The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

you been using the mid hunter all the way?

Sure have :) hasn't been a very fast climb though, more through average winrate slowly getting through... I haven't been bothering to keep a table or anything but I feel like it's probably 60% - 70% winrate. So I bombed down from rank 10 to rank 12 and back up and then hovered around rank 10 for some time, eventually just crept into rank 9 and then have had a couple of good games and streaked into the bottom of rank 8 (+ 2 stars)

I'm trying to stick to this deck at least for this season, get to know it really really well and see what happens. It's a nice deck for me, seems to do okay against what I'm running into most, and is one of the only better decks I have (nearly) all the cards for (except for Dr.Boom)
Sure have :) hasn't been a very fast climb though, more through average winrate slowly getting through... I haven't been bothering to keep a table or anything but I feel like it's probably 60% - 70% winrate. So I bombed down from rank 10 to rank 12 and back up and then hovered around rank 10 for some time, eventually just crept into rank 9 and then have had a couple of good games and streaked into the bottom of rank 8 (+ 2 stars)

I'm trying to stick to this deck at least for this season, get to know it really really well and see what happens. It's a nice deck for me, seems to do okay against what I'm running into most, and is one of the only better decks I have (nearly) all the cards for (except for Dr.Boom)

could you post a decklist?
could you post a decklist?

And give up my secrets? lol :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure it's almost exactly from hearthpwn somewhere:

1x Hunter's Mark
2x Webspinner
1x Glaivezooka
2x Freezing Trap (sometimes swap for explosive or 1 of each)
1x Quick Shot
2x Haunted Creeper
1x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
2x Mad Scientist
2x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Animal Companion
2x Kill Command
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Houndmaster
2x Piloted Shredder
1x Loatheb
2x Savannah Highmane
1x Stormwind Champion (poor man's Dr.Boom)

Can't find the source but this looks about right:

Rank 20 - 1 golden common card, 5 dust ( all of these contain cardback )
Rank 19 - 1 golden common card, 10 dust
Rank 18 - 1 golden common card, 15 dust
Rank 17 - 1 golden common card, 20 dust
Rank 16 - 1 golden common card, 25 dust
Rank 15 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 14 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 13 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 12 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 11 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 10 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 9 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 8 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 7 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 6 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 5 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 5 dust
Rank 4 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 10 dust
Rank 3 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 15 dust
Rank 2 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 20 dust
Rank 1 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 25 dust
Legend - 3 golden common card, 1 golden epic card
And give up my secrets? lol :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure it's almost exactly from hearthpwn somewhere:

1x Hunter's Mark
2x Webspinner
1x Glaivezooka
2x Freezing Trap (sometimes swap for explosive or 1 of each)
1x Quick Shot
2x Haunted Creeper
1x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
2x Mad Scientist
2x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Animal Companion
2x Kill Command
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Houndmaster
2x Piloted Shredder
1x Loatheb
2x Savannah Highmane
1x Stormwind Champion (poor man's Dr.Boom)

Cheers, similar to the one i had already.

im finding malygoslock working at the moment. people think its handlock and then boom you drop maly and unleash hell upon their face.

So its a facehunter. Sigh.

:eek: not facehunter.

Can't find the source but this looks about right:

Rank 20 - 1 golden common card, 5 dust ( all of these contain cardback )
Rank 19 - 1 golden common card, 10 dust
Rank 18 - 1 golden common card, 15 dust
Rank 17 - 1 golden common card, 20 dust
Rank 16 - 1 golden common card, 25 dust
Rank 15 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 14 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 13 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 12 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 11 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 10 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 9 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 8 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 7 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 6 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 5 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 5 dust
Rank 4 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 10 dust
Rank 3 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 15 dust
Rank 2 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 20 dust
Rank 1 - 2 golden common card, 1 golden epic card, 25 dust
Legend - 3 golden common card, 1 golden epic card

cheers, push for rank 10 for me then
So its a facehunter. Sigh.

As above - it's Midrange Hunter :rolleyes: but I can see why at a glance you might not have noticed - a lot of the cheaper cards do appear in Face Hunter as well...

