The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Anyone else using the agrro warrior deck at the moment?

I played around with this last night and it's quite refreshing to play.

The mulligan topdeck card is Sir Finely Mrrglton as the Warrior's hero power is pants you either want hunter or Warlock HP, one for damage or the other for card draw I prefer the card draw but it depends on who you are facing.

It makes for quick games if you are luck to get 2 lepers and Sir Finely it's more or less game over unless you run into a druid. :D

Thank goodness there are still some aggressive options as everyone playing rope and reno makes for games lasting over 20 mins. (too long in my opinion)

Given that an win rate of 60% means it takes 300+ games to get to legendary this would take 100 hours to get there with the slow games.
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Arrgh just played the luckiest guy on the planet.

I was a mage at 30hp he was warrior out of slams at 30+10 sheild. I get golden monkey he alexstrasa'd me previous round.

I have 5 legends on the board and 6 6 monkey with taunt he has alexstrasa and left over sludge...

he plays brawl and wins.

I shed a few tears i tell ya...
I got up to 15 with that basic priest deck last month.

Enjoyed the challenge. :D but don't get much time on the game and the deck is really slow. I'm sure I could have got higher. There seems to be loads of people with great decks at 18-20 then from 17-15 the quality is slightly lower strangely then above 15 it gets better.

Anyone else found this?
I got up to 15 with that basic priest deck last month.

Enjoyed the challenge. :D but don't get much time on the game and the deck is really slow. I'm sure I could have got higher. There seems to be loads of people with great decks at 18-20 then from 17-15 the quality is slightly lower strangely then above 15 it gets better.

Anyone else found this?

It's normal, don't worry. Lots of people power through noobs at 18-20 to farm golden portraits and hero levels, with quick games, and conceding the next game on purpose to stay at the same rank. Once you pass that wall, you start to play legitimately lower ranked players.
when is the actual thingamabobby changing?

been using decks based on what my current gold challenge is lately. (currently a paladin and sat at rank 10)

looking forward to a druid quest though as i wanna try out the slience druid deck.
surely they would change it at the start of a season rather than half way through?

1st April then maybe?

I'm pretty sure we've already been told it will be a midseason switch. You'll start with the same rank for Wild and Standard and then they will change from there. Your end of season awards will come from your highest rank.
Been playing a long while now but finding it hard to compete without having to spend cash to get a better deck, something I have as yet not done. Just me or is the game set so players need to fork out the cash these days?
If you've been playing a long while you should have enough cards to compete or be good enough at Arena to profit. Classic Zoo is still Legend viable and everyone has those cards.
I never play arena I find it very random and you really need good skills to win.

I can usually predict slightly what the other guy has but in Arena you can be up against guys with 3 patrons or 3 flamestrikes... it makes the game much harder to play.

Then again you can have 3 flamestrikes as well so I suppose it comes down to skill and luck. Don't you hate playing mage when the slap down a duplicate turn 3 and you know turn 4 they are going to coin a sludge :grr
If you've been playing a long while you should have enough cards to compete or be good enough at Arena to profit. Classic Zoo is still Legend viable and everyone has those cards.

I have a lot of good cards, but a few can only be had through purchase...

Not a major problem, I just wanted some input on what others thought of the game..

if u want or need to purchase - buying packs is the only way and then either pull the card in or dust and buy..... I started off free and was enjoying game so have spent around £80 on it over the years....
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