Call of Duty for your Desire you say?
Call of Duty for your Desire you say?
Downloads have stopped working for me from the android market
me too, i was trying to get the update to chromemarks and it bombed, i then 'uninstalled' market updates taking me down to an older version, how do i reupdate it?
Downloads have stopped working for me from the android market
I'm very very very impressed with the HTC Desire now.
On Friday I was rushed to hospital, and in the evening I came home as as I was getting out of the car I forgot my missus Desire was on my lap and it fell out... straight into a bloody drain! I heard a 'plop' and it was gone. I could see a light really far down underwater, and amazingly the bluetooth was still connected to the car so I went to get something to try and get it. Unfortunately the drain was so deep the phone ended up going to the bottom under about 3 foot of sludge and leaves so I gave up for the day.
Yesterday I was feeling better so I decided to give it another go and got hold of a long net and after about 30 goes and a massive pile of leaves and sludge later I managed to find it! I was mainly worried about getting some photos/videos off the SD card from our son's first visit to the swings etc and after putting it in the sun for a bit, it worked! I was so relieved and this showed me what a huge advantage removable storage is compared to my old iPhone where I once lost a load of pics.
Anyway it doesn't stop there, I tried the battery (after drying it) and it seems to work perfectly! Great news.
But it still doesn't stop there - I put the Desire underneath the sun, then a lamp, then in the airing cupboard over night, then the sun all morning and all sign of any condensation had been gone since last night. I was a bit impatient and thought I'd give it a go, not expecting it to work but I pressed the button then the HTC sign appeared, then the Android animation appeared
, then the home screen appeared!! Not only that but EVERYTHING is working, camera, touch screen, mic, earpiece, wifi, bluetooth - I expected at least something to be broken! When I recovered the phone it had so much water in it that it looked like a lava lamp. If you look closely you can see dried watermarks on the inside of the glass screen so I may take it to bits and clean those off at some point.
As I said, very very impressed.
tldr; I dropped an HTC desire into a deep and muddy drain, found it waterlogged 2 days later and it worked perfectly after drying it out.
Have any T-Mobile customers signed up to use additional Orange signal, and had problems with data 'roaming'?
I'm loathe to activate until I know it's safe as I don't know how reversible it is!
You can remove youtube from the ROM zip file, disable signature verification before flashing in recovery.
S-OFF - Follow thelink I posted before. There a splash util out that changes boot anim/splash but S-OFF needs to be enabled first!