*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

Khaan about your pic above Off topic so sorry :)

but nice stereo there :) ive considered changing mine too, can you get any adapter so the wheel controls still work?
Hmm yeah seems the iPlayer website loads the flash but just hangs on playback!

Expect 5.7a shortly I guess :p

Bradmax57 yeah you can, I bought a cheap one but it failed a year later so now I have none but will probably buy another at some point.
Can't get the wi-fi sync to work on Winamp - anybody got any tips?

Plugged in using cable and it recognised Android device and all that.

Tried doing the discovery, nada. Definitely turned on in the settings, definitely connected to the same subnet.

Update: for WiFi sync, you need to download this beta version of the desktop app: http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?t=322995
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Say I followed that guide, what happens if something went wrong? Is there a way of restoring the phone back to factory settings like when I first receive it?

What about any Android updates? Will they get sent to the phone like normal? Also does it allow you to download Apps from the Market like normal?

Sorry for all the questions! :p

Very unlikely to go wrong from what I have read.

Yeah you will get normal updates. There will be no problem with the market stuff.

Basically its making your phone to factory settings, with no operator crap on there.
I'm on Vodafone and for a while my picture messaging has not been working? Is this likely to be an APN issue?? If so what's the easiest way to aquire the default ones for voda?

Phone has been very stable recently. There are still some moments in certain apps/menus that are laggy but I think this is a ROM issue rather than the phone tbh.
Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but why o why, when i'm writing a text or email and it tries to predict what i'm typing it keeps moving the position of the word flicking from its default position to about 1cm above it, so when i try and touch the word i want it moves. So flippin annoying.
Anyone understand what i mean? And have any answers?
really? there was very little on mine, about 2 or 3 non removable apps, and just the orange boot logo and theme, theme easily changed to whatever you want so id hardly call it loads, having said that still went ahead and rooted it :)

Wasn't much on my Orange Desire when I got it over summer either. Still changed the ROM though. :p
I have no idea, someone linked it on another Android forum and it worked fine for me like any other app o.0
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