*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

The one I got with my ebay dock is AC recognised not USB, works as well as the HTC one.


A cool SD Card Read/Write speed test app: http://www.androidpit.de/de/android...t4ward.sdcardspeedtester/SD-Card-Speed-Tester

I tested it in anticipation of the 29fps 720p update which went live for Nexus One today and you need at least a 7MB/s write speed on your card.

My Sandisk Mobile Ultra 8GB Class 2:

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Anyone know a way to get the updated YouTube app to intercept youtube links from the stock browser? Ever since updating it youtube links just get treated as web pages :(
Does anyone use Handcent as a replacement messaging app? I'm having a problem with the LED colours, I'd like to use blue but it doesn't seem to work. Is there something else I need for it? I've seen it flash blue before so it can be done!
Blue works for me in Handcent, DeFrost ROM, seems to be ROM related if it doesn't work.

The blackbar is part of the Cyanogen Settings presets in DeFrost. The battery circle is via the UOT kitchen: http://circle.glx.nl/
Khaaan! :p

Could you upload the SD Card Read/Write speed test app please :D

Can't find it on the market at all, but yet I see it on app brain :confused:

Thanks in advance.
I will,

Once my webhost allocates me more bandwidth as I have gone over 150GB this month :O

By the power of greyskull, that was fast :D
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anyone tried RCMixHD rom yet? hes ported the sense hd ui to desire....looks very nice. might test it on the mrs phone first as its playing up a little + she will probably appreciate the features more.
The Mrs?

Since the camera is not working I'd value my life more than any other features being added.
Got a problem with my Desire.

When I plug it into my computer, it no longer prompts me as to what connection I want to do (charge only, disk drive etc).

It's charging when I plug it in. I checked in settings and the box that asks if you want to be prompted is still ticked, and changing the default connection isn't doing anything.

I just want to access the SD card :/
You might have to restore defaults or just click the charging bar in the notification tray and change it to disk drive.
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