you all been saving your gold?
13k Gold and 2k Dust
you all been saving your gold?
13k Gold and 2k Dust
I'm just going to buy it.
I have 550 gold but decided to play arena to get my standard 1-3 wins per go so 40 dust and 100 gold back
What's your battle tags guys and I'll add perhaps we can play a few friendlies or mini tournament isn't there a site we can use?
is it going to be this month?
They said Spring? Do you have a post or date MooMoo?
13k gold?? how the actual fork.
Blizzard is running a "What's Next in Hearthstone" panel on March 9th, so we should find out a lot then, pretty sure they will unveil a new expansion at that point.
When they split the ladder will we start at the same rank on both?
Is there any point ranking up at the moment?
Just won my first two games with aggro shaman was down to 6 and 3 health.... it's close calls with this deck. Anyone running at least 1 heal is going to win.
Added you joelk
I'm Morganno#2741
When they split the ladder will we start at the same rank on both?
Just had a Rank 12 match where I played a turn 1 secret keeper and my opponent coined out a frost nova. I do wonder sometimes.
you playing secret pally?
Random question, I never looked much into this game (I know how it works) but is it easy to get into or will I feel like I'm getting absolutely crushed every time until I learn all the possible deck/card combinations, skills and counters?
Do you have to grind a lot to get the good stuff? How does the matchmaking work?
Basically, is it going to feel like MMO where it's fine to start from 0 if you have experience from other games or like Starcraft where if you're not up to date with the latest tricks, tactics and know everything you'll just get destroyed in minutes?
people have proved that its possible to get top ranks without spending a penny and in little time.. but..
you have a standard set of cards, you ear gold playing which you can use to open packs and get other standard cards.
since its been released there have been a number of expansions which has brought other cards.
you can play casually and just have some fun (you might be a whiz at the game anyways)
but obviously grinding it out (or paying if you prefer) will reward you with a larger choice of cards which will let you build more effective decks
Are the decks/cards you can buy with money much stronger?
What is the most versatile deck for a beginner?
I've tried to find some info online but the opinions seem very mixed
Is it more worth playing AI or vs other players? Do you get better rewards for Arena over AI/quests?