***The Official HTC One Thread***

Techradar rated the HTC One as number one in best mobiles phones in the world today. GS4 and XZ came 2nd and 3rd respectively.


Wow that's quite a big deal. I think they deserve it though, aside from storage I'd rate the HTC One quite a bit ahead of the GS4. :cool:

The only drawback is that the camera isn't brilliant outdoors, or as good as other phones, but it's not a big difference generally, and duller shots look better.
Personally I find it a bit stupid rating a phone as the "best" as what those sites think is the best, might not be the "best" choice for the end user, imo it simply comes down to what is more important in the end.

Technobuffalo also rated the one as the "best":


Pretty fair comparison except for the camera area and a few wee things.

Also, is it just me or are half the reviewers/users not aware of all the camera features on the HTC one??? :o :p They aren't all presented like the GS 4, however, the options are there but they are tied to zoe and the gallery i.e. sequence shot, removing objects, always smile etc. you only have the filters and other wee things like slow motion recording to choose from in the actual camera app.
Techradar is more of a mainstream website though, which is why it's a big deal. You're more likely to find your average person researching a new phone on there than Anandtech for example.

Plus, there has to be a winner. Always. :p

Got both phones at the moment with the One as my main phone. The fancy gestures were turned off on the S4 and power saving was off on the One.

Just ran some benchmarks and both phones were plugged into the power:

3D Mark:

HTC One:11540
S4: 11423


HTC One: 12666
S4: 12481


HTC One: 3001
S4: 3026


HTC One: 24836
S4: 25368

Pretty similar. I thought the S4 would have been ahead slightly more due to the increase in clock speed.

The One definitely feels smoother than the S4 during operation.
It must be TouchWiz but you get regular stutters in operation that I have just not had with the One. It also gets very warm during benchmarks!

I can see the pentile effect on the screen as well which I don't like.
Being on the charger might have throttled the GS 4 and even the one :p It isn't recommend to be playing games etc. when on the charger either :p

I expect that we will see the one winning the majority of benchmarks once it gets 4.2.2 as it contains a few improvements in the performance area and iirc the GPU will get a nice boost.

Techradar is more of a mainstream website though, which is why it's a big deal. You're more likely to find your average person researching a new phone on there than Anandtech for example.

True! Hopefully the word will spread amongst the average joes! :p
The main criticism of the S4 for me is it's similarity to it's predecessor. Personally from a new phone I expect new things on both HW/SW fronts.

The XZ and HTC One both deliver here. Saying that my XZ looks bigger then my bros S4 despite the S4 having off screen buttons so Samsung did well with the screen.

Wouldn't mind a HTC one though..

Just reran the quadrant benchmark with both phones running on battery and in the freezer with the door shut:

3D Mark:

HTC One:11466
S4: 11607


HTC One: 12877
S4: 12257


HTC One: 3011
S4: 3245


HTC One: 24336
S4: 25825

Just reran the quadrant benchmark with both phones running on battery and in the freezer with the door shut:

3D Mark:

HTC One:11466
S4: 11607


HTC One: 12877
S4: 12257


HTC One: 3011
S4: 3245


HTC One: 24336
S4: 25825

wtf is that black bar on the htc? is that the stupid design that HTC forces users to put up with that cant be turned off?

if so, thats enough to say no to htc
Not quite that small! :p But yes, it is highly infuriating! :mad:

Supposedly htc have implemented a tweak to remove it in 4.2.2, hopefully will soon find out........
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