*** The official HTC One S thread ***

Thanks. Well as you can see i've not had much time to use my phone the past couple of days :p Impressed with the battery life though


Screen on about 33% brightness
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My brother recommended it i didn't know any better :p Uninstalled!

Usage wasn't very much at all i've been far too busy :(. Maybe a couple of hours of browsing/app store, bit of whatsapp, bit of gbc emulator, quick play with the camera etc showing off to my dad
Just got my One S today, upgrading from a desire HD.

I want to import my contacts and transfer my old sms messages etc. Better still, copy the lot!

My old sim has deactivated and some things are on the SD card, others the sim.

How the heck do i do this?? Im struggling! HELP!!! :confused:

Ta :)
All your contacts should be backed up to your google account so as soon as you set up your gmail account on the S they should sync to the phone.

If not, and they are just on the SIM then insert the SIM in your S and move them to google account or phone storage and take out the SIM once done and put your new one back.

As for messages install this on your desire HD https://play.google.com/store/apps/...mNvbS5yaXRlc2hzYWh1LlNNU0JhY2t1cFJlc3RvcmUiXQ and then install it on the S as well to restore them from the file.

If you want stuff from your HD SD card onto the S then simply transfer by bluetooth to the S or better yet just plug the usb cable into your HD and to the PC and choose the storage option and then move the stuff from the mobile to your hard drive and disconnect the HD and connect your S to the PC and move the files to your S.

As for SIM stuff, you should still have the items on it, you just can't use it to make calls etc. you could just move whatever it is to the phone storage or if your S is unbranded or on the same network put it in the S and move the items across to phone storage and then put your new SIM back in.
Other option would have been 'My Backup Pro' off the market. You can backup most things and restore. Contacts can be taken care of with Google (as well as My Backup) but call logs, sms and such are transferred fairly easily. That said for call log when restored to the One S restores the numbers but unable to restore the identity? You know, you have Cheryl Cole's number in your contacts and she phoned you the other day to borrow a tenner. Well when the call list is restored it'll only show the number and not the name as you would expect? Never an issue with other phones? Best go, the doctor is coming :p
quick question if I root will adfree app work? Because I seem to recall on my old desire it required s-off?
I've had two crashes on the One S so far.

Hardware fault likely? Or is it more likely software, like chrome beta? I was browsing the market when one of the crashes happened.
Not sure if a hardware fault or software, I imagine it is a software fault with android/sense though as nearly every android phone has had a crash at least once :p

I have only had one crash so far and it was when I was browsing the internet using ICS browser+ and typing a reply here using swiftkey beta 3 and using the magnification tool to place the cursor in a spot. No idea why it happened.

If it happens a few times again within the next few days then either you have an app installed that is causing problems or it is the hardware :(
Well I've uninstalled switch pro for now and have switched to stock browser for now and gone back to SwiftKey X. basically got rid of all the beta software and I've never been a fan of switch pro ;-)
What?!?! :eek:

Switchpro is amazing! :p

Only good widget I can find where both the flashlight and data connection work along with setting what brightness % you want to switch between.
Switch pry back on, and and chrome beta. Can't live without them, lol!

Personally I think it was software as both times it crashed I was "doing stuff" if you see what I mean.
I have had my one S for nearly two weeks now and have to say it is a fantastic phone, I have been quite fortunate that I have not experienced any of the issues read about online so far. I did buy a casemate tough case almost immediately though as the phone is very thin and slippery and I could see how easily it would get damaged or scratched, some change in my pocket left a mark on the back which luckily wiped off!

I did try the One x but thought I would probably find it to big for day to day use. The one S is a great improvement on my Sony xperia!
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