***The Official HTC One Thread***

Really? That's disappointing......

Would it be fairly easy to flash it to the Google Play ROM then do you think? I've not really dabbled in rooting / flashing handsets yet hence me asking for the out the box solution.
Really? That's disappointing......

Would it be fairly easy to flash it to the Google Play ROM then do you think? I've not really dabbled in rooting / flashing handsets yet hence me asking for the out the box solution.

Really easy to do to be fair if you follow a good guide.

If you flash 4.2.2 version you can still use the Sense camera too! But from 4.3 onwards you can't because they have removed more of the framework. Which sucks to be fair cause GPE ROM & Sense camera is awesome!
Well having used 4.2.2 and 4.3 on my S4 with the GE ROM I'd say the chances of you even being able to find the difference let alone notice it is basically nil. If that feature is important to you 4.2.2 will be fine.
[TW]Fox;24865580 said:
How do I get the stock music play to let me browse music by folder or just play a folder? It seems obsessed with making its own auto playlists. I just want to view it by physical folder.

Is this the stock HTC app or Google Play Music? Does it not do this on the HTC app by selecting 'Folders' at the top of the screen when browsing music?

My HO snuffed it last week. Went to bed with 70% battery, woke up and it wouldn't turn on. Connected to the mains, but no power LED either. Got the phone being collected by HTC today which is good.

Any one had experience with HTC Support before? Good turn around time?

Just phoned them 5 mins ago, mines constantly going into airplane mode mid calls which is extremely frustrating, it also occasionally says no sim detected, anyway as I say I just phoned them and the fella I spoke to was very helpful, its being collected tomorrow by UPS so will report back when it returns to give you an idea of turn around time. The only problem I have is I need a micro to normal sim adapter so I can use my backup nokia 100 LOL
Not sure if anyone reads this thread and is still on the fence about getting one but the rainforest has it for just over £400. Seems like it's still £480 ish at most other places so the cheapest place for a HTC One.
Not sure if anyone reads this thread and is still on the fence about getting one but the rainforest has it for just over £400. Seems like it's still £480 ish at most other places so the cheapest place for a HTC One.

Ever since they (or one of their sellers) were found to be selling 'new' models which weren't, a fact which was mentioned earlier in this thread, their price for these seems to have been falling steadily.
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