***The Official HTC One Thread***

Does this one come direct from HTC or will those with phones supplied by Vodafone (for example) have to wait for them to 'approve' it first, do we know?
Does this one come direct from HTC or will those with phones supplied by Vodafone (for example) have to wait for them to 'approve' it first, do we know?

You can always check to see if it's available for you on your device you know.
Also yes this fixes the issue with Google Keyboard.
Does this one come direct from HTC or will those with phones supplied by Vodafone (for example) have to wait for them to 'approve' it first, do we know?

If your phone is unbranded (such as buying it SIM free or buying it from places such as CW/P4U) then you'll get updates directly from HTC. If you bought it with a contract directly from the network, then chances are it's branded and the updates will be coming from them.

You can check if it's branded or unbranded by checking the CID with this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.tritonsoft.cidgetter&hl=en

The unbranded UK CID is HTC_001.
What are you even talking about? The way you're talking you'd think I just walked into a shop and started insulting every staff member I could see. :confused:

I think you're getting a bit confused. No one expects impartial or decent advice when they walk into a phone shop - which is the problem and it should happen. Salesmen should be knowledgeable about their products, be able to answer questions, and, at the end of the day, sell the product to the person.

A good salesman will not have to lie to sell his product. And lets face it, when you've got the iPhone5, GS4 and HTC One in your line up, it's not exactly a challenge find some good things to talk about if someone was looking at them.

Er... For someone not "in" with the highly motivated and knowledgeable salesman of the highstreet mobile phone world - why wouldn't you recommend an HTC One, even when someone like the OP specifically asked about it?

Sorry this is all getting a bit keyboard warrior-y which wasn't my intention, I suppose having done this for a while (I stopped in 2002 but spent 5 occasionally happy years at Carphone) I've been on the receiving end of people assuming I'm a "sales monkey" and I've been spoken down to plenty of times by know alls who often don't know all and it is incredibly frustrating when you're just trying to do your job which specifically is not specced to be a customer evangelist but to make as much money as possible for the company and by extension yourself.

I suppose the sad fact in some senses is that these are shops, you're supposed to walk in expecting something to be sold to you, they don't advertise that they're impartial so don't expect it (certainly not network shops thats for sure, I guess P4U and CPW perhaps still do).

But you do also have a minimum service expectation that you should be asked some questions to ascertain what you'd be best off having, which was always how CPW marketed themselves as impartial. In reality they were anything but with various network or manufacturer incentives skewing the picture, overstock clearance bonuses to consider and then just straight up things like getting paid several times as much for selling a contract vs PAYG. Take all that into account and I think it's wishful thinking to expect completely impartial advise, especially if that is "leave here and go buy this from google play" etc. As nice as it would be it's never going to happen as they're commercial environments that need to make money to pay for the staff who may or may not be behaving like moneys.

Your final question I guess betrays the difference between a good and bad salesperson. I wouldn't give you reasons not to buy a HTC One, I'd ask you a bunch of questions about how you'd use your phone etc etc and then recommend something. If I needed to I could certainly find reasons not to buy one but you can do that with anything.

Not all sales men are asses.

The one i had when i was sorting out my Three contract was awesome & he said if Samsung didn't give him the free S4 he would definitely have had the HTC One, I go & show him some stuff sometimes with it.

Exactly this... I suspect the main issue however with phone shops is they target predominantly very young staff, have high turnover (P4Us is insane, way over 100% I believe) and are just doing the job for the sake of doing a job. I remember when I joined CPW a degree was the minimum requirement and the branch manager was a trained solicitor. But then it was all contract and the rewards were ridiculous. Different times!

To be honest if I didn't have a work S4 my money would likely go with a One, I keep looking but I can't justify the money for yet another phone.

Although the 2nd hand prices are coming down slowly (not as fast as the S4 strangely enough) are there still any QC issues with new ones or have they managed to get all the screens flush etc now?

And how dangerous is flashing a new ROM? I remember it was fairly hard work with my One S?
We're getting less and less reports coming in about QC issues. I wouldn't have thought it's 100% sorted yet though.

