***The Official HTC One Thread***

Did anyone else get two new bits of software installed following the 4.2.2 update?

I've now got KeyVPN and Rescue installed and it doesn't look like they can be removed.

I might have missed them on the list of changes but is there no way to remove them?

Ditto. I also noticed that Google Navigation is gone as well. The nav functions can be accessed via Google Maps though.

Anyone able to answer or point me in the right direction? Might give cyanogenmod a go tonight

That should be all you need.

I don't think Cyanogenmod is ready to use as a daily driver however... might be best sticking with the Sense/GE based ROMs for now.

On the other hand, it might be better to use something like Revone to S-OFF and unlock the bootloader instead of the official method, that way you won't lose your data as the official method of unlocking the bootloader wipes everything in /data.
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Maybe I'll just root it and leave it as it is, that'll just give me access to apps that require root and change nothing else correct?
Anyone having issues with their One using battery whilst switched off? I turned mine off on Monday night with 30% remaining, then turned it on Tuesday morning and it only had 15%. I again switched it off and left it till just now, and it won't switch on so I'm presuming it's dead.

I could understand if I was using the Quick Boot hibernate mode, but that's switched off. Running Android Revolution HD 12.1. Any thoughts?

I'm gonna wipe and reinstall the ROM from scratch, in case something's mucked it up.
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I always switch off when I go to bed (not gonna use it, so there's no point in leaving it on), and I've been using my Nexus 4 since Tuesday.

Can't seem to see a reason why the battery is draining when it's off unless you're using a custom kernel. Bring it back to pure stock and see if that fixes it.

On the other hand... I leave my HO on over night in silent and battery levels only drop at 5% at most...
Aye, it shouldn't be draining at all - my Nexus 4 lost nothing whilst off over last night so that's what I expect. I'm gonna take it back to stock, see if that sorts it out. Hopefully it's just dodgy software.
After today's announcement, let's hope that us HTC One owners don't have to wait for too long before we receive Android 4.3 also!
All we can hope is that it appears as quickly as 4.2.2 did... even on Vodafone handsets, much to the surprise of a lot of their customers! :)
Anyone having issues with their One using battery whilst switched off? I turned mine off on Monday night with 30% remaining, then turned it on Tuesday morning and it only had 15%. I again switched it off and left it till just now, and it won't switch on so I'm presuming it's dead.

I could understand if I was using the Quick Boot hibernate mode, but that's switched off. Running Android Revolution HD 12.1. Any thoughts?

I'm gonna wipe and reinstall the ROM from scratch, in case something's mucked it up.

I don't turn mine off but it has suddenly started using more battery. Whatsapp was draining about 50% of it though.
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