*** The official HTC One S thread ***

Yeah OneS is definitely big enough for me. It's still a little large sometimes but the OneX just felt cumbersome. No S3 to try when i got mine though, i should nip into a shop at some point to have a play
Which was fixed rather quickly considering they changed the design, and isn't a problem with every phone. Plenty for a lot of (most?) people. Again, an issue that certainly doesn't affect everyone.

But i guess everything else is perfect if you ignore the problems the OneX has, the major signal issues the almighty iphone 4 had along with camera problems, and no doubt issues with the S2 and S3 at some point :p

I said 'some would say' - didn't mean it was my personal opinion or every One S is affected. Though my opinion of the signal issue stands :rolleyes: It's all subjective and I don't think there is the perfect phone or we'd all have one :D Apple might say the iPhone 5 may be that phone <dives under table> :eek:
Yeah OneS is definitely big enough for me. It's still a little large sometimes but the OneX just felt cumbersome. No S3 to try when i got mine though, i should nip into a shop at some point to have a play

From a play in the shop the S3 is nice and the screen is gorgeous and it feels slick ..... but it is BIG.
Get Three to give you a Xperia S too see if that's any better? The Defys reception wasn't that much better then the One S tbh, just more stable/no deathgrip.
Threes coverage in your area is probably the biggest issue.

I mean, a Defy+? Really?! :confused:

Yup, it was a cracking phone :cool: (I bet most apps feel like they're running through treacle now)
Motorola can **** themselves for using gingerbread as a hardware upgrade vehicle, I'll never buy one again unless Google do something drastic. :p
Well I played with the S3 in a shop, people say the X is even bigger in the hands which is just not on. Its a shame top end android now means stupid size. I actually wish there was something in iphone size with decent specs.

Its getting delivered tomorrow.

Yeah, I don't think I could go any bigger than the GN, GS 3 (reason for them is that they feel comfortable to hold as opposed to the 1X), hopefully will see big screens, but with very little bezel thus keeping the mobile small at the same time.

I think that is one of the rumours for the design of the iphone 5, big screen with very little bezel :eek: :cool:


Oh, I thought you tried your sim in your wife's 4s. Well then it could just be a problem with the network and phone (weak coverage and a phone that doesn't hold the signal well)

What does the coverage checker on 3's site show that you should be getting?

I would get another SIM from like T-mobile or someone who offers much better reception and see it gets on with the S.

Yeah nokia are handsets are top quality as well. Were top dog for many many years.

Unfortunately all devices have problems when first released, it is just a question of how quickly they fix the problems. If the one S was the intended flagship device and receiving more updates, I reckon the signal would be improved by now.

You'll have Nexus kicking your door down :D

Egg his house before that as well :p :D

It's all subjective and I don't think there is the perfect phone or we'd all have one Apple might say the iPhone 5 may be that phone <dives under table>



Unfortunately they sell that line so well and all the apple fanboys actually get brainwashed by it and believe it :p :o

Guaranteed there will be a problem with the iphone 5 as well when first released.
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Get Three to give you a Xperia S too see if that's any better? The Defys reception wasn't that much better then the One S tbh, just more stable/no deathgrip.
Threes coverage in your area is probably the biggest issue.

Yer, like that is going to happen. tried Sunday and I could have one if I handed over thick end of £400, or at least £300 and odd. I forget what she quoted. Totally disinterested and they've not heard of the problem.

Yup, it was a cracking phone :cool: (I bet most apps feel like they're running through treacle now)
Motorola can **** themselves for using gingerbread as a hardware upgrade vehicle, I'll never buy one again unless Google do something drastic. :p

Google don't seem to be doing much and there was talk of them offloading some or all of Motorola some time back. Not heard anything for some time.

Defy+ ... Yup, welcome to the world of Captain Slow. That said for browsing,email and stuff with ICS on it isn't as bad as all that.
Yeah, I don't think I could go any bigger than the GN, GS 3 (reason for them is that they feel comfortable to hold as opposed to the 1X), hopefully will see big screens, but with very little bezel thus keeping the mobile small at the same time.

I think that is one of the rumours for the design of the iphone 5, big screen with very little bezel :eek: :cool:


Oh, I thought you tried your sim in your wife's 4s. Well then it could just be a problem with the network and phone.

What does the coverage checker on 3's site show that you should be getting?

I would get another SIM from like T-mobile or someone who offers much better reception and see it gets on with the S.

Yeah nokia are handsets are top quality as well. Were top dog for many many years.

Unfortunately all devices have problems when first released, it is just a question of how quickly they fix the problems. If the one S was the intended flagship device and receiving more updates, I reckon the signal would be improved by now.