Flashing (if you're not worried about your warranty) is as simple as getting an unlock code from htcdev, flashing recovery then whatever rom you want.
Not sure where this is coming from 'Samsung pay more commission' The phone shop I work in Samsung have never ever paid anything extra they do better marketing and their REP is much more concerned about sales/looks in store compared to the HTC rep who tbh does not care one bit !

Samsung have been successful because of their past line up and reputation (HTC to an average person was known as being unreliable, the wildfire series was the most booked in for repair phone at one point -- hence the reputation that HTC have isn't great, its improving though). HTC finally have a decent device and as I own it I can relate that its brilliant but please stop making up stuff that Samsung pay more commission, Not where I work at least.

Maybe I worded it wrong might not be commission but definately kick backs from the rep. Lots of love 2 shop vouchers and other incentives that the other companies just don't have . RIM are the next best but by a massive margin.

Most phones we grt back are the dreaded 9900!

To be hhonest I understand both sides of the coin. I see every day there is deceit by my colleagues just because it's easier to sell based on reputation of the product than a customer needing it/ having to actually sell and push features of an unknown phone. And most people that come to a phone shop arnt us forum people, it's the elderly or people that work near or people who don't search o line for bargains etc.

Very rarely do we get above average knowledgeable people, but when we do, they always think they are better than the people working here, and look down on us, without given a chance. Each time I have interacted, they are shocked that my knowledge is on par/ more than theirs and are happy, but to my colleagues I have seen them waste their time for no reason.

We are sales people at the end of the day, sales are what's needed. I'm sure everyone has a boss who is pushing targets on you. We all do. So we do what needs to be done in the most efficient manner, because I'm the end of the day, before the morale goodness of telling someone about why an HTC one or a nexus 4 might be better than the galaxy s or iPhone, which will involve demos and features etc etc, we have targets to hit within a certain time and money in our pocket as in anyone's job is more important.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not one of those people, I'm for ever a fan boi of both excuse devices and htc, and palm, so first thing first is pushing those (no longer palm though :() for me, until or unless the person really requires something else or I can't get through, but i see my colleagues and I fully understand why they will give the customers what's popular. Less selling is needed and maybe you can get more sales that way
You can always check to see if it's available for you on your device you know.

Yes, I am aware of that fact thank you, but it told me that there weren't any updates available... hence my question!

If your phone is unbranded (such as buying it SIM free or buying it from places such as CW/P4U) then you'll get updates directly from HTC. If you bought it with a contract directly from the network, then chances are it's branded and the updates will be coming from them.

You can check if it's branded or unbranded by checking the CID with this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.tritonsoft.cidgetter&hl=en

The unbranded UK CID is HTC_001.

Thank you for a helpful reply!

My phone came from Vodafone and its CID is VODAP001 (according to the app!) so it does look as if I will have to wait a bit longer for the latest update.

I just hope that they release it (as well as 4.3) just as quickly as they did with 4.2.2 which was on virtually the same day that it became available here in the U.K.
any idea how much htc charge to replace the screen? as i have s-offed my phone should i s-on before sending it back? also would you wipe your phone before sending it back?
Whats the best deal on these at the moment for a low user (100mins / 500 text / 500 - 750mb ish)

You can get one for free for about £22 a month (after cashback, £31 before) on Orange. 400mins, unlimited texts and 750mb data. I realise that it's more mins and texts than you need but as this is a flagship phone there isn't anything lower, only ones with 100mins I can find also have 100mb of data which you say isn't enough and are £20-21 anyway.

Check some of the compare websites, since they do computers I can't really link to it.
any idea how much htc charge to replace the screen? as i have s-offed my phone should i s-on before sending it back? also would you wipe your phone before sending it back?

As it's not a warranty repair it shouldn't matter to be honest.

If you want to be super safe you could flash an ruu and s-on but as I said, it shouldn't matter really.
Had a quick look at the previous pages but couldn't find any mention of cleaning the front speaker grill. Mine has got a load of dust in which I'd like to remove, has anyone done this? I've tried the app to remove dust from the speaker but that didn't work. Can you remove the front cover of the phone and clean it that way?
Had a look elsewhere but most articles are about the One X.
We got two of these in work yesterday and neither will connect to our firms wifi, Just gets an authentication error. Both connect fine to their respective home wifi set ups. Anyone had anything similar.?
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