***The Official HTC One Thread***

Got it in black now and I'm in love!

Only problem so far is it gets boiling being used as a sat nav, black metal with Sun is never a good combo haha
Got it in black now and I'm in love!

Only problem so far is it gets boiling being used as a sat nav, black metal with Sun is never a good combo haha

Google Nav performs shockingly on mine.

It was flawless on the S3 but I've used it 3 times now and all 3 times it's done something to make me rage. It's like its using totally different logic or something.
One thing I really disliked about this phone after using a Galaxy for such a long time is the notification bar toggles (for things such as turning wifi on/off, sound on/off/vibrate only, GPS on/off etc) but I found an app called Notification Togge which allows you to place loads of different toggles and customise it in many ways.

Much more user friendly now and I highly recommend it!
I use power toggles. Excellent app. Only annoying thing is that it has a constant notification in the top left corner. If you make it transparent, it leaves a gap instead. Apart from that though, its good.

Improvements I want to see from HTC:
- get rid of the power saver permanent bar. You don't need a whole bar for a tickbox which most people wont use massively often. Make power saver a button instead as part of a quick toggles bar...

- a quick toggles bar right at the top with the option of having a brightness bar underneath just like on Touchwiz

- change the WIFI icon so it shows upload and download arrows too, instead of just signal strength

- include a percentage battery life in or next to battery bar

- be able to toggle blink feed on or off. Allow it to be removed.

- improve battery history chart

- For some reason in JB you're meant to be able to delete and reply to Gmail emails in the notification bar like you can on the S2/S3 JB. But for some reason you can't with JB on the HO. Nor can you see the message previews from whatsapp conversations in the notification bar.

- Turn off Facebook for HTC sense in gallery. Even though I've ticked "don't sync pictures" it still has downloaded a bunch of pictures that people have put on FB, which I don't care about, to my gallery.

- Enable the damn HTC logo as a customiseable button!!

Just making these very small software tweaks would make it much nicer to use.
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Completely agree with the above.

Although personally would want the brightness slider as an option, think it makes the notification tray look too cluttered/bloated, quite like how power toggles works, click on the brightness toggle and you get a slider popup.

And yup HTC badly need to update their notification icons! Have had them for far too long....

They are there, however, you have to diagonally pinch to zoom out (just mess around as it is tricky to pull of) on the notification in order to expand the notification. I thought this would have been improved with 4.1.2........ and unfortunately due to that stupid power saver notification, the first (really second) notification isn't expanded by default
My car insurance is up for renewal this month and I've managed to reduce my monthly payments by 5 quid, plus my 5 YEAR car finance ends next month (been paying over 200 a month). I think that calls for a nice black HTC One as a treat for myself? :p
good to hear that it wasn't a "permanent" issue :)

It most certainly is! :D I will probably do a factory reset once the S gets sense V5 but I use all the stock apps these days so it isn't as much as an issue as what it was when I replaced every stock app near the beginning :p Can't wait for sense V5, looks soooo much nicer/more modern :cool:

I know! I've really been through some trials and tribulations with the HO! This HO is keeping me on my toes :p

Sense 5 is awesome Mate, so clean, the font, everything about it looks great and it's uncluttered and modern looking. For the first time ever I haven't even installed a replacement launcher like Nova. :D

This one's for you kona - two pictures - one taken prior to the update on my first HO.

Before software update


After software update


Conditions were not the same when taking both photos, nor was the time of day.
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I couldn't live with the sense launcher, it looks awful to use especially the app drawer! :p

Regarding the photo:

As you said, hard to tell since the lighting conditions are different but you can see so much more detail after the software update i.e. the brick wall and it looks like you encountered the iso bug in the first shot but not with the second one.

Looks like an epic update :cool:

The camera is amazing for macro shots.

Am sure that HTC will continue to improve this even further too and fine tune the OIS system even more.

If only review sites updated their reviews with this new software......
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I couldn't live with the sense launcher, it looks awful to use especially the app drawer! :p

Regarding the photo:

As you said, hard to tell since the lighting conditions are different but you can see so much more detail after the software update i.e. the brick wall and it looks like you encountered the iso bug in the first shot but not with the second one.

Looks like an epic update :cool:

The camera is amazing for macro shots.

Am sure that HTC will continue to improve this even further too and fine tune the OIS system even more.

If only review sites updated their reviews with this new software......

I actually don't mind the Sense drawer, it is a bit basic but it makes a change from my Nexus 4. No point having the same looking things on both my phones, it gets a little boring! :o

Thanks for your input re the photo :D

The update has made some very decent changes and if all the rumours about the 4.2.2 update are true then this phone will go from strength to strength.

After my initial mishaps re the build quality of the phone now over with, I can get on enjoying this gem of a phone! :)

You would think that some review sites would but they're probably just lazy or can't be bothered - they really owe it to HTC to update. I know one website who definitely won't though - you know who I'm talking about :eek:

BTW stoosh, is that taken with the sharpness at default setting?

Yes Mate, the pic was taken on auto setting, everything default
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True! Thinking of changing from nova to something like buzz launcher as I am getting a little bored with the "standard" android homescreen look these days.

HTC have probably tweaked the sharpness in the new update, but before the update it was recommended to reduce it by 1 level. I think that photo looks pretty perfect regarding sharpness though, having it set to -1 would probably be better for landscapes, buildings etc. photos.

I really wish HTC would allow you to control the shutter speed as whilst the HTC one shutter is extremely quick and has its advantages, there are also disadvantages.

Yup, doubt we will see any updated reviews especially from SAMarena :p At best just an article/section on the improved camera....

I love how they got the AT&T HTC one, yet didn't push the review to the top, instead they did a blog post about it where as with the US version of the GS 4 and the main review, bumped back to the top with this statement

Update, April 24: Over the past week, we also had the opportunity to spend time with a US version of the Samsung Galaxy S4 for Sprint Wireless. Save for the different bands, the handset's specifications and performance are on par with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 powered device we extensively reviewed.

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