Also to give some feedback on the build quality of mine:
I do have a small visible gap at top and bottom, larger on the top, however I cannot fit a piece of paper down there.
Also if I run my finger across the top speaker and over the top edge of the screen, it doesn't feel completely flush, whereas at the bottom it feels absolutely flush. The difference is tiny though, certainly not measurable.
The top left corner of the glass isn't completely flush, so that I can just about feel the edge of the corner sticking up, again, I can feel it, but it isn't really even visible, nor measurable.
The most prominent fault as such on mine is the overhang on the top and bottom right corners, worse at the bottom, and just about visible if I hold it up to the light.
Sounds like quite a few problems, but I've made them sound a lot more prominent for the sake of description than they are in reality. I'm not in denial about the build quality- it could have been better/more perfect, but I'm satisfied with mine, whereas others have received much poorer units.