Does this one come direct from HTC or will those with phones supplied by Vodafone (for example) have to wait for them to 'approve' it first, do we know?
Does this one come direct from HTC or will those with phones supplied by Vodafone (for example) have to wait for them to 'approve' it first, do we know?
What are you even talking about? The way you're talking you'd think I just walked into a shop and started insulting every staff member I could see.
I think you're getting a bit confused. No one expects impartial or decent advice when they walk into a phone shop - which is the problem and it should happen. Salesmen should be knowledgeable about their products, be able to answer questions, and, at the end of the day, sell the product to the person.
A good salesman will not have to lie to sell his product. And lets face it, when you've got the iPhone5, GS4 and HTC One in your line up, it's not exactly a challenge find some good things to talk about if someone was looking at them.
Er... For someone not "in" with the highly motivated and knowledgeable salesman of the highstreet mobile phone world - why wouldn't you recommend an HTC One, even when someone like the OP specifically asked about it?
Not all sales men are asses.
The one i had when i was sorting out my Three contract was awesome & he said if Samsung didn't give him the free S4 he would definitely have had the HTC One, I go & show him some stuff sometimes with it.
Not sure where this is coming from 'Samsung pay more commission' The phone shop I work in Samsung have never ever paid anything extra they do better marketing and their REP is much more concerned about sales/looks in store compared to the HTC rep who tbh does not care one bit !
Samsung have been successful because of their past line up and reputation (HTC to an average person was known as being unreliable, the wildfire series was the most booked in for repair phone at one point -- hence the reputation that HTC have isn't great, its improving though). HTC finally have a decent device and as I own it I can relate that its brilliant but please stop making up stuff that Samsung pay more commission, Not where I work at least.
You can always check to see if it's available for you on your device you know.
If your phone is unbranded (such as buying it SIM free or buying it from places such as CW/P4U) then you'll get updates directly from HTC. If you bought it with a contract directly from the network, then chances are it's branded and the updates will be coming from them.
You can check if it's branded or unbranded by checking the CID with this app:
The unbranded UK CID is HTC_001.
Whats the best deal on these at the moment for a low user (100mins / 500 text / 500 - 750mb ish)
any idea how much htc charge to replace the screen? as i have s-offed my phone should i s-on before sending it back? also would you wipe your phone before sending it back?
O2 handsets have had the new update, with the Google key board fix etc for 25.76mb
Interesting my sim free handset got the update but was 31mb including accessory's for the one mini?
Same here - 31mb.......and the mention of One Mini accessories ??![]()
It's the HTC mini
Their dumb phone which connect via BT