*** The official HTC One S thread ***

Yeah as said skillmister, get it swapped for a brand new one ASAP and if o2 deny anything about that and you have to go through HTC etc. then just show them all the websites that have stated HTC official announcement about getting it replaced without any questions :)

Got any links? I'd like to walk in there armed to the teeth with info :D
Cool thanks. With all these news things being from a month ago does that mean they have fixed the problems now and i just got an 'old' and unlucky one?

Still no official word afaik regarding the problem being fixed or if it was even a problem for every handset due to the MAO process or just a bad batch.

But I have seen some people say that the replacement model that they got has had no problems within a few days of use, so you could have just been unlucky and got one from a faulty batch or something.

I got mine a few days after release and in 3 days with no case on, I have no chip marks (apart from around the USB port).


Just read this from hTC apparently:

Thank you for contacting HTC regarding your HTC One S. My name is Jonathan and I am a Technical Support Agent for the HTC Written Team. I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties with the housing having chipped. Devices without this issue have been released to the market, however, although the devices have an increased resistance, this does not mean that they are completely immune to chipping.


Another quick response:

I got small chipping at the upper edge, and requested repair by 1&1, Germany.

Today a 1&1 employee called me. That's basically what he said:
* HTC confirmed them that this is some batch issue
* He would not recommend me to insist on some exchange for now.
* New batch will be available at the end of the montch - and he they will automatically come back to me at this time.
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I'll just hope for the best then.

I see, well i'll go in anyway and see what they say. With it being such a seemingly common problem no doubt they will have some response.
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Yup, that is all that you can do really :)

And if you do get another one which is prone to chipping easily, just keep returning and getting a replacement.
I must be lucky with mine, or very careful, not got any chips on it yet.

But then I haven't dropped it (yet...this WILL happen at some point!) and I always keep my phone in my pocket and I never put anything else in with it.

In other news...I haven't had a crash since last Friday (still just the two) and I've remembered I was using Swiftkey 3 beta both times and have since uninstalled it and gone back to Swiftkey X...I wonder? Although I have read of other people having resets when using Chrome beta (which I use).
On that note, how good is Chrome beta!? Absolutely awesome browser. I love the way it works and much prefer it over Opera (which I used on my old Wildfire) and the stock sense 4 browser. I've also tried ICS Browser+ but that didn't float my internet browsing boat either.
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Hmm could be related to swiftkey beta then as I was using it when I had my crash as well...........

May go back to the old swiftkey or stock sense for now maybe, but I haven't had a crash for quite a while *touch wood*

Just placed an order for the HTC screen protector, total £3.74 (delivery costs more than the actual protector :o). Still no word as to when the martin fields will be in stock, so this will just have to make do for now and if it turns out to be decent enough then I will cancel the MF's one and save myself £12 :p :o
Nexus - where did you order the MF protector from? I had one on order from that spot that's Fun for Mobiles and was delivered last week? That said I had an HTC protector on which wasn't bad but lost it when I exchanged phone. Removed or at least did a factory reset but forgot about the HTC screen protector. Weather it can be reused I'm not sure. Got the Martin Fields on now which is OK, if a little pricey.
Just had a look there at both ics browser and sense and you actually have got "folders" in some ways, it is just called labels instead though :p

I can't see any option for folders.

However, can see no way of creating a new label/folder in the bookmarks menu, but when you go to save a page to bookmarks or edit a current bookmark, you can give/change the label there.

You can add 'folders' for your bookmarks as you create them or edit an existing bookmark? This is with ICS Browser+. Is this what the OP was trying to do?
I too have had one crash/reboot episode and although didn't take a lot of notice I'm sure I may have been using Swiftkey beta at the time? Still am using it but not had any more problems.

One thing I have noticed is when using ICS Browser+ and have 4 or more 'tabs' on the go, when you go back to desktop often have to wait while it rebuilds? Other than that it's been pretty speedy.
Nexus - where did you order the MF protector from? I had one on order from that spot that's Fun for Mobiles and was delivered last week? That said I had an HTC protector on which wasn't bad but lost it when I exchanged phone. Removed or at least did a factory reset but forgot about the HTC screen protector. Weather it can be reused I'm not sure. Got the Martin Fields on now which is OK, if a little pricey.

A place beginning with E, not the direct competitor with OCUK but specialises more so in mobile accessories but it also has some computer stuff so can't link them, will send you a trust message if you aren't sure of the place.

Was cheaper than mobile fun for a single one.

Sent the place beginning with an E an email asking when they would be in stock and have not heard back......... :/

As long as it applies with no air bubbles, doesn't effect screen touch responsiveness and colours too much then it will do and I will cancel the MF one.

You can add 'folders' for your bookmarks as you create them or edit an existing bookmark? This is with ICS Browser+. Is this what the OP was trying to do?

Yup as I said:

can see no way of creating a new label/folder in the bookmarks menu, but when you go to save a page to bookmarks or edit a current bookmark, you can give/change the label there.


Just no specific option for that as far as I can see.

And yup I am pretty sure that is what he is trying to do, it is folders essentially......just called "label" instead though :p

Just a thought how do i back up all my app data and whatnot?

Unless you root and install titanium backup, there is no way of backing up your settings/data for each app, but you can backup the .apks (just like a .exe really), which means you don't have to re-download the apps.

Estrongs file explorer can backup the .apks
Unless you root and install titanium backup, there is no way of backing up your settings/data for each app, but you can backup the .apks (just like a .exe really), which means you don't have to re-download the apps.

Estrongs file explorer can backup the .apks

Well that sucks.
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