Egg his house before that as well :p :D



Unfortunately they sell that line so well and all the apple fanboys actually get brainwashed by it and believe it :p :o

Guaranteed there will be a problem with the iphone 5 as well when first released.


Not tried the mrs's iPhone yet. Don't really like them either. Lorry driver in yard other day had 2 iPhones in his cab :eek: No accounting for taste :D

Three has strongest signal in our area and their mast is on doorstep. Coverage checker at Three says as mast is close signal should be good. T-Mob sig is good but O2 and Voda not so good though mrs on Tesco seems fine but when I speedtested it, it was poor.

I think the One S signal issue is fixable because I seem to get a lot of mast switching when checked on Network Info app. It has a habit of sitting on a weak mast further off and occasionally fixing the local mast. None of this I'm 100% on but comparing cell id's and what have you between phones it seems the Moto happily sits on the strong mast. In the city there are a lot of strong masts in close proximity and so I don't seem to have any issues. BUT, what the hell do I know - far cleverer folk at HTC should know better than I :D
Hmm, no idea what is going on then. You should be getting a better signal with the GS 2 (haven't seen any one reporting issues with the signal unless they have rooted and flashed different modems etc.)

options are just to hang on to the S and use the defy + till/if HTC fix the issue, sell the S and GS 2 and get something else, maybe the XS, GN or some other device (although if the GS 2 is suffering as well, then I can't see the other devices being much better, don't do anything till you unlock the 4s and try your SIM out in it, if it is the same then you may just have to use motorola devices :p :()
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Hmm, no idea what is going on then. You should be getting a better signal with the GS 2 (haven't seen any one reporting issues with the signal unless they have rooted and flashed different modems etc.)

I flashed a stock ICS rom onto the Samsung GS2 with a view to selling it. Given it another try around our yard and it pretty much behaves the same as the One S though maybe not as good reception being quicker to lose sig altogether. So it's going as it's no use to me.

then you may just have to use motorola devices :p :()

Many a true word said in jest :eek: I had a search around the web regards Android phones and signal reception. Time and time again Motorola's experience in communication equipment seemed to give them the edge in antenna design. Seems to be born out by the Defy+. Motorola didn't seem to have the edge anywhere else mind :rolleyes: Worst signal reception I get in a stone building here is -95dBm on the Motorola. Needless to say in same place signal drops on the One S and GS2

options are just to hang on to the S and use the defy + till/if HTC fix the issue, sell the S and GS 2 and get something else, maybe the XS, GN or some other device (although if the GS 2 is suffering as well, then I can't see the other devices being much better, don't do anything till you unlock the 4s and try your SIM out in it, if it is the same

Be nice if HTC came up with a fix. I'd be interested in trying a One X as there seems to be little muttering about signal reception there? It's a little on the large size for me maybe though nearly did opt for it and got the One S instead. I used to have a HTC Desire and had no signal issues with that though was on T-Mob. I'll get a T-Mob payg sim and try that and get the iPhone unlocked. I'll report back on both those options.

Any hints on unlocking an iPhone 4S?

Speaking of iPhones some how came across the page below today

http://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/news...- News)&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=feedburner

Now I wonder if the iPhone 5 will look like that? Sorry to use such foul language Nexus :D
Any hints on unlocking an iPhone 4S?

Your network will have to do it. Apple control the codes to unlock them and the network have to request them from Apple.

It may be free however, but it depends.

Be nice if HTC came up with a fix. I'd be interested in trying a One X as there seems to be little muttering about signal reception there? It's a little on the large size for me maybe though nearly did opt for it and got the One S instead. I used to have a HTC Desire and had no signal issues with that though was on T-Mob. I'll get a T-Mob payg sim and try that and get the iPhone unlocked. I'll report back on both those options.

Yep, the One X signal is very solid. It gets a signal where my S2 and Sensation cannot.

Speaking of iPhones some how came across the page below today

http://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/news...- News)&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=feedburner

Now I wonder if the iPhone 5 will look like that? Sorry to use such foul language Nexus :D

Probably not. There are about a million various mockups of it, so assume they're all fake until The Verge and Engadget say otherwise.

Apple have to do a good job of it though, and Jony Ive is possibly the best tech designer in the world, so I'm expecting it to be awesome.
What does 3's website coverage checker say for your areas? Good or bad reception?

You mustn't have that great coverage by 3 if the GS 2 is poor/worse.

meh, if it does look like that, then all I can say is "BORING!" :p

Hoping it will be similar to some of the mockups that we have seen, where the design is very curvy and extremely thin with literally no bezel, but knowing apple I doubt it very much :p Expecting the same design more or less. If apple do stick to the same rectangle slab design then I can see many many more people jumping ship to the GS 3.
Your network will have to do it. Apple control the codes to unlock them and the network have to request them from Apple.

