The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Played against a really interesting deck last night, not chock full of the typical cards you expect to see in most decks but a clever combination I hadn't seen before (maybe it's a common one but if it is I'm not sure what the name of it is)...

Was a Paladin deck, similar to a Midrange sort of thing (maybe) but centered around 2x Hobgoblins (give cards with 1 attack +2/+2), and contained a lot of cards which had 1 attack to exploit this. 3/4 Annoy-o-trons, 3/4 echoing ooze (x2), 3/6 flying machine (or whatever that 1 attack windfury 1/4 card is) etc. etc. and of course 3/3 silver hand recruits from the hero power...

I'm sure like all decks it has its weaknesses (deal with the goblins quickly and it's a more typical deck with relatively low-powered minions), but he gained board control and I didn't draw into any silence/direct-damage to counter it (it's also worth noting that even if you silence the hobgoblin it doesn't remove the buff from the creatures which are already in play I don't think)...
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I wouldn't even call Jaraxus that op (given that he is a class legendary), yes he works well in certain decks, but you have to get to turn 9 before he is even an option*. Yes games when a big legendary swings the game can be annoying, but equally it can be annoying when that same legendary is sat unplayable in your hand whilst you get face spanked for 8 turns and die before ever having the chance to play it.

*I know he can get summoned by other means, but in that case his battlecry would not activate.

Agreed, Jaraxxus is an amazing card if the situation arises but he is often a dead card in the hand. In terms of consistency there are so many better legendaries but when he works, the swing can be like no other card.

Either way I would rather play a so called pay to win deck than a bore to win deck. I am so sick of playing face/hybrid hunter and zoo, I love hearthstone but I have started looking into other card games as these decks are sucking the fun out of the game, especially in casual where you cannot even play fun gimmick decks anymore because players want you dead by turn 6. I am thinking either infinity wars or solforge, has anyone played these games?

I would say the game is pay to progress rather than pay to win, if you want to have loads of deck options then paying is the best way but if you are happy to have 2, maybe 3 higher cost decks to choose from then you can make them after a couple of months of grind, especially if you are good at arena. I have managed to save up 5100 gold at the moment through quests, wins and arenas for TGT and 1800 dust so I can craft whichever legendary is this expansions must have.
I stuck in Harrison. And Ive used him EVERY game so far.

Harrison is the best tech card I ever crafted and probably my favourite card in the game. His value is through the roof when you donate to the museum and if you have the coin and you have him in hand he is just in time for death's bite and truesilver.
Have you seen Spellweaver? It's a neat game and it's F2P with gold quests, etc.

I looked at it and I was really impressed. However I saw a video of Noxious presenting it and the deck he created looked so OP and frustrating to play against it made me think twice. I will give it a look though, all the alternate games seem to have their own cool mechanics but I only want to choose 1.

I have been interested in hex as well but I would not want to put time and especially money in to it until the court case is over.
Best card game? lol this is going to sound ridiculous but if it's to play with other mates online recently we've been playing Magic inside Tabletop Simulator... works absolutely fine and since someone on the workshop has digitised entire collections there's no need to spend money on cards/packs... :p
i dont think its P2W but its deffo P2HAVEADVANTAGE

you can play this game completely free, grinding your way to the gold and dust but in reality you can pay to get those things quicker.

a few of the big streamers have proved you can get to legend without spending money.

It's true but they did it a year ago when the decks were basic.

I challenge any ESL player to get near legend now with a free deck

No chance.

Will post tonight my fun 8 priests in a row games last night at level 20 still quite a few good players starting late this month which makes it frustrating but also fun to play.

Don't you just hate when you need a good charge card as face hunter and your first 5 cards are 2 spider and 2 lepers and the worgen infiltrator and he has 2X velen 1 inner fire and the coin grrr

also how come thought steal always steals the two top cards in my deck?

/and breathe :p

Also 100s packs in and still no boom I'm now up to 1000 dust so only 15 packs to go. (assuming the usual trend of 40 dust per pack)
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I challenge any ESL player to get near legend now with a free deck

No chance.

