The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

One of my mates is at Legend Rank #7 with Midrange Hunter at the moment. He gave me the list this morning but I find the midrange hunter decks really boring to play.

Recorded 25 Ranked games with the new Mage deck. Currently Rank 3 with 100% WR against Hunters and Warlock.

One of my mates is at Legend Rank #7 with Midrange Hunter at the moment. He gave me the list this morning but I find the midrange hunter decks really boring to play.

Recorded 25 Ranked games with the new Mage deck. Currently Rank 3 with 100% WR against Hunters and Warlock.


What new mage deck is this?
One of my mates is at Legend Rank #7 with Midrange Hunter at the moment. He gave me the list this morning but I find the midrange hunter decks really boring to play.

Any chance of posting the list here? Curious what is the same/different compared to my version...

Boring in what way? I guess Hunter in general doesn't have a hero power with very much utility compared to most of the others... I find it to have some level of tactics, but I probably don't have enough experience with different decks to know how it compares
Any chance of posting the list here? Curious what is the same/different compared to my version...

Boring in what way?

All midrange decks are boring. You just play everything on curve and the amount of difficult decisions throughout a game is small compared to aggro and control decks. Midrange druids and hunters have always been the easiest decks to play for beginners. But when the meta favours them they can be really good.

Here's the list.
ahh ok, i seen strifecro using this earlier in the month.

Yeah it's not new just new to me. The list I use is a bit different to what others are using. I started playing it to counter the meta which was all Druid, Face & Midrange Hunters. The Reavers improve the Warlock match up as mech mage typically loses to demon zoo.

As soon as the meta shifts to other decks the winrate will drop and i'll play something else.

ahh thats the newer decklist the to the one im using, my one is way more aggro. either fel reaver or go home.

1 Arcane Missiles
1 Clockwork Gnome
1 Cogmaster
1 Mana Wyrm
2 Frostbolt
2 Unstable Portal
2 Annoy-o-Tron
2 Ironbeak Owl
2 Mechwarper
2 Snowchugger
1 Arcane Intellect
2 Spider Tank
2 Fireball
2 Goblin Blastmage
2 Mechanical Yeti
2 Piloted Shredder
2 Fel Reaver
1 Loatheb
You need to be playing mechs on curve - not a mana wyrm. Not sure about Sylvanas either tbh.

If you're having aggro problems, try a sunfury protector, then only mulligan for it against paladins and hunters. Annoy-o-tron should be enough though. If you have aggro problems later in the game (should have already won though really - go face more), try a sludge belcher.
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You need to be playing mechs on curve - not a mana wyrm. Not sure about Sylvanas either tbh.

If you're having aggro problems, try a sunfury protector, then only mulligan for it against paladins and hunters. Annoy-o-tron should be enough though. If you have aggro problems later in the game (should have already won though really - go face more), try a sludge belcher.

i just copied my deck from the guy who got to legend with it. mana wyrms worked for him it would appear.
You need to be playing mechs on curve - not a mana wyrm. Not sure about Sylvanas either tbh.

Mech mage doesn't play scientist/secrets anymore so has 4 extra slots. Mana Wyrm has been an auto include for some time so that the deck has 6 1-drops. This is why it consistently beats Hunter (see stats I posted above). I don't agree with Unstable Portals in the deck. The Wyrms are only there as a solid 2 for 1 in the early game for board control against aggro.

Sylvanas is there for Midrange and Control decks. I used her the last time I took mech mage to legend and she was one of the reasons I had a ~80% WR from R5 to Legend that time and she's still doing the business at Rank 3 now too.
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