

I wish my aggro decks were!

Maybe I really am that bad of a player but it feels to me like aggro decks aren't generally that hard to shutdown... I had climbed relatively high (for me ~ rank 11) using aggro decks but have come crashing back down several ranks with barely a win in the last ~15 games... The worst are the decks running 2x sludge 2x tazdingo - once one of them sticks that's usually it
Who are you playing that runs Taz? I never see him played.

Trump released a new card last night, Silent Knight. It's a 3cc 2/2 with Stealth and Divine Shield. It won't set the world aflame, but a guaranteed 2 to the face followed by two hits to kill isn't terrible.
I think Mid Range Druid runs Taz'Dingo sometimes. He has mostly been made redundant by Sludge though, and most decks will now run Piloted Shredder in that 4 slot.
I won a discount code on the archon giveaway. My classic collection is complete enough so if anyone wants it, it's yours.

If you use it, be a kind chap and say here so others don't try :) I am making a mega assumption these are transferable and not account bound (seems real unlikely) it's not my fault if it doesn't work yak yak yak.

Hey Myshra,

Just redeemed this. Thanks very much for posting it up. :)
Time for a quick rage after coming away from several irritating defeats...

The game feels far too pay2win sometimes, I've been trying to keep a track of my games and in particular thinking afterwards "why did I lose?" - was I too greedy? Did I fail to play around board clear, etc etc. in the hope of trying to improve my game... But here's a few recent loss summaries:

* Against Handlock, tried to put on plenty of pressure and get him down before it got too late into the game. Had him at 5 health with a Mountain giant out, me still at about 25 health with Eaglehorn bow and freezing trap already in play, plus a few cards including kill command, quick shot and owl... In the bag (I thought)... but no, he had one last "skillful" play up his sleeve, the double molten + protector combo. Fine, I thought, I have enough direct damage anyway... but no he also has Jarraxus, buying him just enough time to win... That is pay2win...

I could go on... plenty of times I've had Warriors at ~5 or less health and they've pulled the Alextrasa, Sylvanas, Hellscream pay2win wall as well

Anyway, rage over... I'm sure we can all relate - it's just frustrating, you can't learn to be a better player for these situations as far as I can see... the only real counter to these is to basically pay for tons of packs to get legendaries of your own (I guess that's the business model, but it still sucks!!)
Time for a quick rage after coming away from several irritating defeats...

The game feels far too pay2win sometimes, I've been trying to keep a track of my games and in particular thinking afterwards "why did I lose?" - was I too greedy? Did I fail to play around board clear, etc etc. in the hope of trying to improve my game... But here's a few recent loss summaries:

* Against Handlock, tried to put on plenty of pressure and get him down before it got too late into the game. Had him at 5 health with a Mountain giant out, me still at about 25 health with Eaglehorn bow and freezing trap already in play, plus a few cards including kill command, quick shot and owl... In the bag (I thought)... but no, he had one last "skillful" play up his sleeve, the double molten + protector combo. Fine, I thought, I have enough direct damage anyway... but no he also has Jarraxus, buying him just enough time to win... That is pay2win...

I could go on... plenty of times I've had Warriors at ~5 or less health and they've pulled the Alextrasa, Sylvanas, Hellscream pay2win wall as well

Anyway, rage over... I'm sure we can all relate - it's just frustrating, you can't learn to be a better player for these situations as far as I can see... the only real counter to these is to basically pay for tons of packs to get legendaries of your own (I guess that's the business model, but it still sucks!!)

There is no pay to win in the game as all of the cards are achievable through gold and dust. You also just described a handlock staple, that is their plan every game to get low and drop the giants with taunt?

They were just lucky enough to have the cards they needed as they needed them which is essentially what dictates the outcome of most matches... Luck. If he didn't draw jarax and you were able to just kill command his face would that have been you out playing him?
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Time for a quick rage after coming away from several irritating defeats...

The game feels far too pay2win sometimes, I've been trying to keep a track of my games and in particular thinking afterwards "why did I lose?" - was I too greedy? Did I fail to play around board clear, etc etc. in the hope of trying to improve my game... But here's a few recent loss summaries:

* Against Handlock, tried to put on plenty of pressure and get him down before it got too late into the game. Had him at 5 health with a Mountain giant out, me still at about 25 health with Eaglehorn bow and freezing trap already in play, plus a few cards including kill command, quick shot and owl... In the bag (I thought)... but no, he had one last "skillful" play up his sleeve, the double molten + protector combo. Fine, I thought, I have enough direct damage anyway... but no he also has Jarraxus, buying him just enough time to win... That is pay2win...

I could go on... plenty of times I've had Warriors at ~5 or less health and they've pulled the Alextrasa, Sylvanas, Hellscream pay2win wall as well

Anyway, rage over... I'm sure we can all relate - it's just frustrating, you can't learn to be a better player for these situations as far as I can see... the only real counter to these is to basically pay for tons of packs to get legendaries of your own (I guess that's the business model, but it still sucks!!)

we've all been there laddy.

so many times ive been ready to give up on the game as the opponent has had just the right cards.
There is no pay to win in the game as all of the cards are achievable through gold and dust. You also just described a handlock staple, that is their plan every game to get low and drop the giants with taunt?

