***The Official HTC One Thread***

Good news it looks like 4.2.2 has finally arrived here in the UK, I just checked and got a minor bug fix followed by the full update. Get checking boys and girls.
Yayyy - just checked and there it is. Now, will my crappy signal let me update.....

Edit: Well, bugfix went ok...now onto the main course :p
Are you guys able to get the big update? I managed to get the small update on friday but it just said the phone was up to date on after restarting and re-checking for updates.
Thanks for the info guys! :)

I wonder how long it will now take Vodafone to 'approve' it, and to release it onto their network!
Looking good so far. I've noticed the new pull down menu and the battery % option now, but what other noticeable features have been added?
The following are the known changes after the Android 4.2.2 update on HTC One:

Launcher bar enhancement
Widget panel rearrangement
New lock screen style and widget
Enhanced behaviour of the home button
The death of the black bar
Battery percentage in the status bar
Quick settings
AE/AF enhancements in the camera
Update Ahoy! Nice one. More features than I thought. I hope the new Zoe file format really does help with management because that's been my biggest gripe so far!
Update Ahoy! Nice one. More features than I thought. I hope the new Zoe file format really does help with management because that's been my biggest gripe so far!

Seems to only save single photo and video clip in 100media folder now instead of the 20 or so individual pictures
not in RUU form if that's what you meant?


Here is a stock rom, not RUU though.


I want a home screen. I don't like blink feed and now the home button always takes me there so I want something interesting.

I don't know a home screen full of apps or useless widget.

Any suggestions for something pretty and functional? It doesn't really have to do much.
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