You forgot to mention a few months down the line Samsung will still provide support for the latest iterations of android much quicker than HTC ever have/will to this date
emmm what??
The sensation got ICS before the GS 2 (supposedly HTC are thinking about providing JB now.....)
The desire got GB before GS 1 (not officially though)
And HTC still do provide support for most of their phones unlike Samsung who only support a few phones "properly", the one S, X, XL etc. owners will/should be getting sense V5 with android 4.2.2 this summer, which will probably be roughly the same time when the gs 3 etc. get the new touchwiz/4.2.2
Yes the GS 3 got JB like 1 month or whatever before the one X and a bit longer wait for the S etc. owners but it isn't surprising since Samsung only support a few devices, apart from the GS 2 (which only just got the update recently, iirc the sim free owners still haven't got the update??), note 1 (which has only just got the update now), ACE 2 (only got the update recently too) and GS 3, what other phones of theirs got the JB update? (not including devices released with JB). Now look at all the devices that HTC have provided JB for and when they provided the update, not to mention when it came to the ICS update and both companies older phones..... and who are the much bigger company with far more money and probably way more employees
Also, from my experience with the S and reading about other devices, HTC seem to bring more and/or better improvements as opposed to Samsung's updates, which often seem buggy i.e. just go and read the threads here and on XDA when the GS 2, GS 3, ACE 2, note I got their updates, read soooo many posts where people had issues with battery life, poor performance etc.
HTC are good with the quality of their updates, they are very rarely buggy and they bring huge improvements as has been shown with the one X and jellybean and the one S also received many updates that improved more than one area. Samsung seem to have more problems hence why they get a load more updates in comparison i.e. look at the amount of people complaining about the JB update for the note I, ACE 2 etc., not to mention all the problems with bypassing security locks etc., now look at HTC updates, you don't see many people complaining about them, at least not to the same extent anyway.
Many articles etc. that have shown HTC to be better overall in the update area i.e.
Also, might be worth considering that Samsung have added a ton more stuff to touchwiz now and bloated it with a lot of unnecessary stuff and moved further from the stock android layout/UI so updates could take longer where as HTC have moved closer to stock android and sense is less bloated/more minimal than touchwiz now and if they keep to their word, they will/should only have 2 devices to support, where as Samsung will have the snapdragon version, exynos version then will have the note III and GS 4 mini etc. soon
And if you guys want to take shots at each phone, use robbo's thread!