***The Official HTC One Thread***

Yeah you also called them clueless monkeys, there's a very good chance they know more than enough they're just not motivated to share.

I have plenty of experience of choosing not to share knowledge because there's a much quicker and easier route to what is likely the end conclusion.
True (they certainly like to give you that impression anyway!) but chances are they won't know the same as what we here know i.e. they just know the basics like "8MP camera, quad core CPU, big battery, android etc. and nothing else about those areas i.e. the type of camera sensor, big pixels, OIS etc., same for screen, just see the HD/720P/1080P res. and automatically assume it is a "better" screen etc.

They aren't hired for their "knowledge" on phones, they're hired for their "sales talk", team work and customer service.

They are still douches for lying. Just like most parking attendants are douches.


What makes it even more annoying is when you correct them etc. most of them still refuse to admit that they are wrong and a lot act like they know EVERYTHING all because they work there.

Never forget the times I have had in numerous network shops when giving advice to friends on what to get and the sales peoples faces were priceless!

Best one was when my friends GS 3 broke and I showed her the nexus 4 in 3. Of course a couple of sales associates come over and show her all these new mobiles on 18/24 month contracts (she still has over a year to go on her current one....) and try to make her buy the likes of the gs 3 again and even the iphone etc. I said to them, why, when she doesn't "need" that sort of phone (very basic usage) and wants to spend as little as possible? Of course their prices for the n4 were about the same as them and mentioned that, I said, nope you can get it on google play for £240 (whilst loading it on one of their display devices) and then one guy mumbled "ehhh....... I wouldn't touch the nexus 4 now as they have been recalled due to big problems with them"..... LOL :D

That sort of lying sales talk is what I can't stand!

imo network and phone shops should be a "neutral" ground where companies don't have any influence on the sales associates etc. Such an unfair tactic especially when certain companies have FAR more money to throw at this area than many other smaller companies.
LOL! Good luck in building your non capitalist utopia, and for the record nobody in any kind of sales job is employed for their knowledge, just like in any job they're employed for their potential and then trained accordingly.

Making sales and receiving commissions is what keeps the doors open and the lights on in these shops, that trickles down to the sales associates and they're employed to do what they're told by their superiors to make the company as profitable as possible.

They'll have sales targets and various other KPIs to hit firstly to keep their job and secondly to increase their income. That's what they're doing.

You don't think they'd rather have a job where they were paid enough to be indifferent to whether you bought a specific product? In that scenario you'd end up even worse off because they'd have no incentive to even try and sell you something so it'd be like phone shopping in a supermarket.

I just think your expectations are grossly out of step with what is the realistic outcome in this scenario.

I don't work in a shop, I haven't for ages but trust me the staff view people who come in and interrogate them (funilly enough they're rarely the people with any money or danger of buying anything) as douches too!

And back to the original point, yeah maybe 90% was too high but look back at this thread around the launch, so many QC issues.. if I were in a store I'd be steering people away from a potential headache for all concerned too.
You get that these people are doing what I suspect most of us on here do? ie doing what they need to do to get paid for a days work? This is straight up shop work, not altruistic knowledge dissemination.

I find the way some people sneer at shop workers on minimum wage really misguided and pretty pathetic.

Oh do get over yourself.

I have no idea why you've taken it upon yourself to be the Robin Hood for shop workers, and dont really care. I have shown annoyance over people who are crap at their job as it just makes life harder for everyone and can misguide people who aren't as clued up as some of us on here. You're the one that have brought up the fact they're shop workers. It could have been a random person that came up and said that to the OP and I still would have mocked their lack of knowledge.

And fwiw, no, actually, I bet they don't know anything about half the phones they're flogging, which to me is strange considering, y'know, it is their job and all. It's the same kind of experience you get when you go to a dealership to buy a car or even just to get a service. Just BS after BS. Normally it works though and the customer pulls out their credit card and pays the bill no questions asked, because they trust the salesman knows what he's talking about, which is a fatal error.

Hmmm...I hope the Robin Hood for salesmen don't come and get me now that I've dissed them too!
Hopefully! So far this year HTC are doing very well with updates, htc one x, X+, butterfly (and the DNA I think) have received sense V5/4.2.2 (first "old" phones to get the updated to 4.2.2) and by the looks of things, the htc one will be the first oem device to get 4.3. Now hurry up with the sense v5 update for the 1s (that's if they are even bringing the update..... :p)

Just read a comment by the author there that htc have supposedly enabled/supported TRIM since android 4.1 :cool: Wonder if the other OEMs have, don't think Samsung have as quite a few of my friends galaxy devices slow down after a while (untouched stock rom)
Oh do get over yourself.

