***The Official HTC One Thread***

My HTC one is due to arrive tomorrow, i really can't wait, im really excited to play about with android for the first time, is there any applications you'd recommend i get? I really can't wait to watch some videos on the sexy display, good ridance iphone4!
Sick of T-Mobile and their atrocious signal quality now. I've asked for a PAC code and they obliged but they won't unlock my HTC One until October when I've had the contract 6 months.

They tell me I can unlock it myself at any local shop or market stall but that it would void my handset warranty with them. The new deals from Three are very tempting, but is it worth losing my warranty for (hopefully) better quality and value?
Just read that the HTC one is shipped with the movie Thor on it, is this true? I've actually wanted to see this film for a while haha.
I had my HTC one for a week now love the phone, updated to Android 4.2.2, only issue now is battery drain, saying Android system is using 60% of the battery, anybody know to fix this?
My girlfriend got a HO on upgrade but has decided to stick with her iPhone 4s, will get this one on the bay before I newer handset comes out and the prices crash..... Tried to confine her to try the HTC but I think she thinks its too much to learn android now...
Damn I want to return my to stock as my flash to google edition didn't go to plan. I'm struggling to find an appropriate ruu for this as I need 2.24.401.1. Anything else errors out. Anyone have an link for that ruu, please?

Sadly I updated my hboot without realising revone s-off did not support that version. It keeps core dumping.
Damn I want to return my to stock as my flash to google edition didn't go to plan. I'm struggling to find an appropriate ruu for this as I need 2.24.401.1. Anything else errors out. Anyone have an link for that ruu, please?

Sadly I updated my hboot without realising revone s-off did not support that version. It keeps core dumping.

I don't know how reliable this link is, but it might help.

I read somewhere,,, which I don't think it was on here, that the first time you open 'Dropbox' on an HTC One you will be 'awarded' 23 GB of additional bonus space for the next 24 months.

When I tried this on mine this morning, nothing appeared to happen at the time, although I quickly received an email from Dropbox confirming that the additional space was now available to me.

(If this has already been mentioned, then I will apologise now! ;) )
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