***The Official HTC One Thread***

Gsm-arena seem to have updated their review, Camera section now reflects the latest firmware: http://www.gsmarena.com/htc_one-review-912p8.php

Its good that they have as its one the most visited website for phones by an average user.

Interesting how they don't bump it to the top but did for the GS 4 twice (even for the most minor of an update)................

Should have redone other things like the audio test, battery life etc. too. Certainly put a lot more effort into the GS 4 update :p

Don't think they have updated the GS 4 VS HTC one comparison either, however, updated it for the GS 4 parts.......

Either way at least they updated it.....
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Does anyone know if there is a way to remove the facebook links etc in the gallery, please? All I'm wanting to show there is my local pictures/camera shots. Ta :)

I'd like to know that too!

What are peoples charger connections like? I noticed I plugged my charger in last night and it felt sort of loose, it moved slightly from side to side but the phone carried on charging?

Very tempted to Buy one for the wife on her birthday then borrow it..

...indefinitely. :p

I'd like to know that too!

What are peoples charger connections like? I noticed I plugged my charger in last night and it felt sort of loose, it moved slightly from side to side but the phone carried on charging?


I don't think there is a way unfortunately. :(
Nice 4G speeds in Hull today...

[TW]Fox;24217711 said:
Thats an amazing speed but... what would you even do with such speed on a phone? I can't remember ever thinking 3g was slow..

Agreed, Its ridiculous.

It is a sight to behold witnessing Speedtest giving you those speeds on a mobile phone. I sent myself a 2Mb photo via email and as I pressed send it appeared in my inbox a split second later. Just no delay.

I had downloads in the 40's as well at one point and hit 26Mbps upload as well.

I have a 4Gb bundle but at those speeds it would be used up within 15 minutes :eek:
Depends what you use it for. I've stuck the 5GB bundle on at the moment but will be going up the 8+ during the next couple of months as I use mine as I travel a lot for work. The added speed in the cities for me is great as it means I can pull down iso's and installers much quicker than I ever could over 3G

I'm seeing mid high 20s and into the 30s quite frequently highest I've ever seen on 3G/HSPA+ has been into the mid high teens but that was at 7 in the morning in Manchester and it lasted about 10 minutes.
Got my one today from CPW, no gaps or misaligned top. Very happy. Very nice phone, One X will be for sale once I get it back from HTC (sent off for wifi repair).
Mine was delivered by UKMail earlier, a full 6 hours after their latest estimate.

Still, initial impressions are extremely good. My top speaker doesn't sit flush to the screen like the bottom one does but, in all honesty, I don't really care. I'm confident I'll barely notice during day to day usage. The sound quality when in landscape mode is absolutely astonishing for a mobile device.
The sound quality when in landscape mode is absolutely astonishing for a mobile device.

This is literally what has impressed me most about the ONE. Loudspeaker SQ is on another level compared to all others. Downside is that it makes the phone appear too tall looking.
The online chat feature on the O2 website is pointless. After a very long conversation I came to the conclusion that they were only able to offer me the same deal as on their website. I told them I wanted to upgrade to the HTC one as my contract on my current iPhone 4S runs out at the end of May.

They were not able to price match the deals on mobilephonesdirect but he did say they can only price match high street stores. So I sent him a link to the same tariff on CPW but for £80 cheaper. Nope, can't match that either because the phone is too new. So I asked to speak to the manager. Nope, they're useless too.

They kept asking me what feature of the phone I liked and trying to offer me other phones! It's the whole package of the HTC One that I like. There's no other phone like it.

Has anyone here ordered a HO from CPW recently? It says they're in stock and should be free next day delivery?
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^ Yep, the online advisors are a bit useless tbh. It's not really their fault as they simply don't have the option of offering proper discounts, so like you said it's hard to see why they are even there for sales. I can't complain though, on my o2 contract sim which I use in my Nexus 7, I wanted to add a data bolt-on but the online advisor kept trying to sign me up to a new contract saying it would be cheaper and better etc. He wasn't paying much attention when I was telling him I was already midway through a contract he was too keen on getting a sale so when I finally agreed to take him up on his offer (all I wanted was a data bolt on), he tried putting the deal through then said sorry I can see you are already midway through a contract (what I'd been telling him from the start) so he couldn't transfer me on to a new tariff. He promptly ended the chat... which I then copied and pasted into an email to o2 complaining and they gave me the data bolt-on I was asking for, for free. :D

I spoke to T-Mobile recently about the HO, I pointed them to an offer I'd seen on a 3rd party website, which was on T-mobile and they couldn't even come close to it. The 3rd party site wanted £30 for the handset, T-Mobile wanted £250 :eek: same phone, same contract, same network. Very bizarre.
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^ I think they're just hoping that enough people blindly walk into a much more expensive deal. I can understand why a website can offer better deals but the likes of CPW and P4U are high street stores. There is simply no excuse for any of the big networks to be so much more expensive for exactly the same tariff.

At one point the advisor tried telling me about the 'amazing phone recycle service' they offer to help lower the price. I wasn't falling for that trick. I said there is nothing stopping me from ending my contract, buying the HO £80 cheaper from CPW, still on the O2 network with the tariff I want (or even cheaper from a website) and then still recycle my iPhone to save EVEN MORE money! He didn't have an answer for that. They really are just trained monkeys.
Just had a phone call from O2 trying to offer me more minutes for £5 less a month. I asked whether it's because I had spoken to an advisor last night and requested my PAC code. He denied all knowledge of that and said it was simply because I was a loyal customer who has always paid my bills on time.

I told him that it was a nice offer but I wanted the HTC One and I didn't want to pay £80 more than the CPW offer for the same tariff. I could tell by his tone of voice that he was a very pushy salesman. I asked if he could match the price of CPW. I told him it came to a total cost of £768 over 24 months (inc phone cost). He said I can offer you £37 a month over 24 months and £99.99 for the handset. I typed it into the calculator- £988 total.

Yeah, that's a competitive deal O2! No thanks.
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