Played a bit on Sunday (1st day of new season) and due to a combination of poor decision making (I was hungover!) and comically bad luck, I got my ass kicked all over the place.
It didn't matter which deck I used, my opponents just seemed to have exactly the right card at exactly the right moment all day long.
One thing I noticed was that control decks were the norm - I think I only played against 1 agro deck all day. So many decks with agro hate it was amazing. I think one of the Paladin decks I played had Consecrates/Equality *and* 2 x Pyromancers as well. Lots of Priests too...all of them playing Auchenai Soulpriest+Circle of Healing combo.
The other decks being used were token decks - lots of Druid, and a few Shaman Bloodlust ones. Stall and then OTK.
Looks like taunt creatures are going to be big this season.