The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

The meta is always the best aggro deck in the first week or so of the ladder and Zoo is just the best archetype to level with quickly at the moment. I always use it to get to about Rank 10 before swapping to a more expensive control deck.
I don't think I've played since the first day this season. Was looking forward to playing some non zoo decks for a change but all I got was zoo. Has pretty much sapped the fun from the game so taking a break.
Started playing this last night, didn't think I'd like it as it is a wafcraft thing.....

ended up playing for 6 hours straight....
Very addicting game. :D
this is my most basic deck, the first one i made and its my go to one when i face a lot of hunter/zoo ites.


EDIT: this is not my exact deck actually. i know i have some other cards in it such as polymorph
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Whats everyone current best deck atm - im struggling a bit - but then again i dont have all cards

Best decks are expensive control decks that you won't have the cards for. For someone in your position the best deck will be a Zoo deck. I used this Zoo deck to win streak from Rank 17 to 8 with little problem over the weekend. No legendaries or Epics required.
I think I've just really been unlucky, main classes are warlock, hunter, pals and shaman. When I play an anti zoo deck I never seem to face them then the opposite happens when I to go zoo I face good decks vs it :S. I also have all the cards to play a miracle rogue but I just always seem to screw up somewhere lol. I do like my warlock deck that's not zoo, come turn 10 I have leery with overwhelming buff + faceless = 20 DMg to the face and if lucky +4 x2 at 0 cost mana.
I think I've just really been unlucky, main classes are warlock, hunter, pals and shaman. When I play an anti zoo deck I never seem to face them then the opposite happens when I to go zoo I face good decks vs it :S. I also have all the cards to play a miracle rogue but I just always seem to screw up somewhere lol. I do like my warlock deck that's not zoo, come turn 10 I have leery with overwhelming buff + faceless = 20 DMg to the face and if lucky +4 x2 at 0 cost mana.

How do you get on with Shaman? Its my go-to deck at the moment.

No legendaries (although Im saving dust to craft Thalnos), and only one epic - Doomhammer, which can be replaced by another card.

Other than that its really similar to Trumps F2P Shaman deck, with a few changes here and there.

Anyway, the nerf to Hunters has made it pretty strong now.

Edit: can post it if you like, but its just a pretty standard Shaman mid range deck.
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I got Al'Akir legendary recently, know any good Shaman decks with him in?

you could probably run the deck pipson just posted but with al'akir instead of doomhammer and it should work pretty well.

i'd take out the lava burst for another mana tide totem if you had it though and maybe ditch a yeti for bloodlust and if you have bloodmage thalnos maybe find a way to squeeze him in also.
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i do like playing shaman but i dont seem to be getting anywhere with him atm. Had to switch to priest for a bit before i dropped to far down the ranks.
i do like playing shaman but i dont seem to be getting anywhere with him atm. Had to switch to priest for a bit before i dropped to far down the ranks.

Dropping down the rankings is never a bad thing when experimenting with a new deck as it should give you easier games. Don't worry, you will rise back up after tweaking your deck and decision making a bit.
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