They were just lucky enough to have the cards they needed as they needed them which is essentially what dictates the outcome of most matches... Luck. If he didn't draw jarax and you were able to just kill command his face would that have been you out playing him?

Yes, it would - I recognised he was handlock, I knew that meant my tactic should be to avoid getting him too low if I didn't have the means to finish him or get past the predictable taunt-wall... and I executed that perfectly, landing him on a very low amount of health whilst holding onto the direct damage cards I would need to deliver the killing blow... That's skill...

And I would have been successful if he didn't have a card which can't really be played around and is much more likely to appear in the deck of a player who has splashed out a load of real-world money on packs... Yes, he was lucky that he had Jarraxus in hand when he needed it, and yes he could have been a regular free2play player who happened to get Jarraxus in a pack he grinded quests for, but the most likely scenario is he bought that card... Hence pay2win...

we've all been there laddy.

so many times ive been ready to give up on the game as the opponent has had just the right cards.

Ahh I won't give up, if anything it makes me more determined to get there, but yeah we all have our rage moments I'm sure... I think also losing to someone who not only has good cards but is clearly a very skilled player is far less infuriating than losing to someone who appears to have little grasp of the game but just pumps out legendary after legendary until you can't deal with it anymore
Time for a quick rage after coming away from several irritating defeats...

The game feels far too pay2win sometimes, I've been trying to keep a track of my games and in particular thinking afterwards "why did I lose?" - was I too greedy? Did I fail to play around board clear, etc etc. in the hope of trying to improve my game... But here's a few recent loss summaries:

* Against Handlock, tried to put on plenty of pressure and get him down before it got too late into the game. Had him at 5 health with a Mountain giant out, me still at about 25 health with Eaglehorn bow and freezing trap already in play, plus a few cards including kill command, quick shot and owl... In the bag (I thought)... but no, he had one last "skillful" play up his sleeve, the double molten + protector combo. Fine, I thought, I have enough direct damage anyway... but no he also has Jarraxus, buying him just enough time to win... That is pay2win...

I could go on... plenty of times I've had Warriors at ~5 or less health and they've pulled the Alextrasa, Sylvanas, Hellscream pay2win wall as well

Anyway, rage over... I'm sure we can all relate - it's just frustrating, you can't learn to be a better player for these situations as far as I can see... the only real counter to these is to basically pay for tons of packs to get legendaries of your own (I guess that's the business model, but it still sucks!!)

Whilst I want to agree with you wholeheartedly, I feel this game is not really P2W but rather having to really learn to make the right play at the right time at the right place.

Sometimes you can be the best player in the world but you can be slapped with a turn 2/3/4 flametongue totem/whirling zapomatic and something to beef up the flametongue....

I play now for entertainment value rather than competitive play. Everyone is netdecking and you don't need that dust to put together a relatively decent deck, but still somehow you can get your ass handed to you simply because of "better plays"..... most of the time....

I spent a fair amount of this game and I am getting more than its money worth I think. But from now on, I wont spend any more money (i.e. I.e. just doing quests and spending gold on boosters).
August Tracking

My Paladin Deck -

2 x Equality
2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Sheilded Minibot
1 x Sword of Justice
2 x Muster For Battle
1 x Acolyte of Pain
2 x Aldor Peace Keeper
1 x Big Game hunter
2 x Truesilver Champion
2 x Consecration
2 x Hammer of Wrath
2 x Quartermaster
2 x Sludge Belcher
1 x Avenging Wrath
1 x Sylvannas Windrnuner
1 x Dr. OP
1 x Guardian of Kings
1 x Tirion Fordring
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Whilst I want to agree with you wholeheartedly, I feel this game is not really P2W but rather having to really learn to make the right play at the right time at the right place.

... snip ...

I play now for entertainment value rather than competitive play. Everyone is netdecking and you don't need that dust to put together a relatively decent deck, but still somehow you can get your ass handed to you simply because of "better plays"..... most of the time....

It's not the "most of the time" I'm talking about - the remainder is when the game simply is pay2win... No amount of learning would allow me to beat that Jaraxxus play in that situation... I can learn that Handlocks play the infamous big-taunt wall, so I should save things like silence etc. as long as possible in case I need to break through something heavy near the end... I can learn that they put the taunt wall up easily once their health drops low enough to enable 2x molten giants so I shouldn't drop them too low before I'm prepared... But what can I really learn about them having Jaraxxus? Nothing... They have it, oh well game over for me... Guess I should just concede right at the start in future

Facetiousness aside - I agree that on balance HS is fairly generous towards players who aren't spending any money and that you can generally compete okay even without the rarest cards in the game, but some of the toys that are locked away behind a pay/grind wall are a bit too OP and having them gives you an undeniable advantage even if you are a bad player
My Paladin Deck -

Things I would change if I was playing this deck on ladder.

- 1 x Sword of Justice + 1 x Wild Pyro (3rd board clear option against control) or Zombie Chow (for aggro) or even a Coghammer would be better but that's 6 weapons inc. Ashbringer

-2 x Hammer of Wrath + 1 x Loatheb + 1 Healbot/Harrison/Shredder

-1 x Guardian of Kings + 1 Lay on Hands (if you have it).
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