The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I'm also pretty new (started last weekend!) but I've watched a lot of games online

I am beginning to find that the best way to build a deck is usually to start by taking any of the crucial must-have cards specific to the class (and not taking the ones which suck for that class) and then make sure you have an adequate amount of decent neutral 2 & 3 drops, this I guess would make up perhaps 20/30 of the cards in your deck by that point (depending on how many "good" cards that class has). Then for the final 10 cards ensure you have some decent heavy-hitters and neutrals that synergise well with the hero ability of the class and/or the class specific cards, or to fill in aspects of the deck that are missing thus-far (silence, card draw, removal)

I tend to tweak my deck after every few games if I notice that I keep getting stuck in the same situation (i.e. opponent keeps being able to get too many minions on the board and I'm stuck playing one minion at a time and not able to clear the board - might need more removal spells). But it's all obviously a bit cloudy and ad-hoc because sometimes you might have just got unlucky with the cards you drew

I would give it 10-20 games before changing unless you really are getting creamed all the time.

It is a card game and like any card game there are elements of luck thrown in.
I don't really use mage so would it be beneficial for me to disenchant it? (Gold ice barrier)

I heard it was crap just wanted it for the collecting side of me... i'm really ocd when it comes to stuff like that haha.

It could possibly be worth hanging on to it on the off chance they change it so the disenchanting reward goes up.

As for the collecting OCD side of things. I actually got a gold Millhouse Manastorm, possibly the most useless legendary in the game, but I'm sorta hanging onto it for the sake of having it ><
Ice barrier is common so it's only worth 50 dust disenchanted. Common cards cost 40 dust to make so unless you're desperate for dust to make another card I wouldn't bother. I have a few gold commons, I can't really be bothered to disenchant them because 10 dust is such a minute amount really.

I don't tend to dust spares due to the chance they may get changed in future patches. When this happens the card disenchants for it's make value which is HUGE by comparison (x8 for commons for example). This only really works if you dont have any hard desire to make a card though (eg you play arena mostly).

Ice barrier is a fairly decent card for what it's worth.

Gold MM? You'd rather have a virtually unplayable card than any other legendary that you don't already have? Even the multi deck classics like leeroy/black knight/sylv?
watched a vid with tb playing with a Paladin deck that looks really fun to play.

Seems to be based around Divine Shields and low cost minions to rush someone down. You basically get a few 1/1's out with divine shield and drop a blood knight which is a 3/3/3, but for every minion with divine shield the blood knight gets buffed +3/+3. I guess its incredibly vulnerable to any kind of spell break but cheeky :)

I guess its vulnerable to any fan of knives, arcane explosion type board clears for 1 health but it seems fun none the less.

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I tend to try save the Blood Knight in my hand to use to remove divine shields from their minions rather than off my own. If you then get to play your buffed Blood Knight to deal some damage then great but if not, it's still done it's job :)
I seem to be having trouble logging in tonight, it just sticks on the loading page before the main menu with the blue pulsing light in the background. Just sticks on that screen until I shut it down through the task manager
I seem to be having trouble logging in tonight, it just sticks on the loading page before the main menu with the blue pulsing light in the background. Just sticks on that screen until I shut it down through the task manager

From my experience this normally means the server is down. Doesn't normally take long for it to be sorted out
A mistake I've witnessed a lot of my opponents make in the few games I do win is to buff a minion at the end of their turn when that minion has either already attacked or won't be able to until the next turn...

There are a few situations where it's probably worth it (i.e. to force them to lose a specific minion or minions should they choose to trade with yours, rather than have it survive) but most of the time there is no need to apply a buff until immediately before the buffed minion is about to benefit from its effects.

Probably the most classic example of this is the flametongue totem... Don't play it if it's going to be your only minion on the board!!! And also don't play it next to some minions on the same turn you play them if you can help it!!! Plonk it down between two minions who are ready to attack right at the start of your turn and either trade like a beast or smack them hard with the extra 4 damage :D

I actually won a shammy game yesterday where my board consisted of a raid leader, stoneclaw totem, stampeding kodo (injured to 4-1) and senjin sheildmasta (injured to 4-2)... Start of the turn I played the totem between the kodo and sheidmasta and then hit them both with windfury!!! That's 24 damage right there :p
Ive just played, lost 4 in a row. Why is it pitting me against ptw's? ive only opened two decks so far so not many decent cards and im against people who have fully built decks with strategies to boot. Especially paladin players! last game I lost because of luck though, only needed to hurt him for 2hp but my last draw card was a damn sheep! I didn't get any of my charge minions or direct damage spells/minions through the whole game so really expected one! this is playing as a mage btw. Finding it irritated at times and to only have one mission a day for 40 gold is just damn pathetic and has put me off the game. I know they are trying to bleed peoples money by making it awkward for ftp's but come on, people will pay anyway.
you can build decks based on the basic cards alone which will be enough to earn you enough gold for arena runs, but you will always have those times when you come up against someone just trying out a new deck with every card in the book.

Just chalk those up to experience and requeue.

I had more than enough fun with the basic decks listed here

And ive now moved up to the budget decks costing about 1000 dust for the rares.

The priest one is giving me most success, using the Aunchenai Soulpriest to turn your hero ability to do damage is lovely for pinging off those lowbie minions. Ive won some games with that deck that im sure have annoyed people, winning with under 5hp left etc.
God this rank reset is a stupid proposition. I had worked up to 21 after a week and now I cant win a thing because all the <25 players are starting again from 25, so any match throws me up against people with much better decks and strategy. I think they just broke any interest the game had for me; at least for a few days until the good players have cleared off up the ranks again...
I think they just broke any interest the game had for me; at least for a few days until the good players have cleared off up the ranks again...

This happens every month. It will settle down by mid week. Take the opportunity to improve by playing against better decks and strategies. You'll be facing them eventually ;)
I actually think the resetting of the rank is a good thing...

You inevitably hit a point where you've levelled off at about the level of (a combination of) your skill and unlocked cards... At that point you lose your momentum and it seems like every other game is a brutally crushing defeat. I made it up to lvl 17 last month but whilst I got there fairly fast I was then stuck hovering around lvls 16/17 permanently and it started to feel a bit tired and predictable

Resetting re-introduces that truly random element, you come up against people that are ridiculously good and people who are ridiculously bade and you get to feel like you're making some progress again for a little while :)
hearthstone and alcohol is not a good mix i find.

Reckon i paid for about 5 arena runs last night in addition to a 40 pack of cards :D , only plus side is that apart from the legendaries i think i have all the card i need now to try some constructed :)
Loving the warlock atm!

Had a game were i had a two blood imps out and they lasted the whole game, i think the enemy got very annoyed.

The void walker seems really good for 1 mana, also summoning portal is pretty sweet, any cards that are a must have in a warlock deck?
any cards that are a must have in a warlock deck?

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