The obvious cards which are missing and would be in a Face Hunter deck are things like 2x Wolfriders, 2x Arcane Golem etc.... i.e. more cheaper cards with charge... and a Face Hunter deck would also be missing some of the heavy cards like the Shredders, Highmanes and Stormwind Champion
And give up my secrets? lol :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure it's almost exactly from hearthpwn somewhere:

1x Hunter's Mark
2x Webspinner
1x Glaivezooka
2x Freezing Trap (sometimes swap for explosive or 1 of each)
1x Quick Shot
2x Haunted Creeper
1x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
2x Mad Scientist
2x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Animal Companion
2x Kill Command
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Houndmaster
2x Piloted Shredder
1x Loatheb
2x Savannah Highmane
1x Stormwind Champion (poor man's Dr.Boom)

Playing something slightly similar

1x Hunter's Mark
1x Timber Wolf
2x Leper Gnome
2x Glaivezooka
1x Explosive Trap
2x Freezing Trap
2x Haunted Creeper
1x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
1x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Animal Companion
2x Kill Command
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Houndmaster
2x Piloted Shredder
1x Hogger
1x Faceless Manipulator
1x Explosive shot
1x Savannah Highmane
1x Ragnaros
Tavern brawl just confirms that Joust cards are utterly pants in almost every way, and inspire cards are *sometimes* at least reasonable... The brawls have seemed super unbalanced to me so far as a result - pretty much might as well quit when you load and are hunter
Tavern brawl just confirms that Joust cards are utterly pants in almost every way, and inspire cards are *sometimes* at least reasonable... The brawls have seemed super unbalanced to me so far as a result - pretty much might as well quit when you load and are hunter

really?? ive not won 1 as mage. i can only win as hunter.

inspire mechanic i think is the one to watch for.
Tried the new brawl, lost once and i was the hunter. Won the 2nd time as hunter again. Luck of the cards really. First match i had nothing but high mana cards like 5 and 7 and 7 for first draw. 2nd game i had better cards come.

Glad i got it tho on that 2nd match cos the deck i got had a golden legendary in, g... somit or other the 8 cost 7/7 with +1 +1 after each turn.

Dont like the new cards. That flip a card and if ur minion is higher than the enemys u get charge or whatever. Thats a bit meh. The others were like u can use ur hero power as many times as u like. Hmm, op on some heroes abilities i think. Potential 10 hero damage if hunter and u have 10 mana and drew a card and it survived so u can use the power and 10 mana next turn.
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really?? ive not won 1 as mage. i can only win as hunter.

inspire mechanic i think is the one to watch for.

The inspire deck is the mage - the hunter has the trash joust mechanic

Dont like the new cards. That flip a card and if ur minion is higher than the enemys u get charge or whatever. Thats a bit meh. The others were like u can use ur hero power as many times as u like. Hmm, op on some heroes abilities i think. Potential 10 hero damage if hunter and u have 10 mana and drew a card and it survived so u can use the power and 10 mana next turn.

Is that really unbalanced? You can do 10 damage on one 10-mana turn as mage already (and it doesn't even require a minion to survive on the board, just need Pyroblast in hand)... You can do 10 damage on a 6-mana turn as hunter already as well if you happen to have a beast on the board + 2x kill commands...

The brawl is a little bit hard to judge by because I'm sure in practice you probably won't be building your entire deck full of one or the other type of card and they'll be mixed in with the existing mechanics better. However judging purely on what's there the reason I think the Joust cards are trash compared to the inspire ones is entirely down to the random element...

Almost all of the joust cards I've seen are absolutely awful cards if they don't win the joust (i.e. for their mana cost they have terrible stats). This makes them too unpredictable to be worth using - I don't want to have to regularly make plays like "well I can play this 3/5 warhorse, and if it wins the joust it'll get charge and I can get the outcome I want"... "oh dear I need to stall for a turn, I'll play the super expensive 5/6 who gains taunt + divine shield if I win the joust"... In those two examples I'd rather just take a wolfrider (guaranteed 3 damage charge) and sunwalker (better value and guaranteed taunt + shield)...

The inspire cards may not all be as amazing and useful as they might first appear, but at least their effects are predictable and consistent - I would consider putting some of those in my decks because they won't end up totally screwing me over. I was thinking - is joust really worse than say, mad bomber? (a random effect which might sometimes not work out so good)... The answer is still no... because the bomber is a decent value minion regardless of what happens with the bombs
The 2 cost 3-2 with the chance to draw a card is pretty good imo, although perhaps not good enough to compete with knife juggler or haunted creeper

Is that the Elk? (joust and if your minion is bigger, draw it) It's not quite as awful as some of the other cards, but that's just because the case where you lose the joust isn't that damaging, and a 3-2 for 2 is reasonable value wise ignoring the effect...

However for me the bigger issue with that one is assuming you're playing the card early on in the game then if you win the joust the minion you draw as a result probably won't be playable for quite a few turns - so it's probably less useful on average than if it just said "if you win the joust, draw a card" - at least then there'd be a chance you draw into something you can play on the next turn or similar
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