Hit Legend last two months using a Huntard Face deck

Also 100s packs in and still no boom I'm now up to 1000 dust so only 15 packs to go. (assuming the usual trend of 40 dust per pack)

would hold off crafting DR OP at this stage
Agreed, Jaraxxus is an amazing card if the situation arises but he is often a dead card in the hand. In terms of consistency there are so many better legendaries but when he works, the swing can be like no other card.

especially in casual where you cannot even play fun gimmick decks anymore because players want you dead by turn 6.

I haven't seen this so much in casual tbh and like I said last night out of about 25 games I only saw a couple of mages most were priests and warriors hardly aggro decks more control.

The days of face hunter owning are over as most people run taunts and board clears or the dreaded taunt/ duplicate mage combos and face hunter relies on several 1 health plays against a clear board.

Invested too much in hearthstone to play another card game.
Hit Legend last two months using a Huntard Face deck

would hold off crafting DR OP at this stage

Really? well done must have taken an age.

I doubt it was a free deck.

It took me 10-15 mins to play each priest last night :grr so annoying down to 5 cards or sometimes empty decks.

Care to show the deck?

Yep no plans to craft him with new cards coming out. Also most people running BGH.
Best card game? lol this is going to sound ridiculous but if it's to play with other mates online recently we've been playing Magic inside Tabletop Simulator... works absolutely fine and since someone on the workshop has digitised entire collections there's no need to spend money on cards/packs... :p

Ooh, really? Im very much interested in this! Any linkies please?

Is table top simulator any good? I saw an Xwing Miniatures Mod for it the other day which looked fantastic.
I haven't seen this so much in casual tbh and like I said last night out of about 25 games I only saw a couple of mages most were priests and warriors hardly aggro decks more control.

The days of face hunter owning are over as most people run taunts and board clears or the dreaded taunt/ duplicate mage combos and face hunter relies on several 1 health plays against a clear board.

Invested too much in hearthstone to play another card game.

I don't know if it is the time of day but I constantly face them in casual. Last night I played 10 games and 3 were face hunter and 6 in a row were zoo and 1 was shockadin. It is not that I cannot beat face hunter or zoo (zoo is trickier), it is just how boring I find them to play. It was so frustrating, I ended up rope burning a couple of them in protest which is not how I want to conduct myself but I had to vent somehow.

Ladder too is full of them and I have to tech in so many cards I would rather not have to just to get by and face decks never have to tech in anything, it is just brain dead face, face face.

If I hadn't invested so much time and effort into the game I would normally walk away but like you I can't just give up now. I just pray that the new expansion forces the meta more into a mid range kind of meta rather than the aggro meta we have now.
I'm just quitting now when a face hunter come into the game, its just pointless unless you're running tons of healing and cards to fight this one spec. Its really sucking the soul out of the game for me, I've pretty much sticking to the brawls now.

I think it worse than when we had face lock and mech mage, I felt I had a better chance against them than this now. I wish Blizzard would like it more expensive in mana costs for some the cards or give classes better CC options earlier to give you a chance to get board presence or stabilise your health so you stand a chance to fight back :(
Im spending more time playing with stupid decks and not tryign to climb ranks.

Enjoying Miracle Priest. Got someone to -71hp yesterday.
Im hating priest more these days it seems they are all i face. I mean im in arena and im a sharman i have a molten giant that cost 2 on a turn so i play it and had somit to give it taunt. Next turn the damn guy whips out a take over minion spell. I was counting on that card as i was up against about 2 6/5s and few other cards that was annoying. :( Other games they just have too many op spells like one time on first turn he does a spell cost 2 and deals 5 direct damage to my character.

So many op cards in this game its not funny. What ever happened to a nice friendly game where both sides had similar stuff and no one had uber stuff or get out of jail free cards. :/
Mind blast isn't really OP. I would never pick that card in a deck unless its something gimmicky for fun. Mind Control isn't either, you just have to play around it.

Considering you don't know the name of the cards I'm guessing you are new? Probably shouldn't call cards OP until you understand the game :p
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