***The Official HP TouchPad Thread***

I did the maxblocker one yes, removed but still getting a black screen when I press play on the video. Maybe I'll try a cold boot.

EDIT: or I cold just read the instructions on that page properly. ;) Will clear the cache etc as well.
EDIT2: that fixed it, thanks :)

No worries, my friend had the same issue whereas I didn't. Took us a while to see that I hadn't installed that patch while he had :p

intuitive isn't it. :p

It's not difficult really. The home button also takes you into the card view so that you can throw things off screen that way as well, if you find that a bit more obvious.

No more difficult than swiping through photo/music albums :p
How are you watching 4od? When I try via the website I just get a black box now. Flash seems to work fine on iplayer etc. Did you do the tweaks in the link on the first page? 4od used to work when I was on stock 3.0.0 but when you went full screen the navigation bar used to obscure some of the middle of the screen.

Stock was running fine now I've updated and patched I've had to remove adblocker and now only on 4OD on Youtube haven't tried 4OD again

My 2 new cases just turned up, very nice
I'm using Kalemsoft Media Player (Beta) on my tablet (found here - http://kalemsoft.com/betas/) and their server on my computer.
I'm not really sure how it works, all I know that it does work and is very quick. Once you select the avi on the tablet it opens up almost immediately.
It's worth trying. You need to install the beta through WebOS on your computer.

I am sitting on the train, and have just found out that kalemsoft won't play some films I have put on the touchpad without wifi access. Slightly bizarre Nd very annoying. I think it will work only when your account is registered - obviously trying to make you pay.

Is there any decent genuinely free media player? I am surprised hp didn't bundle something themselves.

Fingers crossed my daughter doesn't wake up, I had planned to entertain her with teletubbies on the touchpad!
the power button of my touchpad is not working. I can not use it to lock the sceen, and turn off the touchpad. what should i do? i have already update it to 3.0.2.
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