*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

It's worth noting that high res videos run a lot smoother on leedroid and there's more codec support like my camcorder videos I transferred would not play on defrost/stock roms but they do in the stock HTC video player that comes with Sense.

Also browser Flash is smoother and more responsive on the HTC browser (especially iPlayer controls).
Try it man, I customised it by removing various apps from the zip then flashing it with verification turned off in recovery to streamline it further.

It's good to have the better browser, phone and contacts apps back :)
what did you pull out? (teehee)

I pulled out quickly to avoid any disappointment ¬_¬.....the following:

com.teslacoilsw.cleardefaulthome.apk (useless app)
se.alexanderblom.gmailunreadcount.apk (no need for this with launcher pro)
com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apk (already have it installed via Titanium anyway)
com.koushikdutta.rommanager.apk (already have)

GenieWidget.apk (news/weather widget of no need)
HTC_Desire_DioPen.apk (it's the alt keyboard with handwriting recognition, I use HTC_IME_MOD so don't need this)
Jbed.apk (java app for the getjar website, useless)
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk (failwallpaper)
Mode10Wallpapers.apk (failwallpaper)
R2D2_LiveWallpaper.apk (failwallpaper)
teeter.apk (failgame)

android_audio.mp3 (the boot sound)

I then flashed my custom notification bar and battery mod via UOT kitchen along with some other Leedroid mods:
D-Pad to unlock mod
Droid Multitouch keyboard (I like this sometimes when bored)
Browser reflow fix + unlimited tabs mod
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Ta, I pulled out the relevant ODEX files too. Oddly, I didn't have the R2D2 wallpaper.

In the resource folder, can I add my own wallpaper so that it appears in the list of wallappers without me have to repeatedly set it?
I rooted and installed Leedroid. Now I discovered I need to use A2SD+ as I have no app space to use. Battery life on the phone isnt great - any good tips from anyone?

Anyone using Tasker care to share profiles?
Try it man, I customised it by removing various apps from the zip then flashing it with verification turned off in recovery to streamline it further.

It's good to have the better browser, phone and contacts apps back :)

THe Phone and Contact apps are the main reason why ive stuck with sense roms all the way really :)

Just wished the could get the camera fully working on the HD rom.......
Just use it with auto detect but I don't run setcpu.

Methanoid, did you install the A2SD+ version of leedroid? if so then just repartition the SD from recovery but backup the SD first.

Battery life though seems standard.
Sports? lawls :p

THe Phone and Contact apps are the main reason why ive stuck with sense roms all the way really :)

Just wished the could get the camera fully working on the HD rom.......

Yeah by that time Gingerbread will be out so we'll be on that instead :p
Dont know what you guys are using to play video but vplayer and rockplayer are both getting better slowly. Rock now supports multiple audio streams, whilst vplayer doesnt but is slightly faster.
Both will support external subs, and with vplayer its almost reached the point where dvd res h264 mkv is watchable.

Wish they could do more with the hardware, the system player is much faster than software CPU decoding, but codec support on the system player is fairly poor :(
Codec support on Sense roms is good but Android 2.3 supports even more so good times await :)
It would certainly be nice to see MKV/FLAC support turn up :)
As it stands most videos people will make for PC/HTPC usage aren't compatible out the box on the desire :(
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I'm finding LeeDroid very laggy. Slow to respond. Like, I read a text and press back or home and nothing happens, then suddenly it does it. LauncherPro judders into the app draw. I'll give it a bit longer but at the mo I'm not finding anything which I like better than Oxygen or Defrost. If anything, I dislike the HTC stuff more and more :(
No lag here at all, are you using A2SD? It's smoother than stock DeFrost but as smooth as DeFrost with BF kernel and stock Oxygen (which uses BFS anyway).
Ahoy everyone

I installed the Oxygen ROM, few questions

1. How do I add Facebook data to a new contact? I can't seem to find it on this contact system

2. When I go to Accounts & Sync settings I want to add a Facebook account, but when I click add account nothing happens :S
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