What new mage deck is this?
Mech Mage with Fel Reavers.
Any chance of posting the list here? Curious what is the same/different compared to my version...
Boring in what way?
ahh ok, i seen strifecro using this earlier in the month.
ive made the standard fel reaver deck but dropped a mana wrym and an arcane missles in place for 2 ironbeaks.
You need to be playing mechs on curve - not a mana wyrm. Not sure about Sylvanas either tbh.
If you're having aggro problems, try a sunfury protector, then only mulligan for it against paladins and hunters. Annoy-o-tron should be enough though. If you have aggro problems later in the game (should have already won though really - go face more), try a sludge belcher.
You need to be playing mechs on curve - not a mana wyrm. Not sure about Sylvanas either tbh.
But the reason not to play scientists is because you want to play a 2 drop mech instead.
how do you play this deck vs patron?
Not sure what you mean.
You race them.
But the reason not to play scientists is because you want to play a 2 drop mech instead.