I have no idea why you've taken it upon yourself to be the Robin Hood for shop workers, and dont really care. I have shown annoyance over people who are crap at their job as it just makes life harder for everyone and can misguide people who aren't as clued up as some of us on here. You're the one that have brought up the fact they're shop workers. It could have been a random person that came up and said that to the OP and I still would have mocked their lack of knowledge.

And fwiw, no, actually, I bet they don't know anything about half the phones they're flogging, which to me is strange considering, y'know, it is their job and all. It's the same kind of experience you get when you go to a dealership to buy a car or even just to get a service. Just BS after BS. Normally it works though and the customer pulls out their credit card and pays the bill no questions asked, because they trust the salesman knows what he's talking about, which is a fatal error.

Hmmm...I hope the Robin Hood for salesmen don't come and get me now that I've dissed them too!

No its just about showing a teeny bit of respect and/or not being so naive thats all. I'm sure if you have a job you probably expect the same but the main point is the total naivety of walking into a sales environment and expecting completely impartial advise.

Either way I think with a rational head on it's easy to see why staff recommend a bunch of stuff before a HTC despite the fact it's probably got the best hardware and this is coming from someone considering a position with them. Its reality whether you like it or not.
No its just about showing a teeny bit of respect and/or not being so naive thats all. I'm sure if you have a job you probably expect the same but the main point is the total naivety of walking into a sales environment and expecting completely impartial advise.

Either way I think with a rational head on it's easy to see why staff recommend a bunch of stuff before a HTC despite the fact it's probably got the best hardware and this is coming from someone considering a position with them. Its reality whether you like it or not.

It is actually illegal to lie like that saleman apparently did in the UK. If he got mystery shopped by trading standards and got caught saying stuff like that on tape then the store in question could be hit with a big fine, and potential legal action from the manufacturer in question.

Saying that, the mark of a good salesman is selling a customer an item they actually want to buy, trying to force them to buy something they don't want usually leads to scaring them off to "think about it."
Not sure where this is coming from 'Samsung pay more commission' The phone shop I work in Samsung have never ever paid anything extra they do better marketing and their REP is much more concerned about sales/looks in store compared to the HTC rep who tbh does not care one bit !

Samsung have been successful because of their past line up and reputation (HTC to an average person was known as being unreliable, the wildfire series was the most booked in for repair phone at one point -- hence the reputation that HTC have isn't great, its improving though). HTC finally have a decent device and as I own it I can relate that its brilliant but please stop making up stuff that Samsung pay more commission, Not where I work at least.
No its just about showing a teeny bit of respect and/or not being so naive thats all. I'm sure if you have a job you probably expect the same

What are you even talking about? The way you're talking you'd think I just walked into a shop and started insulting every staff member I could see. :confused:

but the main point is the total naivety of walking into a sales environment and expecting completely impartial advise.

I think you're getting a bit confused. No one expects impartial or decent advice when they walk into a phone shop - which is the problem and it should happen. Salesmen should be knowledgeable about their products, be able to answer questions, and, at the end of the day, sell the product to the person.

A good salesman will not have to lie to sell his product. And lets face it, when you've got the iPhone5, GS4 and HTC One in your line up, it's not exactly a challenge find some good things to talk about if someone was looking at them.

Either way I think with a rational head on it's easy to see why staff recommend a bunch of stuff before a HTC despite the fact it's probably got the best hardware and this is coming from someone considering a position with them. Its reality whether you like it or not.

Er... For someone not "in" with the highly motivated and knowledgeable salesman of the highstreet mobile phone world - why wouldn't you recommend an HTC One, even when someone like the OP specifically asked about it?
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Not all sales men are asses.

The one i had when i was sorting out my Three contract was awesome & he said if Samsung didn't give him the free S4 he would definitely have had the HTC One, I go & show him some stuff sometimes with it.
Guy in a three store told me the HO was made of titanium, I couldn't be bothered to correct him.

He then went on to try a hard sell and I left when I just came in for some quick info.
Guy in a three store told me the HO was made of titanium, I couldn't be bothered to correct him.

He then went on to try a hard sell and I left when I just came in for some quick info.

Its a mixed bag really, some places you'll get good people, others not so.
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