It may be free however, but it depends.

She got it through Tesco - don't they use O2? Back to Tesco to see if they'll unlock ... should be fun :rolleyes:

Yep, the One X signal is very solid. It gets a signal where my S2 and Sensation cannot.

Could be an option then? What do you think of the X as you have one?

Been using Defy for a couple of days but put sim back in One S tonight. Signal asides the Defy really is poor in comparison. We had some sunshine today <yay> and Defy screen about unusable unless you find some shade. An old phone and it shows.

Probably not. There are about a million various mockups of it, so assume they're all fake until The Verge and Engadget say otherwise.

Apple have to do a good job of it though, and Jony Ive is possibly the best tech designer in the world, so I'm expecting it to be awesome.

I've never taken much notice of iPhones. Not my thing. Had a play with the mrs's iPhone and nice screen if small. Feels solid and heavy though. She has some sort of rubbish screen protector on which is spoiling the job. May peel it off when she's not looking :D
What does 3's website coverage checker say for your areas? Good or bad reception?

You mustn't have that great coverage by 3 if the GS 2 is poor/worse.

Good 'Indoors and Out'. I'm wondering if that Samsung is faulty? No matter, it can go to the recyclers. It is defo worse here than the One S.

Three have 3 levels of coverage on their checker.

Good indoors and out
Good outdoors
White - which I presume is poor to none.

Even the lady at Three said when she checked on their shop signal checker "Oh, you'll have no reception problems where you live" ... Kind of funny now.

Their mast, or the nearest, is on a hill above us and has nothing else in its way to fling a good signal at us. I have a Three mobile BB dongle and it gets full bars in our living room (if it's signal readout is accurate). Before jumping from T-Mobile I tried the big 4 on payg sims. Three came out tops, then T-Mob not far behind. Voda and O2 were poor really. All tested in the ...... Defy+ :confused:
Something doesn't add up.

If their mast is right outside your house essentially, then you should be getting full reception with both phones easily.

IIRC Tesco use giff gaf, which is pretty much o2 so again, if your wife's 4s gets good signal and you say that it is very poor then it just makes no sense :p

Always take their graph with a pinch of salt though, so even though it says good indoors and outdoors, it probably means you will just about get signal, not full reception as for me it shows the same yet all 3 mobiles on 3 get virtually no reception (1-2 bars if were lucky), their coverage map is terrible, o2 etc. are much much better. 3's is way too vague, thank god I am of their **** network! :p
Could be an option then? What do you think of the X as you have one?

It's great, I have no real serious complaints about it.

If you aren't too worried about the battery life, I'd easily recommend it over the One S as the performance differences are small, and the software is exactly the same. The screen makes up for all that anyway (for the most part). Okay, it's pretty big but that's a bonus as well as a negative and it doesn't take much getting used to.

Give one a try if you haven't already.
Something doesn't add up.

If their mast is right outside your house essentially, then you should be getting full reception with both phones easily.

That would be half a mile away! Don't exactly bang my head on the mast when I come out the front door :D

IIRC Tesco use giff gaf, which is pretty much o2 so again, if your wife's 4s gets good signal and you say that it is very poor then it just makes no sense :p

Always take their graph with a pinch of salt though, so even though it says good indoors and outdoors, it probably means you will just about get signal, not full reception as for me it shows the same yet all 3 mobiles on 3 get virtually no reception (1-2 bars if were lucky), their coverage map is terrible, o2 etc. are much much better. 3's is way too vague, thank god I am of their **** network! :p

Hell - believe what a phone salesman tells me or their signal checkers :eek: I don't set any store by it them but you asked.

I pinched the Tesco sim out the Mrs's iPhone but first installed Speedtest on her phone .... 827ms (ping) 0.01Mbps up and down :eek: In my One S Tesco signal was around -103dBm and only 'G'. Three sim in One S -95dBm and 'H'. Tesco sim in One S gave a Speedtest of 637ms 0.03Mbps up and down. Tesco sim in iPhone gives 4 bars out of 5 but in One S it fluctuated between 1 and 2 bars though it did its full bar trick for about 30 secs too? Can't get a signal reading off the iPhone so apart from the four bars I've no idea what signal strength really is.
It's great, I have no real serious complaints about it.

If you aren't too worried about the battery life, I'd easily recommend it over the One S as the performance differences are small, and the software is exactly the same. The screen makes up for all that anyway (for the most part). Okay, it's pretty big but that's a bonus as well as a negative and it doesn't take much getting used to.

Give one a try if you haven't already.

How do I get one to *Try* - apart from buying one then sending it back within the statuary period.
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