***The Official HP TouchPad Thread***

CM Android port about 70% all major devices working apprt from sound which is only partial then they need to get minor things working such as the camera and compass, BT etc. Awesome!
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I have no experience of programming and I don't want to seem like I'm forcing the dev's to hurry up but what sort of time scale in weeks/months before we get a 100% android port?

Don't get me wrong WebOS is sweet but lacks apps, where as stuff like LogMeIn, Dropbox, IM+ will come in handy.
CM Android port about 70% all major devices working apprt from sound which is only partial then they need to get minor things working such as the camera and compass, BT etc. Awesome!

Cant wait! I like the look of webos but its just so hollow and shallow, Sometimes i imagine a tumbleweed going past my screen when i go in to the app drawer :D
This is'nt a dev forum, i was just repeating what one of the dev's said, if i had to hazzard a guess based on what they have done i would say inside 3 weeks unless they hit a major hurdle.

Saw this on rootzwiki from a dev.
CPU @ 1.2Ghz for reference a GS2 scores about 3000~ so once this is fully tuned up and running at 1.5-1.7Ghz it should fly and be very capable.
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By the way Angry Birds Seasons HD just been released in the App Store. £1.50 or thereabouts.

Lots of apps appearing every day now. Some good too!
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