The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Made it to rank 4 without playing much at all this season as miracle rogue, might try for legend in the new season doesn't look that hard if i'm honest. If Leeroy gets nerfed i will just switch to Malygod Rogue then :D
Hee hee went on to check what rank I ended up on (only stopped at rank 15 as I didn't play much last month) and couldn't resist playing a couple of quick games

Had a really good one at the end as a Rogue against another Rogue... My deck is just an okay-ish Rogue deck I made myself and they were playing a heavy Miracle deck. Several turns in they hit their big miracle turn, with a gadgetzan on the board and spent what felt like an eternity to me combo-ing off all their spells and finishing with a 12-4 gadgetzan hitting me in the face and then going stealthed, plus a 5 damage assassin's blade in hand... Then started the whole "Well played" nonsense

Luckily for me my followup turn consisted of - Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate combo, Eviscerate combo (both to the face), smack in the face with my 5 damage knife and finished them off with the sunfury protector they had ignored on their turn :D Felt good
Played a bit on Sunday (1st day of new season) and due to a combination of poor decision making (I was hungover!) and comically bad luck, I got my ass kicked all over the place.

It didn't matter which deck I used, my opponents just seemed to have exactly the right card at exactly the right moment all day long.

One thing I noticed was that control decks were the norm - I think I only played against 1 agro deck all day. So many decks with agro hate it was amazing. I think one of the Paladin decks I played had Consecrates/Equality *and* 2 x Pyromancers as well. Lots of Priests too...all of them playing Auchenai Soulpriest+Circle of Healing combo.

The other decks being used were token decks - lots of Druid, and a few Shaman Bloodlust ones. Stall and then OTK.

Looks like taunt creatures are going to be big this season.
New season is always full of unusual decks. Don't forget it's all the high rank players thrown back in with the masses. If you rank up from 20-16 pretty quickly, you end up playing legend players all the time (can tell from card back) and the games become very difficult.
Getting sick of getting terrible drafts in arena. Just now i crafted a pala deck for it and i knew i would be lucky to get 2 wins with it. Ended up going 0/3 and there was nothing i could do about it. Like the 4th or 5th time in a row i have had muck to choose from when drafting my decks in arena.
Zoo, handlock and aggro mage all day, very tough to deal with as miracle rogue. Been losing more than i have won and i have only beaten aggro mage once in about 6 attempts maybe. One guy got double mana wyrm and juggler at lv 2 out.
Anyone recommend a resource of decent noon decks? On heartthpwn I have like, none of the cards required. Got a few heroes to 10, mainly looking for warrior or druid
Anyone recommend a resource of decent noon decks? On heartthpwn I have like, none of the cards required. Got a few heroes to 10, mainly looking for warrior or druid

Zoolock, fastest and cheapest way top rank up. The deck can cost like 800 dust or something which is nothing.

Warrior and druid decks are quite expensive for dust if u want a good one. I think aggro warrior is cheap though.

Just found this aggro warr deck if u are not interested in playing zoolock.

Here is also a weapon warrior deck,
Obsolete Hearthstone cards
That mental collapse would be broken against Handlock/miralce and with coldlight oracle. 20 damage for 4 mana.
Yeah they removed it because of Handlock. Do you remember when Twilight Drake gave +1/+1 instead of just +1 health? That was proper broken :)
seeing as the game loves giving my pirate cards in packs i actually have tried to build a deck around them :)


funny thing is that it actually seems to work :eek:

against a control warrior

against a tempo rogue

i think i must be stunning people into submission and them wondering wtf just happened :D
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